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Route 53 examples using Tools for PowerShell
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Tools for PowerShell with Route 53.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example creates an A record for and changes the A record for from to Note that values for changes TXT-type records must be in double quotes. See the Amazon Route 53 documentation for more details. You can use the Get-R53Change cmdlet to poll to determine when the changes are complete.
$change1 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change1.Action = "CREATE" $change1.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "TXT" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.TTL = 600 $change1.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value="item 1 item 2 item 3"}) $change2 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change2.Action = "DELETE" $change2.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.TTL = 600 $change2.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $change3 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change3.Action = "CREATE" $change3.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change3.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change3.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change3.ResourceRecordSet.TTL = 600 $change3.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $params = @{ HostedZoneId="Z1PA6795UKMFR9" ChangeBatch_Comment="This change batch creates a TXT record for and changes the A record for from to" ChangeBatch_Change=$change1,$change2,$change3 } Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @params
Example 2: This example shows how to create alias resource record sets. 'Z222222222' is the ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone in which you're creating the alias resource record set. '' is the zone apex for which you want to create an alias and '' is a subdomain for which you also want to create an alias. 'Z1111111111111' is an example of a hosted zone ID for the load balancer and '' is an example of a load balancer domain name with which Amazon Route 53 responds to queries for and See the Amazon Route 53 documentation for more details. You can use the Get-R53Change cmdlet to poll to determine when the changes are complete.
$change1 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change1.Action = "CREATE" $change1.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z1111111111111" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $true $change2 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change2.Action = "CREATE" $change2.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z1111111111111" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $false $params = @{ HostedZoneId="Z222222222" ChangeBatch_Comment="This change batch creates two alias resource record sets, one for the zone apex,, and one for, that both point to" ChangeBatch_Change=$change1,$change2 } Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @params
Example 3: This example creates two A records for One-fourth of the time (1/(1+3)), Amazon Route 53 responds to queries for with the two values for the first resource record set ( and Three-fourths of the time (3/(1+3)) Amazon Route 53 responds to queries for with the two values for the second resource record set ( and See the Amazon Route 53 documentation for more details. You can use the Get-R53Change cmdlet to poll to determine when the changes are complete.
$change1 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change1.Action = "CREATE" $change1.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "Rack 2, Positions 4 and 5" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Weight = 1 $change1.ResourceRecordSet.TTL = 600 $change1.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $change1.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $change2 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change2.Action = "CREATE" $change2.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "Rack 5, Positions 1 and 2" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Weight = 3 $change2.ResourceRecordSet.TTL = 600 $change2.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $change2.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords.Add(@{Value=""}) $params = @{ HostedZoneId="Z1PA6795UKMFR9" ChangeBatch_Comment="This change creates two weighted resource record sets, each of which has two values." ChangeBatch_Change=$change1,$change2 } Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @params
Example 4: This example shows how to create weighted alias resource record sets assuming that is the domain for which you want to create weighted alias resource record sets. SetIdentifier differentiates the two weighted alias resource record sets from one another. This element is required because the Name and Type elements have the same values for both resource record sets. Z1111111111111 and Z3333333333333 are examples of hosted zone IDs for the ELB load balancer specified by the value of DNSName. and are examples of Elastic Load Balancing domains from which Amazon Route 53 responds to queries for See the Amazon Route 53 documentation for more details. You can use the Get-R53Change cmdlet to poll to determine when the changes are complete.
$change1 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change1.Action = "CREATE" $change1.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "1" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Weight = 3 $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z1111111111111" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $true $change2 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change2.Action = "CREATE" $change2.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "2" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Weight = 1 $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z3333333333333" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $false $params = @{ HostedZoneId="Z5555555555" ChangeBatch_Comment="This change batch creates two weighted alias resource record sets. Amazon Route 53 responds to queries for with the first ELB domain 3/4ths of the times and the second one 1/4th of the time." ChangeBatch_Change=$change1,$change2 } Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @params
Example 5: This example creates two latency alias resource record sets, one for an ELB load balancer in the US West (Oregon) region (us-west-2), and another for a load balancer in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region (ap-southeast-1). See the Amazon Route 53 documentation for more details. You can use the Get-R53Change cmdlet to poll to determine when the changes are complete.
$change1 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change1.Action = "CREATE" $change1.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "Oregon load balancer 1" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.Region = us-west-2 $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z1111111111111" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change1.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $true $change2 = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.Change $change2.Action = "CREATE" $change2.ResourceRecordSet = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Name = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Type = "A" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.SetIdentifier = "Singapore load balancer 1" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.Region = ap-southeast-1 $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget = New-Object Amazon.Route53.Model.AliasTarget $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId = "Z2222222222222" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.DNSName = "" $change2.ResourceRecordSet.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth = $true $params = @{ HostedZoneId="Z5555555555" ChangeBatch_Comment="This change batch creates two latency resource record sets, one for the US West (Oregon) region and one for the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region." ChangeBatch_Change=$change1,$change2 } Edit-R53ResourceRecordSet @params
For API details, see ChangeResourceRecordSets in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53AccountLimit
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the maximum number of hosted zones that can be created using the current account.
For API details, see GetAccountLimit in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53CheckerIpRanges
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the CIDRs for the Route53 health checkers
For API details, see GetCheckerIpRanges in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53HostedZone
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns details of the hosted zone with ID Z1D633PJN98FT9.
Get-R53HostedZone -Id Z1D633PJN98FT9
For API details, see GetHostedZone in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53HostedZoneCount
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns the total number of public and private hosted zones for the current AWS account.
For API details, see GetHostedZoneCount in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53HostedZoneLimit
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns the limit on the maximum number of records that can be created in the specified hosted zone.
Get-R53HostedZoneLimit -HostedZoneId Z3MEQ8T7HAAAAF -Type MAX_RRSETS_BY_ZONE
For API details, see GetHostedZoneLimit in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53HostedZoneList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Outputs all of your public and private hosted zones.
Example 2: Outputs all of the hosted zones that are associated with the reusable delegation set that has the ID NZ8X2CISAMPLE
Get-R53HostedZoneList -DelegationSetId NZ8X2CISAMPLE
For API details, see ListHostedZones in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53HostedZonesByName
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Returns all of your public and private hosted zones in ASCII order by domain name.
Example 2: Returns your public and private hosted zones, in ASCII order by domain name, starting at the specified DNS name.
Get-R53HostedZonesByName -DnsName
For API details, see ListHostedZonesByName in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53QueryLoggingConfigList
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example returns all the configurations for DNS query logging that are associated with the current AWS account.
Id HostedZoneId CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn -- ------------ ------------------------- 59b0fa33-4fea-4471-a88c-926476aaa40d Z385PDS6EAAAZR arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:111111111112:log-group:/aws/route53/* ee528e95-4e03-4fdc-9d28-9e24ddaaa063 Z94SJHBV1AAAAZ arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:111111111112:log-group:/aws/route53/* e38dddda-ceb6-45c1-8cb7-f0ae56aaaa2b Z3MEQ8T7AAA1BF arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:111111111112:log-group:/aws/route53/*
For API details, see ListQueryLoggingConfigs in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Get-R53ReusableDelegationSet
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example retrieves information about the specified delegation set including the four name servers that are assigned to the delegation set.
Get-R53ReusableDelegationSet -Id N23DS9X4AYEAAA
Id CallerReference NameServers -- --------------- ----------- /delegationset/N23DS9X4AYEAAA testcaller {,,,}
For API details, see GetReusableDelegationSet in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use New-R53HostedZone
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Creates a new hosted zone named '', associated with a reusable delegation set. Note that you must supply a value for the CallerReference parameter so that requests that need to be retried if necessary without the risk of executing the operation twice. Because the hosted zone is being created in a VPC it is automatically private and you should not set the -HostedZoneConfig_PrivateZone parameter.
$params = @{ Name="" CallerReference="myUniqueIdentifier" HostedZoneConfig_Comment="This is my first hosted zone" DelegationSetId="NZ8X2CISAMPLE" VPC_VPCId="vpc-1a2b3c4d" VPC_VPCRegion="us-east-1" } New-R53HostedZone @params
For API details, see CreateHostedZone in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use New-R53QueryLoggingConfig
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example creates a new Route53 DNS query logging configuration for the specified hosted zone. Amazon Route53 will publish DNS query logs to the specified Cloudwatch log group.
New-R53QueryLoggingConfig -HostedZoneId Z3MEQ8T7HAAAAF -CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:111111111111:log-group:/aws/route53/*
QueryLoggingConfig Location ------------------ -------- Amazon.Route53.Model.QueryLoggingConfig
For API details, see CreateQueryLoggingConfig in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use New-R53ReusableDelegationSet
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example creates a reusable delegation set of 4 name servers that can be resused by multiple hosted zones.
New-R53ReusableDelegationSet -CallerReference testcallerreference
DelegationSet Location ------------- -------- Amazon.Route53.Model.DelegationSet
For API details, see CreateReusableDelegationSet in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Register-R53VPCWithHostedZone
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example associates the specified VPC with the private hosted zone.
Register-R53VPCWithHostedZone -HostedZoneId Z3MEQ8T7HAAAAF -VPC_VPCId vpc-f1b9aaaa -VPC_VPCRegion us-east-1
Id Status SubmittedAt Comment -- ------ ----------- ------- /change/C3SCAAA633Z6DX PENDING 01/28/2020 19:32:02
For API details, see AssociateVPCWithHostedZone in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Remove-R53HostedZone
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: Deletes the hosted zone with the specified ID. You will be prompted for confirmation before the command proceeds unless you add the -Force switch parameter.
Remove-R53HostedZone -Id Z1PA6795UKMFR9
For API details, see DeleteHostedZone in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Remove-R53QueryLoggingConfig
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example removes the specified configuration for DNS query logging.
Remove-R53QueryLoggingConfig -Id ee528e95-4e03-4fdc-9d28-9e24daaa20063
For API details, see DeleteQueryLoggingConfig in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Remove-R53ReusableDelegationSet
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example deletes the specified reusable delegation set.
Remove-R53ReusableDelegationSet -Id N23DS9X4AYAAAM
For API details, see DeleteReusableDelegationSet in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Unregister-R53VPCFromHostedZone
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example disassociates the specified VPC from the private hosted zone.
Unregister-R53VPCFromHostedZone -HostedZoneId Z3MEQ8T7HAAAAF -VPC_VPCId vpc-f1b9aaaa -VPC_VPCRegion us-east-1
Id Status SubmittedAt Comment -- ------ ----------- ------- /change/C2XFCAAAA9HKZG PENDING 01/28/2020 10:35:55
For API details, see DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
The following code example shows how to use Update-R53HostedZoneComment
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This command updates the comment for the specified hosted zone.
Update-R53HostedZoneComment -Id Z385PDS6AAAAAR -Comment "This is my first hosted zone"
Id : /hostedzone/Z385PDS6AAAAAR Name : CallerReference : C5B55555-7147-EF04-8341-69131E805C89 Config : Amazon.Route53.Model.HostedZoneConfig ResourceRecordSetCount : 9 LinkedService :
For API details, see UpdateHostedZoneComment in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.