Use GetAlias with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use GetAlias with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetAlias.


To retrieve details about a function alias

The following get-alias example displays details for the alias named LIVE on the my-function Lambda function.

aws lambda get-alias \ --function-name my-function \ --name LIVE


{ "FunctionVersion": "3", "Name": "LIVE", "AliasArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function:LIVE", "RevisionId": "594f41fb-b85f-4c20-95c7-6ca5f2a92c93", "Description": "alias for live version of function" }

For more information, see Configuring AWS Lambda Function Aliases in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see GetAlias in AWS CLI Command Reference.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example retrieves the Routing Config weights for a specific Lambda Function Alias.

Get-LMAlias -FunctionName "MylambdaFunction123" -Name "newlabel1" -Select RoutingConfig


AdditionalVersionWeights ------------------------ {[1, 0.6]}
  • For API details, see GetAlias in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.