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Amazon SES API v2 examples using SDK for Python (Boto3)
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) with Amazon SES API v2.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Scenarios are code examples that show you how to accomplish specific tasks by calling multiple functions within a service or combined with other AWS services.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use CreateContact
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: # Create a new contact self.ses_client.create_contact( ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME, EmailAddress=email ) print(f"Contact with email '{email}' created successfully.") # Send the welcome email self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email]}, Content={ "Simple": { "Subject": { "Data": "Welcome to the Weekly Coupons Newsletter" }, "Body": { "Text": {"Data": welcome_text}, "Html": {"Data": welcome_html}, }, } }, ) print(f"Welcome email sent to '{email}'.") if self.sleep: # 1 email per second in sandbox mode, remove in production. sleep(1.1) except ClientError as e: # If the contact already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Contact with email '{email}' already exists. Skipping...") else: raise e
For API details, see CreateContact in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use CreateContactList
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.create_contact_list(ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME) print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the contact list already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' already exists.") else: raise e
For API details, see CreateContactList in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use CreateEmailIdentity
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.create_email_identity(EmailIdentity=self.verified_email) print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email identity already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' already exists.") else: raise e
For API details, see CreateEmailIdentity in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use CreateEmailTemplate
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: template_content = { "Subject": "Weekly Coupons Newsletter", "Html": load_file_content("coupon-newsletter.html"), "Text": load_file_content("coupon-newsletter.txt"), } self.ses_client.create_email_template( TemplateName=TEMPLATE_NAME, TemplateContent=template_content ) print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the template already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' already exists.") else: raise e
For API details, see CreateEmailTemplate in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DeleteContactList
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.delete_contact_list(ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME) print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the contact list doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' does not exist.") else: print(e)
For API details, see DeleteContactList in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DeleteEmailIdentity
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.delete_email_identity(EmailIdentity=self.verified_email) print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email identity doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' does not exist.") else: print(e)
For API details, see DeleteEmailIdentity in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DeleteEmailTemplate
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.delete_email_template(TemplateName=TEMPLATE_NAME) print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email template doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' does not exist.") else: print(e)
For API details, see DeleteEmailTemplate in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use ListContacts
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: contacts_response = self.ses_client.list_contacts( ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME ) except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' does not exist.") return else: raise e
For API details, see ListContacts in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use SendEmail
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. Sends a message to all members of the contact list.
def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email]}, Content={ "Simple": { "Subject": { "Data": "Welcome to the Weekly Coupons Newsletter" }, "Body": { "Text": {"Data": welcome_text}, "Html": {"Data": welcome_html}, }, } }, ) print(f"Welcome email sent to '{email}'.")
Sends a message to all members of the contact list using a template.
def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email_address]}, Content={ "Template": { "TemplateName": TEMPLATE_NAME, "TemplateData": coupon_items, } }, ListManagementOptions={"ContactListName": CONTACT_LIST_NAME}, )
For API details, see SendEmail in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
The following code example shows how to run the Amazon SES API v2 newsletter workflow.
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. def main(): """ The main function that orchestrates the execution of the workflow. """ print(INTRO) ses_client = boto3.client("sesv2") workflow = SESv2Workflow(ses_client) try: workflow.prepare_application() workflow.gather_subscriber_email_addresses() workflow.send_coupon_newsletter() workflow.monitor_and_review() except ClientError as e: print_error(e) workflow.clean_up() class SESv2Workflow: """ A class to manage the SES v2 Coupon Newsletter Workflow. """ def __init__(self, ses_client, sleep=True): self.ses_client = ses_client self.sleep = sleep try: self.ses_client.create_contact_list(ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME) print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the contact list already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' already exists.") else: raise e try: # Create a new contact self.ses_client.create_contact( ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME, EmailAddress=email ) print(f"Contact with email '{email}' created successfully.") # Send the welcome email self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email]}, Content={ "Simple": { "Subject": { "Data": "Welcome to the Weekly Coupons Newsletter" }, "Body": { "Text": {"Data": welcome_text}, "Html": {"Data": welcome_html}, }, } }, ) print(f"Welcome email sent to '{email}'.") if self.sleep: # 1 email per second in sandbox mode, remove in production. sleep(1.1) except ClientError as e: # If the contact already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Contact with email '{email}' already exists. Skipping...") else: raise e try: contacts_response = self.ses_client.list_contacts( ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME ) except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' does not exist.") return else: raise e self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email]}, Content={ "Simple": { "Subject": { "Data": "Welcome to the Weekly Coupons Newsletter" }, "Body": { "Text": {"Data": welcome_text}, "Html": {"Data": welcome_html}, }, } }, ) print(f"Welcome email sent to '{email}'.") self.ses_client.send_email( FromEmailAddress=self.verified_email, Destination={"ToAddresses": [email_address]}, Content={ "Template": { "TemplateName": TEMPLATE_NAME, "TemplateData": coupon_items, } }, ListManagementOptions={"ContactListName": CONTACT_LIST_NAME}, ) try: self.ses_client.create_email_identity(EmailIdentity=self.verified_email) print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email identity already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' already exists.") else: raise e try: template_content = { "Subject": "Weekly Coupons Newsletter", "Html": load_file_content("coupon-newsletter.html"), "Text": load_file_content("coupon-newsletter.txt"), } self.ses_client.create_email_template( TemplateName=TEMPLATE_NAME, TemplateContent=template_content ) print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' created successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the template already exists, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AlreadyExistsException": print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' already exists.") else: raise e try: self.ses_client.delete_contact_list(ContactListName=CONTACT_LIST_NAME) print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the contact list doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Contact list '{CONTACT_LIST_NAME}' does not exist.") else: print(e) try: self.ses_client.delete_email_identity(EmailIdentity=self.verified_email) print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email identity doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Email identity '{self.verified_email}' does not exist.") else: print(e) try: self.ses_client.delete_email_template(TemplateName=TEMPLATE_NAME) print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: # If the email template doesn't exist, skip and proceed if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NotFoundException": print(f"Email template '{TEMPLATE_NAME}' does not exist.") else: print(e)
For API details, see the following topics in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.