Use DeleteLoadBalancer with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DeleteLoadBalancer with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DeleteLoadBalancer.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:


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/// <summary> /// Delete a load balancer by its specified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the load balancer to delete.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public async Task DeleteLoadBalancerByName(string name) { try { var describeLoadBalancerResponse = await _amazonElasticLoadBalancingV2.DescribeLoadBalancersAsync( new DescribeLoadBalancersRequest() { Names = new List<string>() { name } }); var lbArn = describeLoadBalancerResponse.LoadBalancers[0].LoadBalancerArn; await _amazonElasticLoadBalancingV2.DeleteLoadBalancerAsync( new DeleteLoadBalancerRequest() { LoadBalancerArn = lbArn } ); } catch (LoadBalancerNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine($"Load balancer {name} not found."); } }

To delete a load balancer

The following delete-load-balancer example deletes the specified load balancer.

aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer \ --load-balancer-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/my-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188
SDK for Java 2.x

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// Deletes a load balancer. public void deleteLoadBalancer(String lbName) { try { // Use a waiter to delete the Load Balancer. DescribeLoadBalancersResponse res = getLoadBalancerClient() .describeLoadBalancers(describe -> describe.names(lbName)); ElasticLoadBalancingV2Waiter loadBalancerWaiter = getLoadBalancerClient().waiter(); DescribeLoadBalancersRequest request = DescribeLoadBalancersRequest.builder() .loadBalancerArns(res.loadBalancers().get(0).loadBalancerArn()) .build(); getLoadBalancerClient().deleteLoadBalancer( builder -> builder.loadBalancerArn(res.loadBalancers().get(0).loadBalancerArn())); WaiterResponse<DescribeLoadBalancersResponse> waiterResponse = loadBalancerWaiter .waitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted(request); waiterResponse.matched().response().ifPresent(System.out::println); } catch (ElasticLoadBalancingV2Exception e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); } System.out.println(lbName + " was deleted."); }
SDK for JavaScript (v3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

const client = new ElasticLoadBalancingV2Client({}); const loadBalancer = await findLoadBalancer(NAMES.loadBalancerName); await client.send( new DeleteLoadBalancerCommand({ LoadBalancerArn: loadBalancer.LoadBalancerArn, }), ); await retry({ intervalInMs: 1000, maxRetries: 60 }, async () => { const lb = await findLoadBalancer(NAMES.loadBalancerName); if (lb) { throw new Error("Load balancer still exists."); } });
Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example deletes the specified Load balancer.

Remove-ELB2LoadBalancer -LoadBalancerArn 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/test-alb/3651b4394dd9a24f'


Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Remove-ELB2LoadBalancer (DeleteLoadBalancer)" on target "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/test-alb/3651b4394dd9a24f". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

class ElasticLoadBalancerWrapper: """Encapsulates Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) actions.""" def __init__(self, elb_client: boto3.client): """ Initializes the LoadBalancer class with the necessary parameters. """ self.elb_client = elb_client def delete_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_name) -> None: """ Deletes a load balancer. :param load_balancer_name: The name of the load balancer to delete. """ try: response = self.elb_client.describe_load_balancers( Names=[load_balancer_name] ) lb_arn = response["LoadBalancers"][0]["LoadBalancerArn"] self.elb_client.delete_load_balancer(LoadBalancerArn=lb_arn)"Deleted load balancer %s.", load_balancer_name) waiter = self.elb_client.get_waiter("load_balancers_deleted")"Waiting for load balancer to be deleted...") waiter.wait(Names=[load_balancer_name]) except ClientError as err: error_code = err.response["Error"]["Code"] log.error( f"Couldn't delete load balancer '{load_balancer_name}'. Error code: {error_code}, Message: {err.response['Error']['Message']}" ) if error_code == "LoadBalancerNotFoundException": log.error( f"The load balancer '{load_balancer_name}' does not exist. " "Please check the name and try again." ) log.error(f"Full error:\n\t{err}")