CodePipeline examples using Tools for PowerShell - AWS SDK Code Examples

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CodePipeline examples using Tools for PowerShell

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Tools for PowerShell with CodePipeline.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use Confirm-CPJob.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets the status of the specified job.

Confirm-CPJob -JobId f570dc12-5ef3-44bc-945a-6e133EXAMPLE -Nonce 3


Value ----- InProgress
  • For API details, see AcknowledgeJob in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Disable-CPStageTransition.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example disables the inbound transition for the specified stage in the specified pipeline.

Disable-CPStageTransition -PipelineName CodePipelineDemo -Reason "Disabling temporarily." -StageName Beta -TransitionType Inbound

The following code example shows how to use Enable-CPStageTransition.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example enables the inbound transition for the specified stage in the specified pipeline.

Enable-CPStageTransition -PipelineName CodePipelineDemo -StageName Beta -TransitionType Inbound

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPActionType.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets information about all available actions for the specified owner.

ForEach ($actionType in (Get-CPActionType -ActionOwnerFilter AWS)) { Write-Output ("For Category = " + $actionType.Id.Category + ", Owner = " + $actionType.Id.Owner + ", Provider = " + $actionType.Id.Provider + ", Version = " + $actionType.Id.Version + ":") Write-Output (" ActionConfigurationProperties:") ForEach ($acp in $actionType.ActionConfigurationProperties) { Write-Output (" For " + $acp.Name + ":") Write-Output (" Description = " + $acp.Description) Write-Output (" Key = " + $acp.Key) Write-Output (" Queryable = " + $acp.Queryable) Write-Output (" Required = " + $acp.Required) Write-Output (" Secret = " + $acp.Secret) } Write-Output (" InputArtifactDetails:") Write-Output (" MaximumCount = " + $actionType.InputArtifactDetails.MaximumCount) Write-Output (" MinimumCount = " + $actionType.InputArtifactDetails.MinimumCount) Write-Output (" OutputArtifactDetails:") Write-Output (" MaximumCount = " + $actionType.OutputArtifactDetails.MaximumCount) Write-Output (" MinimumCount = " + $actionType.OutputArtifactDetails.MinimumCount) Write-Output (" Settings:") Write-Output (" EntityUrlTemplate = " + $actionType.Settings.EntityUrlTemplate) Write-Output (" ExecutionUrlTemplate = " + $actionType.Settings.ExecutionUrlTemplate) }


For Category = Deploy, Owner = AWS, Provider = ElasticBeanstalk, Version = 1: ActionConfigurationProperties: For ApplicationName: Description = The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application name Key = True Queryable = False Required = True Secret = False For EnvironmentName: Description = The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment name Key = True Queryable = False Required = True Secret = False InputArtifactDetails: MaximumCount = 1 MinimumCount = 1 OutputArtifactDetails: MaximumCount = 0 MinimumCount = 0 Settings: EntityUrlTemplate ={Config:ApplicationName} ExecutionUrlTemplate ={Config:ApplicationName} For Category = Deploy, Owner = AWS, Provider = CodeDeploy, Version = 1: ActionConfigurationProperties: For ApplicationName: Description = The AWS CodeDeploy Application name Key = True Queryable = False Required = True Secret = False For DeploymentGroupName: Description = The AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group name Key = True Queryable = False Required = True Secret = False InputArtifactDetails: MaximumCount = 1 MinimumCount = 1 OutputArtifactDetails: MaximumCount = 0 MinimumCount = 0 Settings: EntityUrlTemplate ={Config:ApplicationName}/deployment-groups/{Config:DeploymentGroupName} ExecutionUrlTemplate ={ExternalExecutionId}
  • For API details, see ListActionTypes in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPActionableJobList.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets information about all actionable jobs for the specified action category, owner, provider, version, and query parameters.

Get-CPActionableJobList -ActionTypeId_Category Build -ActionTypeId_Owner Custom -ActionTypeId_Provider MyCustomProviderName -ActionTypeId_Version 1 -QueryParam @{"ProjectName" = "MyProjectName"}


AccountId Data Id Nonce --------- ---- -- ----- 80398EXAMPLE Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.JobData 0de392f5-712d-4f41-ace3-f57a0EXAMPLE 3
  • For API details, see PollForJobs in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPJobDetail.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets general information about the specified job.

Get-CPJobDetail -JobId f570dc12-5ef3-44bc-945a-6e133EXAMPLE


AccountId Data Id --------- ---- -- 80398EXAMPLE Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.JobData f570dc12-5ef3-44bc-945a-6e133EXAMPLE

Example 2: This example gets detailed information about the specified job.

$jobDetails = Get-CPJobDetail -JobId f570dc12-5ef3-44bc-945a-6e133EXAMPLE Write-Output ("For Job " + $jobDetails.Id + ":") Write-Output (" AccountId = " + $jobDetails.AccountId) $jobData = $jobDetails.Data Write-Output (" Configuration:") ForEach ($key in $jobData.ActionConfiguration.Keys) { $value = $jobData.ActionConfiguration.$key Write-Output (" " + $key + " = " + $value) } Write-Output (" ActionTypeId:") Write-Output (" Category = " + $jobData.ActionTypeId.Category) Write-Output (" Owner = " + $jobData.ActionTypeId.Owner) Write-Output (" Provider = " + $jobData.ActionTypeId.Provider) Write-Output (" Version = " + $jobData.ActionTypeId.Version) Write-Output (" ArtifactCredentials:") Write-Output (" AccessKeyId = " + $jobData.ArtifactCredentials.AccessKeyId) Write-Output (" SecretAccessKey = " + $jobData.ArtifactCredentials.SecretAccessKey) Write-Output (" SessionToken = " + $jobData.ArtifactCredentials.SessionToken) Write-Output (" InputArtifacts:") ForEach ($ia in $jobData.InputArtifacts) { Write-Output (" " + $ia.Name) } Write-Output (" OutputArtifacts:") ForEach ($oa in $jobData.OutputArtifacts) { Write-Output (" " + $oa.Name) } Write-Output (" PipelineContext:") $context = $jobData.PipelineContext Write-Output (" Name = " + $context.Action.Name) Write-Output (" PipelineName = " + $context.PipelineName) Write-Output (" Stage = " + $context.Stage.Name)


For Job f570dc12-5ef3-44bc-945a-6e133EXAMPLE: AccountId = 80398EXAMPLE Configuration: ActionTypeId: Category = Build Owner = Custom Provider = MyCustomProviderName Version = 1 ArtifactCredentials: AccessKeyId = ASIAIEI3...IXI6YREX SecretAccessKey = cqAFDhEi...RdQyfa2u SessionToken = AQoDYXdz...5u+lsAU= InputArtifacts: MyApp OutputArtifacts: MyAppBuild PipelineContext: Name = Build PipelineName = CodePipelineDemo Stage = Build
  • For API details, see GetJobDetails in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPPipeline.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets general information about the specified pipeline.

Get-CPPipeline -Name CodePipelineDemo -Version 1


ArtifactStore : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ArtifactStore Name : CodePipelineDemo RoleArn : arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole Stages : {Source, Build, Beta, TestStage} Version : 1

Example 2: This example gets detailed information about the specified pipeline.

$pipeline = Get-CPPipeline -Name CodePipelineDemo Write-Output ("Name = " + $pipeline.Name) Write-Output ("RoleArn = " + $pipeline.RoleArn) Write-Output ("Version = " + $pipeline.Version) Write-Output ("ArtifactStore:") Write-Output (" Location = " + $pipeline.ArtifactStore.Location) Write-Output (" Type = " + $pipeline.ArtifactStore.Type.Value) Write-Output ("Stages:") ForEach ($stage in $pipeline.Stages) { Write-Output (" Name = " + $stage.Name) Write-Output (" Actions:") ForEach ($action in $stage.Actions) { Write-Output (" Name = " + $action.Name) Write-Output (" Category = " + $action.ActionTypeId.Category) Write-Output (" Owner = " + $action.ActionTypeId.Owner) Write-Output (" Provider = " + $action.ActionTypeId.Provider) Write-Output (" Version = " + $action.ActionTypeId.Version) Write-Output (" Configuration:") ForEach ($key in $action.Configuration.Keys) { $value = $action.Configuration.$key Write-Output (" " + $key + " = " + $value) } Write-Output (" InputArtifacts:") ForEach ($ia in $action.InputArtifacts) { Write-Output (" " + $ia.Name) } ForEach ($oa in $action.OutputArtifacts) { Write-Output (" " + $oa.Name) } Write-Output (" RunOrder = " + $action.RunOrder) } }


Name = CodePipelineDemo RoleArn = arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole Version = 3 ArtifactStore: Location = MyBucketName Type = S3 Stages: Name = Source Actions: Name = Source Category = Source Owner = ThirdParty Provider = GitHub Version = 1 Configuration: Branch = master OAuthToken = **** Owner = my-user-name Repo = MyRepoName InputArtifacts: MyApp RunOrder = 1 Name = Build Actions: Name = Build Category = Build Owner = Custom Provider = MyCustomProviderName Version = 1 Configuration: ProjectName = MyProjectName InputArtifacts: MyApp MyAppBuild RunOrder = 1 Name = Beta Actions: Name = CodePipelineDemoFleet Category = Deploy Owner = AWS Provider = CodeDeploy Version = 1 Configuration: ApplicationName = CodePipelineDemoApplication DeploymentGroupName = CodePipelineDemoFleet InputArtifacts: MyAppBuild RunOrder = 1 Name = TestStage Actions: Name = MyJenkinsTestAction Category = Test Owner = Custom Provider = MyCustomTestProvider Version = 1 Configuration: ProjectName = MyJenkinsProjectName InputArtifacts: MyAppBuild RunOrder = 1
  • For API details, see GetPipeline in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPPipelineList.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets a list of available pipelines.



Created Name Updated Version ------- ---- ------- ------- 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM CodePipelineDemo 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM 3 7/8/2015 2:41:53 AM MyFirstPipeline 7/22/2015 9:06:37 PM 7
  • For API details, see ListPipelines in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Get-CPPipelineState.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets general information about the stages for the specified pipeline.

Get-CPPipelineState -Name CodePipelineDemo


Created : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM PipelineName : CodePipelineDemo PipelineVersion : 1 StageStates : {Source, Build, Beta, TestStage} Updated : 8/13/2015 10:17:54 PM

Example 2: This example gets detailed information about the state of the specified pipeline.

ForEach ($stageState in (Get-CPPipelineState -Name $arg).StageStates) { Write-Output ("For " + $stageState.StageName + ":") Write-Output (" InboundTransitionState:") Write-Output (" DisabledReason = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.DisabledReason) Write-Output (" Enabled = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.Enabled) Write-Output (" LastChangedAt = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedAt) Write-Output (" LastChangedBy = " + $stageState.InboundTransitionState.LastChangedBy) Write-Output (" ActionStates:") ForEach ($actionState in $stageState.ActionStates) { Write-Output (" For " + $actionState.ActionName + ":") Write-Output (" CurrentRevision:") Write-Output (" Created = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.Created) Write-Output (" RevisionChangeId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionChangeId) Write-Output (" RevisionId = " + $actionState.CurrentRevision.RevisionId) Write-Output (" EntityUrl = " + $actionState.EntityUrl) Write-Output (" LatestExecution:") Write-Output (" ErrorDetails:") Write-Output (" Code = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Code) Write-Output (" Message = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ErrorDetails.Message) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionId = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionId) Write-Output (" ExternalExecutionUrl = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.ExternalExecutionUrl) Write-Output (" LastStatusChange = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.LastStatusChange) Write-Output (" PercentComplete = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.PercentComplete) Write-Output (" Status = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Status) Write-Output (" Summary = " + $actionState.LatestExecution.Summary) Write-Output (" RevisionUrl = " + $actionState.RevisionUrl) } }


For Source: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = LastChangedAt = LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Source: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/20/2015 23:28:45 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = RevisionUrl = For Build: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For Build: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = TimeoutError Message = The action failed because a job worker exceeded its time limit. If this is a custom action, make sure that the job worker is configured correctly. ExternalExecutionId = ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/21/2015 00:29:29 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Failed Summary = RevisionUrl = For Beta: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For CodePipelineDemoFleet: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = d-D5LTCZXEX ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:07:42 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Deployment Succeeded RevisionUrl = For TestStage: InboundTransitionState: DisabledReason = Enabled = True LastChangedAt = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 LastChangedBy = ActionStates: For MyJenkinsTestAction25: CurrentRevision: Created = RevisionChangeId = RevisionId = EntityUrl = LatestExecution: ErrorDetails: Code = Message = ExternalExecutionId = 5 ExternalExecutionUrl = LastStatusChange = 07/08/2015 22:09:03 PercentComplete = 0 Status = Succeeded Summary = Finished RevisionUrl =
  • For API details, see GetPipelineState in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use New-CPCustomActionType.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example creates a new custom action with the specified properties.

New-CPCustomActionType -Category Build -ConfigurationProperty @{"Description" = "The name of the build project must be provided when this action is added to the pipeline."; "Key" = $True; "Name" = "ProjectName"; "Queryable" = $False; "Required" = $True; "Secret" = $False; "Type" = "String"} -Settings_EntityUrlTemplate "https://my-build-instance/job/{Config:ProjectName}/" -Settings_ExecutionUrlTemplate "https://my-build-instance/job/mybuildjob/lastSuccessfulBuild{ExternalExecutionId}/" -InputArtifactDetails_MaximumCount 1 -OutputArtifactDetails_MaximumCount 1 -InputArtifactDetails_MinimumCount 0 -OutputArtifactDetails_MinimumCount 0 -Provider "MyBuildProviderName" -Version 1


ActionConfigurationProperties : {ProjectName} Id : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionTypeId InputArtifactDetails : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ArtifactDetails OutputArtifactDetails : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ArtifactDetails Settings : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionTypeSettings

The following code example shows how to use New-CPPipeline.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This examples creates a new pipeline with the specified settings.

$pipeline = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.PipelineDeclaration $sourceStageAction = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionDeclaration $deployStageAction = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionDeclaration $sourceStageActionOutputArtifact = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.OutputArtifact $sourceStageActionOutputArtifact.Name = "MyApp" $sourceStageAction.ActionTypeId = @{"Category" = "Source"; "Owner" = "AWS"; "Provider" = "S3"; "Version" = 1} $sourceStageAction.Configuration.Add("S3Bucket", "amzn-s3-demo-bucket") $sourceStageAction.Configuration.Add("S3ObjectKey", "") $sourceStageAction.OutputArtifacts.Add($sourceStageActionOutputArtifact) $sourceStageAction.Name = "Source" $deployStageActionInputArtifact = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.InputArtifact $deployStageActionInputArtifact.Name = "MyApp" $deployStageAction.ActionTypeId = @{"Category" = "Deploy"; "Owner" = "AWS"; "Provider" = "CodeDeploy"; "Version" = 1} $deployStageAction.Configuration.Add("ApplicationName", "CodePipelineDemoApplication") $deployStageAction.Configuration.Add("DeploymentGroupName", "CodePipelineDemoFleet") $deployStageAction.InputArtifacts.Add($deployStageActionInputArtifact) $deployStageAction.Name = "CodePipelineDemoFleet" $sourceStage = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.StageDeclaration $deployStage = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.StageDeclaration $sourceStage.Name = "Source" $deployStage.Name = "Beta" $sourceStage.Actions.Add($sourceStageAction) $deployStage.Actions.Add($deployStageAction) $pipeline.ArtifactStore = @{"Location" = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; "Type" = "S3"} $pipeline.Name = "CodePipelineDemo" $pipeline.RoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole" $pipeline.Stages.Add($sourceStage) $pipeline.Stages.Add($deployStage) $pipeline.Version = 1 New-CPPipeline -Pipeline $pipeline


ArtifactStore : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ArtifactStore Name : CodePipelineDemo RoleArn : arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole Stages : {Source, Beta} Version : 1
  • For API details, see CreatePipeline in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Remove-CPCustomActionType.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example deletes the specified custom action. The command will prompt for confirmation before proceeding. Add the -Force parameter to delete the custom action without a prompt.

Remove-CPCustomActionType -Category Build -Provider MyBuildProviderName -Version 1

The following code example shows how to use Remove-CPPipeline.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example deletes the specified pipeline. The command will prompt for confirmation before proceeding. Add the -Force parameter to delete the pipeline without a prompt.

Remove-CPPipeline -Name CodePipelineDemo
  • For API details, see DeletePipeline in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

The following code example shows how to use Start-CPPipelineExecution.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example starts running the specified pipeline.

Start-CPPipelineExecution -Name CodePipelineDemo

The following code example shows how to use Update-CPPipeline.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example updates the specified existing pipeline with the specified settings.

$pipeline = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.PipelineDeclaration $sourceStageAction = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionDeclaration $deployStageAction = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ActionDeclaration $sourceStageActionOutputArtifact = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.OutputArtifact $sourceStageActionOutputArtifact.Name = "MyApp" $sourceStageAction.ActionTypeId = @{"Category" = "Source"; "Owner" = "AWS"; "Provider" = "S3"; "Version" = 1} $sourceStageAction.Configuration.Add("S3Bucket", "amzn-s3-demo-bucket") $sourceStageAction.Configuration.Add("S3ObjectKey", "") $sourceStageAction.OutputArtifacts.Add($sourceStageActionOutputArtifact) $sourceStageAction.Name = "Source" $deployStageActionInputArtifact = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.InputArtifact $deployStageActionInputArtifact.Name = "MyApp" $deployStageAction.ActionTypeId = @{"Category" = "Deploy"; "Owner" = "AWS"; "Provider" = "CodeDeploy"; "Version" = 1} $deployStageAction.Configuration.Add("ApplicationName", "CodePipelineDemoApplication") $deployStageAction.Configuration.Add("DeploymentGroupName", "CodePipelineDemoFleet") $deployStageAction.InputArtifacts.Add($deployStageActionInputArtifact) $deployStageAction.Name = "CodePipelineDemoFleet" $sourceStage = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.StageDeclaration $deployStage = New-Object Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.StageDeclaration $sourceStage.Name = "MyInputFiles" $deployStage.Name = "MyTestDeployment" $sourceStage.Actions.Add($sourceStageAction) $deployStage.Actions.Add($deployStageAction) $pipeline.ArtifactStore = @{"Location" = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; "Type" = "S3"} $pipeline.Name = "CodePipelineDemo" $pipeline.RoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole" $pipeline.Stages.Add($sourceStage) $pipeline.Stages.Add($deployStage) $pipeline.Version = 1 Update-CPPipeline -Pipeline $pipeline


ArtifactStore : Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.ArtifactStore Name : CodePipelineDemo RoleArn : arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:role/CodePipelineServiceRole Stages : {InputFiles, TestDeployment} Version : 2
  • For API details, see UpdatePipeline in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.