Use ChangePassword with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use ChangePassword with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use ChangePassword.


To change the password for your IAM user

To change the password for your IAM user, we recommend using the --cli-input-json parameter to pass a JSON file that contains your old and new passwords. Using this method, you can use strong passwords with non-alphanumeric characters. It can be difficult to use passwords with non-alphanumeric characters when you pass them as command line parameters. To use the --cli-input-json parameter, start by using the change-password command with the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter, as in the following example.

aws iam change-password \ --generate-cli-skeleton > change-password.json

The previous command creates a JSON file called change-password.json that you can use to fill in your old and new passwords. For example, the file might look like the following.

{ "OldPassword": "3s0K_;xh4~8XXI", "NewPassword": "]35d/{pB9Fo9wJ" }

Next, to change your password, use the change-password command again, this time passing the --cli-input-json parameter to specify your JSON file. The following change-password command uses the --cli-input-json parameter with a JSON file called change-password.json.

aws iam change-password \ --cli-input-json file://change-password.json

This command produces no output.

This command can be called by IAM users only. If this command is called using AWS account (root) credentials, the command returns an InvalidUserType error.

For more information, see How an IAM user changes their own password in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This command changes the password for the user that is running the command. This command can be called by IAM users only. If this command is called when you are signed-in with AWS account (root) credentials, the command returns an InvalidUserType error.

Edit-IAMPassword -OldPassword "MyOldP@ssw0rd" -NewPassword "MyNewP@ssw0rd"
  • For API details, see ChangePassword in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.