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AWS Config examples using Tools for PowerShell
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Tools for PowerShell with AWS Config.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use Add-CFGResourceTag
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example associates specified tag to the resource ARN, which is config-rule/config-rule-16iyn0 in this case.
Add-CFGResourceTag -ResourceArn arn:aws:config:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-16iyn0 -Tag @{Key="Release";Value="Beta"}
For API details, see TagResource in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateComplianceByConfigRuleList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example fetches the details from ConfigurationAggregator 'kaju' filtering for the given config rule and expands/returns the 'Compliance' of the rule.
Get-CFGAggregateComplianceByConfigRuleList -ConfigurationAggregatorName kaju -Filters_ConfigRuleName ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Compliance
ComplianceContributorCount ComplianceType -------------------------- -------------- Amazon.ConfigService.Model.ComplianceContributorCount NON_COMPLIANT
Example 2: This example fetches details from the given ConfigurationAggregator, filters it for the given account for all regions covered in the aggregator and further retuns the compliance for all the rules.
Get-CFGAggregateComplianceByConfigRuleList -ConfigurationAggregatorName kaju -Filters_AccountId 123456789012 | Select-Object ConfigRuleName, @{N="Compliance";E={$_.Compliance.ComplianceType}}
ConfigRuleName Compliance -------------- ---------- ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK NON_COMPLIANT ec2-instance-no-public-ip NON_COMPLIANT desired-instance-type NON_COMPLIANT
For API details, see DescribeAggregateComplianceByConfigRules in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRule
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the evaluation results selecting the output with resource-id and resource-type for the AWS Config rule 'desired-instance-type' which are in 'COMPLIANT' state for the given account, aggregator, region and config rule
Get-CFGAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRule -AccountId 123456789012 -AwsRegion eu-west-1 -ComplianceType COMPLIANT -ConfigRuleName desired-instance-type -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EvaluationResultIdentifier | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EvaluationResultQualifier
ConfigRuleName ResourceId ResourceType -------------- ---------- ------------ desired-instance-type i-0f1bf2f34c5678d12 AWS::EC2::Instance desired-instance-type i-0fd12dd3456789123 AWS::EC2::Instance
For API details, see GetAggregateComplianceDetailsByConfigRule in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummary
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the number of noncompliant rules for the given aggregator.
(Get-CFGAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummary -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju).AggregateComplianceCounts.ComplianceSummary.NonCompliantResourceCount
CapExceeded CappedCount ----------- ----------- False 5
For API details, see GetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceSummary in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceCount
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the resource count for the given aggregator filtered for region us-east-1.
Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceCount -ConfigurationAggregatorName Master -Filters_Region us-east-1
GroupByKey GroupedResourceCounts NextToken TotalDiscoveredResources ---------- --------------------- --------- ------------------------ {} 455
Example 2: This example returns the resource count grouped by RESOURCE_TYPE for the filtered region for the given aggregator.
Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceCount -ConfigurationAggregatorName Master -Filters_Region us-east-1 -GroupByKey RESOURCE_TYPE | Select-Object -ExpandProperty GroupedResourceCounts
GroupName ResourceCount --------- ------------- AWS::CloudFormation::Stack 12 AWS::CloudFront::Distribution 1 AWS::CloudTrail::Trail 1 AWS::DynamoDB::Table 1 AWS::EC2::EIP 2 AWS::EC2::FlowLog 2 AWS::EC2::InternetGateway 4 AWS::EC2::NatGateway 2 AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl 4 AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface 12 AWS::EC2::RouteTable 13 AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup 18 AWS::EC2::Subnet 16 AWS::EC2::VPC 4 AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint 2 AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection 1 AWS::IAM::Group 2 AWS::IAM::Policy 51 AWS::IAM::Role 78 AWS::IAM::User 7 AWS::Lambda::Function 3 AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup 1 AWS::S3::Bucket 3 AWS::SSM::AssociationCompliance 107 AWS::SSM::ManagedInstanceInventory 108
For API details, see GetAggregateDiscoveredResourceCounts in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the resource identifiers for the given resource type aggregated in 'Ireland' aggregator. For the list of resource types, please check
Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceList -ConfigurationAggregatorName Ireland -ResourceType ([Amazon.ConfigService.ResourceType]::AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup)
ResourceId : arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-1:123456789012:autoScalingGroup:12e3b4fc-1234-1234-a123-1d2ba3c45678:autoScalingGroupName/asg-1 ResourceName : asg-1 ResourceType : AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup SourceAccountId : 123456789012 SourceRegion : eu-west-1
Example 2: This example returns the resource type
named 'default' for the given aggregator filtered with region us-east-1.Get-CFGAggregateDiscoveredResourceList -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju -ResourceType ([Amazon.ConfigService.ResourceType]::AWSEC2SecurityGroup) -Filters_Region us-east-1 -Filters_ResourceName default
ResourceId : sg-01234bd5dbfa67c89 ResourceName : default ResourceType : AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup SourceAccountId : 123456789102 SourceRegion : us-east-1 ResourceId : sg-0123a4ebbf56789be ResourceName : default ResourceType : AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup SourceAccountId : 123456789102 SourceRegion : us-east-1 ResourceId : sg-4fc1d234 ResourceName : default ResourceType : AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup SourceAccountId : 123456789102 SourceRegion : us-east-1
For API details, see ListAggregateDiscoveredResources in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateResourceConfig
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the Configuration Item for the given resource aggregated and expands Configuration.
(Get-CFGAggregateResourceConfig -ResourceIdentifier_SourceRegion us-east-1 -ResourceIdentifier_SourceAccountId 123456789012 -ResourceIdentifier_ResourceId sg-4fc1d234 -ResourceIdentifier_ResourceType ([Amazon.ConfigService.ResourceType]::AWSEC2SecurityGroup) -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju).Configuration | ConvertFrom-Json
{"description":"default VPC security group","groupName":"default","ipPermissions":[{"ipProtocol":"-1","ipv6Ranges":[],"prefixListIds":[],"userIdGroupPairs":[{"groupId":"sg-4fc1d234","userId":"123456789012"}],"ipv4Ranges":[],"ipRanges":[]},{"fromPort":3389,"ipProtocol":"tcp","ipv6Ranges":[],"prefixListIds":[],"toPort":3389,"userIdGroupPairs":[],"ipv4Ranges":[{"cidrIp":"","description":"office subnet"},{"cidrIp":"","description":"home pc"}],"ipRanges":["",""]}],"ownerId":"123456789012","groupId":"sg-4fc1d234","ipPermissionsEgress":[{"ipProtocol":"-1","ipv6Ranges":[],"prefixListIds":[],"userIdGroupPairs":[],"ipv4Ranges":[{"cidrIp":""}],"ipRanges":[""]}],"tags":[],"vpcId":"vpc-2d1c2e34"}
For API details, see GetAggregateResourceconfig-service in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregateResourceConfigBatch
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example fetches current configuration item for resource (identified) present in the given aggregator.
$resIdentifier=[Amazon.ConfigService.Model.AggregateResourceIdentifier]@{ ResourceId= "i-012e3cb4df567e8aa" ResourceName = "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:123456789012:instance/i-012e3cb4df567e8aa" ResourceType = [Amazon.ConfigService.ResourceType]::AWSEC2Instance SourceAccountId = "123456789012" SourceRegion = "eu-west-1" } Get-CFGAggregateResourceConfigBatch -ResourceIdentifier $resIdentifier -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju
BaseConfigurationItems UnprocessedResourceIdentifiers ---------------------- ------------------------------ {} {arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:123456789012:instance/i-012e3cb4df567e8aa}
For API details, see BatchGetAggregateResourceconfig-service in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGAggregationAuthorizationList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example retrieves authorizations granted to aggregators.
AggregationAuthorizationArn AuthorizedAccountId AuthorizedAwsRegion CreationTime --------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------ arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:aggregation-authorization/123456789012/eu-west-1 123456789012 eu-west-1 8/26/2019 12:55:27 AM
For API details, see DescribeAggregationAuthorizations in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceByConfigRule
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example retrieves compliances details for the rule ebs-optimized-instance, for which there is no current evaluation results for the rule, hence it returns INSUFFICIENT_DATA
(Get-CFGComplianceByConfigRule -ConfigRuleName ebs-optimized-instance).Compliance
ComplianceContributorCount ComplianceType -------------------------- -------------- INSUFFICIENT_DATA
Example 2: This example returns the number of non-compliant resources for the rule ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK.
(Get-CFGComplianceByConfigRule -ConfigRuleName ALB_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_REDIRECTION_CHECK -ComplianceType NON_COMPLIANT).Compliance.ComplianceContributorCount
CapExceeded CappedCount ----------- ----------- False 2
For API details, see DescribeComplianceByConfigRule in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceByResource
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example checks the
resource type for 'COMPLIANT' compliance type.Get-CFGComplianceByResource -ComplianceType COMPLIANT -ResourceType AWS::SSM::ManagedInstanceInventory
Compliance ResourceId ResourceType ---------- ---------- ------------ Amazon.ConfigService.Model.Compliance i-0123bcf4b567890e3 AWS::SSM::ManagedInstanceInventory Amazon.ConfigService.Model.Compliance i-0a1234f6f5d6b78f7 AWS::SSM::ManagedInstanceInventory
For API details, see DescribeComplianceByResource in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceDetailsByConfigRule
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example obtains the evaluation results for the rule access-keys-rotated and returns the output grouped by compliance-type
Get-CFGComplianceDetailsByConfigRule -ConfigRuleName access-keys-rotated | Group-Object ComplianceType
Count Name Group ----- ---- ----- 2 COMPLIANT {Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationResult, Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationResult} 5 NON_COMPLIANT {Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationResult, Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationResult, Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationRes...
Example 2: This example queries compliance details for the rule access-keys-rotated for COMPLIANT resources.
Get-CFGComplianceDetailsByConfigRule -ConfigRuleName access-keys-rotated -ComplianceType COMPLIANT | ForEach-Object {$_.EvaluationResultIdentifier.EvaluationResultQualifier}
ConfigRuleName ResourceId ResourceType -------------- ---------- ------------ access-keys-rotated BCAB1CDJ2LITAPVEW3JAH AWS::IAM::User access-keys-rotated BCAB1CDJ2LITL3EHREM4Q AWS::IAM::User
For API details, see GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRule in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceDetailsByResource
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example evaulation results for the given resource.
Get-CFGComplianceDetailsByResource -ResourceId ABCD5STJ4EFGHIVEW6JAH -ResourceType 'AWS::IAM::User'
Annotation : ComplianceType : COMPLIANT ConfigRuleInvokedTime : 8/25/2019 11:34:56 PM EvaluationResultIdentifier : Amazon.ConfigService.Model.EvaluationResultIdentifier ResultRecordedTime : 8/25/2019 11:34:56 PM ResultToken :
For API details, see GetComplianceDetailsByResource in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceSummaryByConfigRule
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample returns the number of Config rules that are non-compliant.
Get-CFGComplianceSummaryByConfigRule -Select ComplianceSummary.NonCompliantResourceCount
CapExceeded CappedCount ----------- ----------- False 9
For API details, see GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRule in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGComplianceSummaryByResourceType
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample returns the number of resources that are compliant or noncompliant and converts the output to json.
Get-CFGComplianceSummaryByResourceType -Select ComplianceSummariesByResourceType.ComplianceSummary | ConvertTo-Json { "ComplianceSummaryTimestamp": "2019-12-14T06:14:49.778Z", "CompliantResourceCount": { "CapExceeded": false, "CappedCount": 2 }, "NonCompliantResourceCount": { "CapExceeded": true, "CappedCount": 100 } }
For API details, see GetComplianceSummaryByResourceType in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigRule
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample lists config rules for the account, with selected properties.
Get-CFGConfigRule | Select-Object ConfigRuleName, ConfigRuleId, ConfigRuleArn, ConfigRuleState
ConfigRuleName ConfigRuleId ConfigRuleArn ConfigRuleState -------------- ------------ ------------- --------------- ALB_REDIRECTION_CHECK config-rule-12iyn3 arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-12iyn3 ACTIVE access-keys-rotated config-rule-aospfr arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-aospfr ACTIVE autoscaling-group-elb-healthcheck-required config-rule-cn1f2x arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-cn1f2x ACTIVE
For API details, see DescribeConfigRules in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigRuleEvaluationStatus
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample returns the status information for the given config rules.
Get-CFGConfigRuleEvaluationStatus -ConfigRuleName root-account-mfa-enabled, vpc-flow-logs-enabled
ConfigRuleArn : arn:aws:config:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-kvq1wk ConfigRuleId : config-rule-kvq1wk ConfigRuleName : root-account-mfa-enabled FirstActivatedTime : 8/27/2019 8:05:17 AM FirstEvaluationStarted : True LastErrorCode : LastErrorMessage : LastFailedEvaluationTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM LastFailedInvocationTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM LastSuccessfulEvaluationTime : 12/13/2019 8:12:03 AM LastSuccessfulInvocationTime : 12/13/2019 8:12:03 AM ConfigRuleArn : arn:aws:config:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-z1s23b ConfigRuleId : config-rule-z1s23b ConfigRuleName : vpc-flow-logs-enabled FirstActivatedTime : 8/14/2019 6:23:44 AM FirstEvaluationStarted : True LastErrorCode : LastErrorMessage : LastFailedEvaluationTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM LastFailedInvocationTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM LastSuccessfulEvaluationTime : 12/13/2019 7:12:01 AM LastSuccessfulInvocationTime : 12/13/2019 7:12:01 AM
For API details, see DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatus in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigurationAggregatorList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample returns all the aggregators for the region/account.
AccountAggregationSources : {Amazon.ConfigService.Model.AccountAggregationSource} ConfigurationAggregatorArn : arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-aggregator/config-aggregator-xabca1me ConfigurationAggregatorName : IrelandMaster CreationTime : 8/25/2019 11:42:39 PM LastUpdatedTime : 8/25/2019 11:42:39 PM OrganizationAggregationSource : AccountAggregationSources : {} ConfigurationAggregatorArn : arn:aws:config-service:eu-west-1:123456789012:config-aggregator/config-aggregator-qubqabcd ConfigurationAggregatorName : raju CreationTime : 8/11/2019 8:39:25 AM LastUpdatedTime : 8/11/2019 8:39:25 AM OrganizationAggregationSource : Amazon.ConfigService.Model.OrganizationAggregationSource
For API details, see DescribeConfigurationAggregators in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatus
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample displays requested fields for the sources in the given aggregator.
Get-CFGConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatus -ConfigurationAggregatorName raju | select SourceType, LastUpdateStatus, LastUpdateTime, SourceId
SourceType LastUpdateStatus LastUpdateTime SourceId ---------- ---------------- -------------- -------- ORGANIZATION SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:45:06 AM Organization ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:09:38 AM 612641234567 ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:12:53 AM 933301234567 ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:18:10 AM 933301234567 ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:25:17 AM 933301234567 ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:25:49 AM 612641234567 ACCOUNT SUCCEEDED 12/31/2019 7:26:11 AM 612641234567
For API details, see DescribeConfigurationAggregatorSourcesStatus in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigurationRecorder
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the details of configuration recorders.
Get-CFGConfigurationRecorder | Format-List
Name : default RecordingGroup : Amazon.ConfigService.Model.RecordingGroup RoleARN : arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws-service-role/
For API details, see DescribeConfigurationRecorders in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConfigurationRecorderStatus
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample returns status of the configuration recorders.
LastErrorCode : LastErrorMessage : LastStartTime : 10/11/2019 10:13:51 AM LastStatus : Success LastStatusChangeTime : 12/31/2019 6:14:12 AM LastStopTime : 10/11/2019 10:13:46 AM Name : default Recording : True
For API details, see DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGConformancePack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample lists all conformance packs.
ConformancePackArn : arn:aws:config:eu-west-1:123456789012:conformance-pack/dono/conformance-pack-p0acq8bpz ConformancePackId : conformance-pack-p0acabcde ConformancePackInputParameters : {} ConformancePackName : dono CreatedBy : DeliveryS3Bucket : kt-ps-examples DeliveryS3KeyPrefix : LastUpdateRequestedTime : 12/31/2019 8:45:31 AM
For API details, see DescribeConformancePacks in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGDeliveryChannel
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example retrieves the delivery channel for the region and displays details.
Get-CFGDeliveryChannel -Region eu-west-1 | Select-Object Name, S3BucketName, S3KeyPrefix, @{N="DeliveryFrequency";E={$_.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties.DeliveryFrequency}}
Name S3BucketName S3KeyPrefix DeliveryFrequency ---- ------------ ----------- ----------------- default config-bucket-NA my TwentyFour_Hours
For API details, see DescribeDeliveryChannels in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-CFGResourceTag
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example lists associated tags for the given resource
Get-CFGResourceTag -ResourceArn $rules[0].ConfigRuleArn
Key Value --- ----- Version 1.3
For API details, see ListTagsForResource in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Remove-CFGConformancePack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample removes the given conformance pack, along with all the rules, remediation actions and evaluation results for the pack.
Remove-CFGConformancePack -ConformancePackName dono
Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Remove-CFGConformancePack (DeleteConformancePack)" on target "dono". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
For API details, see DeleteConformancePack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Write-CFGConformancePack
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This sample creates conformance pack, fetching template from the given yaml file.
Write-CFGConformancePack -ConformancePackName dono -DeliveryS3Bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket -TemplateBody (Get-Content C:\windows\temp\template.yaml -Raw)
For API details, see PutConformancePack in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Write-CFGDeliveryChannel
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example changes the deliveryFrequency property of an existing delivery channel.
Write-CFGDeliveryChannel -ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties_DeliveryFrequency TwentyFour_Hours -DeliveryChannelName default -DeliveryChannel_S3BucketName amzn-s3-demo-bucket -DeliveryChannel_S3KeyPrefix my
For API details, see PutDeliveryChannel in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.