Use GetAccountSummary with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use GetAccountSummary with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetAccountSummary.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:


To get information about IAM entity usage and IAM quotas in the current account

The following get-account-summary command returns information about the current IAM entity usage and current IAM entity quotas in the account.

aws iam get-account-summary


{ "SummaryMap": { "UsersQuota": 5000, "GroupsQuota": 100, "InstanceProfiles": 6, "SigningCertificatesPerUserQuota": 2, "AccountAccessKeysPresent": 0, "RolesQuota": 250, "RolePolicySizeQuota": 10240, "AccountSigningCertificatesPresent": 0, "Users": 27, "ServerCertificatesQuota": 20, "ServerCertificates": 0, "AssumeRolePolicySizeQuota": 2048, "Groups": 7, "MFADevicesInUse": 1, "Roles": 3, "AccountMFAEnabled": 1, "MFADevices": 3, "GroupsPerUserQuota": 10, "GroupPolicySizeQuota": 5120, "InstanceProfilesQuota": 100, "AccessKeysPerUserQuota": 2, "Providers": 0, "UserPolicySizeQuota": 2048 } }

For more information about entity limitations, see IAM and AWS STS quotas in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example returns information about the current IAM entity usage and current IAM entity quotas in the AWS account.



Key Value Users 7 GroupPolicySizeQuota 5120 PolicyVersionsInUseQuota 10000 ServerCertificatesQuota 20 AccountSigningCertificatesPresent 0 AccountAccessKeysPresent 0 Groups 3 UsersQuota 5000 RolePolicySizeQuota 10240 UserPolicySizeQuota 2048 GroupsPerUserQuota 10 AssumeRolePolicySizeQuota 2048 AttachedPoliciesPerGroupQuota 2 Roles 9 VersionsPerPolicyQuota 5 GroupsQuota 100 PolicySizeQuota 5120 Policies 5 RolesQuota 250 ServerCertificates 0 AttachedPoliciesPerRoleQuota 2 MFADevicesInUse 2 PoliciesQuota 1000 AccountMFAEnabled 1 Providers 2 InstanceProfilesQuota 100 MFADevices 4 AccessKeysPerUserQuota 2 AttachedPoliciesPerUserQuota 2 SigningCertificatesPerUserQuota 2 PolicyVersionsInUse 4 InstanceProfiles 1 ...
  • For API details, see GetAccountSummary in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

def get_summary(): """ Gets a summary of account usage. :return: The summary of account usage. """ try: summary = iam.AccountSummary() logger.debug(summary.summary_map) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get a summary for your account.") raise else: return summary.summary_map
  • For API details, see GetAccountSummary in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.