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AWS CloudFormation examples using Tools for PowerShell
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Tools for PowerShell with AWS CloudFormation.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns a collection of Stack instances describing all of the user's stacks.
Example 2: Returns a Stack instance describing the specified stack
Get-CFNStack -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see DescribeStacks in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStackEvent
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns all stack related events for the specified stack.
Get-CFNStackEvent -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see DescribeStackEvents in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStackResource
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns the description of a resource identified in the template associated with the specified stack by the logical ID "MyDBInstance".
Get-CFNStackResource -StackName "myStack" -LogicalResourceId "MyDBInstance"
For API details, see DescribeStackResource in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStackResourceList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns the AWS resource descriptions for up to 100 resources associated with the specified stack. To obtain details of all resources associated with a stack use the Get-CFNStackResourceSummary, which also supports manual paging of the results.
Get-CFNStackResourceList -StackName "myStack"
Example 2: Returns the description of the Amazon EC2 instance identified in the template associated with the specified stack by the logical ID "Ec2Instance".
Get-CFNStackResourceList -StackName "myStack" -LogicalResourceId "Ec2Instance"
Example 3: Returns the description of up to 100 resources associated with the stack containing an Amazon EC2 instance identified by instance ID "i-123456". To obtain details of all resources associated with a stack use the Get-CFNStackResourceSummary, which also supports manual paging of the results.
Get-CFNStackResourceList -PhysicalResourceId "i-123456"
Example 4: Returns the description of the Amazon EC2 instance identified by the logical ID "Ec2Instance" in the template for a stack. The stack is identified using the physical resource ID of a resource it contains, in this case also an Amazon EC2 instance with instance ID "i-123456". A different physical resource could also be used to identify the stack depending on the template content, for example an Amazon S3 bucket.
Get-CFNStackResourceList -PhysicalResourceId "i-123456" -LogicalResourceId "Ec2Instance"
For API details, see DescribeStackResources in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStackResourceSummary
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns descriptions of all the resources associated with the specified stack.
Get-CFNStackResourceSummary -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see ListStackResources in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNStackSummary
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns summary information for all stacks.
Example 2: Returns summary information for all stacks that are currently being created.
Get-CFNStackSummary -StackStatusFilter "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS"
Example 3: Returns summary information for all stacks that are currently being created or updated.
Get-CFNStackSummary -StackStatusFilter @("CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS")
For API details, see ListStacks in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFNTemplate
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns the template associated with the specified stack.
Get-CFNTemplate -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see GetTemplate in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Measure-CFNTemplateCost
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns an AWS Simple Monthly Calculator URL with a query string that describes the resources required to run the template. The template is obtained from the specified Amazon S3 URL and the single customization parameter applied. The parameter can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Measure-CFNTemplateCost -TemplateURL ` -Region us-west-1 ` -Parameter @{ ParameterKey="KeyName"; ParameterValue="myKeyPairName" }
Example 2: Returns an AWS Simple Monthly Calculator URL with a query string that describes the resources required to run the template. The template is parsed from the supplied content and the customization parameters applied (this example assumes the template content would have declared two parameters, 'KeyName' and 'InstanceType'). The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Measure-CFNTemplateCost -TemplateBody "{TEMPLATE CONTENT HERE}" ` -Parameter @( @{ ParameterKey="KeyName"; ParameterValue="myKeyPairName" },` @{ ParameterKey="InstanceType"; ParameterValue="m1.large" })
Example 3: Uses New-Object to build the set of template parameters and returns an AWS Simple Monthly Calculator URL with a query string that describes the resources required to run the template. The template is parsed from the supplied content, with customization parameters (this example assumes the template content would have declared two parameters, 'KeyName' and 'InstanceType').
$p1 = New-Object -Type Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter $p1.ParameterKey = "KeyName" $p1.ParameterValue = "myKeyPairName" $p2 = New-Object -Type Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter $p2.ParameterKey = "InstanceType" $p2.ParameterValue = "m1.large" Measure-CFNTemplateCost -TemplateBody "{TEMPLATE CONTENT HERE}" -Parameter @( $p1, $p2 )
For API details, see EstimateTemplateCost in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use New-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Creates a new stack with the specified name. The template is parsed from the supplied content with customization parameters ('PK1' and 'PK2' represent the names of parameters declared in the template content, 'PV1' and 'PV2' represent the values for those parameters. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'. If creation of the stack fails, it will not be rolled back.
New-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateBody "{TEMPLATE CONTENT HERE}" ` -Parameter @( @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }, @{ ParameterKey="PK2"; ParameterValue="PV2" }) ` -DisableRollback $true
Example 2: Creates a new stack with the specified name. The template is parsed from the supplied content with customization parameters ('PK1' and 'PK2' represent the names of parameters declared in the template content, 'PV1' and 'PV2' represent the values for those parameters. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'. If creation of the stack fails, it will be rolled back.
$p1 = New-Object -Type Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter $p1.ParameterKey = "PK1" $p1.ParameterValue = "PV1" $p2 = New-Object -Type Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter $p2.ParameterKey = "PK2" $p2.ParameterValue = "PV2" New-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateBody "{TEMPLATE CONTENT HERE}" ` -Parameter @( $p1, $p2 ) ` -OnFailure "ROLLBACK"
Example 3: Creates a new stack with the specified name. The template is obtained from the Amazon S3 URL with customization parameters ('PK1' represents the name of a parameter declared in the template content, 'PV1' represents the value for the parameter. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'. If creation of the stack fails, it will be rolled back (same as specifying -DisableRollback $false).
New-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateURL ` -Parameter @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }
Example 4: Creates a new stack with the specified name. The template is obtained from the Amazon S3 URL with customization parameters ('PK1' represents the name of a parameter declared in the template content, 'PV1' represents the value for the parameter. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'. If creation of the stack fails, it will be rolled back (same as specifying -DisableRollback $false). The specified notification AENs will receive published stack-related events.
New-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateURL ` -Parameter @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" } ` -NotificationARN @( "arn1", "arn2" )
For API details, see CreateStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Remove-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Deletes the specified stack.
Remove-CFNStack -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see DeleteStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Resume-CFNUpdateRollback
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Continues rollback of the named stack, which should be in the state 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED'. If the continued rollback is successful, the stack will enter state 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE'.
Resume-CFNUpdateRollback -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see ContinueUpdateRollback in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Stop-CFNUpdateStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Cancels an update on the specified stack.
Stop-CFNUpdateStack -StackName "myStack"
For API details, see CancelUpdateStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Test-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Tests if the stack has reached one of the states UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, CREATE_COMPLETE, ROLLBACK_COMPLETE or UPDATE_COMPLETE.
Test-CFNStack -StackName MyStack
Example 2: Tests if the stack has reached a status of either UPDATE_COMPLETE or UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.
For API details, see Test-CFNStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Test-CFNTemplate
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Validates the specified template content. The output details the capabilities, description and parameters of the template.
Test-CFNTemplate -TemplateBody "{TEMPLATE CONTENT HERE}"
Example 2: Validates the specified template accessed via an Amazon S3 URL. The output details the capabilities, description and parameters of the template.
Test-CFNTemplate -TemplateURL
For API details, see ValidateTemplate in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Update-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Updates the stack 'myStack' with the specified template and customization parameters. 'PK1' represents the name of a parameter declared in the template and 'PV1' represents its value. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Update-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateBody "{Template Content Here}" ` -Parameter @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }
Example 2: Updates the stack 'myStack' with the specified template and customization parameters. 'PK1' and 'PK2' represent the names of parameters declared in the template, 'PV1' and 'PV2' represents their requested values. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Update-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateBody "{Template Content Here}" ` -Parameter @( @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }, @{ ParameterKey="PK2"; ParameterValue="PV2" } )
Example 3: Updates the stack 'myStack' with the specified template and customization parameters. 'PK1' represents the name of a parameter declared in the template and 'PV2' represents its value. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Update-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" -TemplateBody "{Template Content Here}" -Parameters @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }
Example 4: Updates the stack 'myStack' with the specified template, obtained from Amazon S3, and customization parameters. 'PK1' and 'PK2' represent the names of parameters declared in the template, 'PV1' and 'PV2' represents their requested values. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'.
Update-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateURL ` -Parameter @( @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }, @{ ParameterKey="PK2"; ParameterValue="PV2" } )
Example 5: Updates the stack 'myStack', which is assumed in this example to contain IAM resources, with the specified template, obtained from Amazon S3, and customization parameters. 'PK1' and 'PK2' represent the names of parameters declared in the template, 'PV1' and 'PV2' represents their requested values. The customization parameters can also be specified using 'Key' and 'Value' instead of 'ParameterKey' and 'ParameterValue'. Stacks containing IAM resources require you to specify the -Capabilities "CAPABILITY_IAM" parameter otherwise the update will fail with an 'InsufficientCapabilities' error.
Update-CFNStack -StackName "myStack" ` -TemplateURL ` -Parameter @( @{ ParameterKey="PK1"; ParameterValue="PV1" }, @{ ParameterKey="PK2"; ParameterValue="PV2" } ) ` -Capabilities "CAPABILITY_IAM"
For API details, see UpdateStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Wait-CFNStack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Tests if the stack has reached one of the states UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, CREATE_COMPLETE, ROLLBACK_COMPLETE or UPDATE_COMPLETE. If the stack is not at one of the states the command sleeps for two seconds before testing status again. This is repeated until the stack reaches one of the requested states or the default timeout period of 60 seconds elapses. If the timeout period is exceeded an exception is thrown. If the stack reaches one of the requested states within the timeout period it is returned to the pipeline.
$stack = Wait-CFNStack -StackName MyStack
Example 2: This example waits for a total of 5 minutes (300 seconds) for the stack to reach either of the specified states. In this example the state is reached before the timeout and therefore the stack object is returned to the pipeline.
Wait-CFNStack -StackName MyStack -Timeout 300 -Status CREATE_COMPLETE,ROLLBACK_COMPLETE
Capabilities : {CAPABILITY_IAM} ChangeSetId : CreationTime : 6/1/2017 9:29:33 AM Description : AWS CloudFormation Sample Template ec2_instance_with_instance_profile: Create an EC2 instance with an associated instance profile. **WARNING** This template creates one or more Amazon EC2 instances and an Amazon SQS queue. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. DisableRollback : False LastUpdatedTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM NotificationARNs : {} Outputs : {} Parameters : {} RoleARN : StackId : arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/MyStack/7ea87b50-46e7-11e7-9c9b-503a90a9c4d1 StackName : MyStack StackStatus : CREATE_COMPLETE StackStatusReason : Tags : {} TimeoutInMinutes : 0
Example 3: This example shows the error output when a stack does not reach one of the requested states within the timeout period (in this case the default period of 60 seconds).
Wait-CFNStack : Timed out after 60 seconds waiting for CloudFormation stack MyStack in region us-west-2 to reach one of state(s): UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE,CREATE_COMPLETE,ROLLBACK_COMPLETE,UPDATE_COMPLETE At line:1 char:1 + Wait-CFNStack -StackName MyStack -State CREATE_COMPLETE,ROLLBACK_COMPLETE + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Amazon.PowerShe...tCFNStackCmdlet:WaitCFNStackCmdlet) [Wait-CFNStack], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CFN.WaitCFNStackCmdlet
For API details, see Wait-CFNStack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.