Use DescribePipelineExecution with an AWS SDK - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribePipelineExecution with an AWS SDK

The following code examples show how to use DescribePipelineExecution.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:


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/// <summary> /// Check the status of a run. /// </summary> /// <param name="pipelineExecutionArn">The ARN.</param> /// <returns>The status of the pipeline.</returns> public async Task<PipelineExecutionStatus> CheckPipelineExecutionStatus(string pipelineExecutionArn) { var describeResponse = await _amazonSageMaker.DescribePipelineExecutionAsync( new DescribePipelineExecutionRequest() { PipelineExecutionArn = pipelineExecutionArn }); return describeResponse.PipelineExecutionStatus; }
SDK for Java 2.x

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// Check the status of a pipeline execution. public static void waitForPipelineExecution(SageMakerClient sageMakerClient, String executionArn) throws InterruptedException { String status; int index = 0; do { DescribePipelineExecutionRequest pipelineExecutionRequest = DescribePipelineExecutionRequest.builder() .pipelineExecutionArn(executionArn) .build(); DescribePipelineExecutionResponse response = sageMakerClient .describePipelineExecution(pipelineExecutionRequest); status = response.pipelineExecutionStatusAsString(); System.out.println(index + ". The Status of the pipeline is " + status); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(4); index++; } while ("Executing".equals(status)); System.out.println("Pipeline finished with status " + status); }
SDK for JavaScript (v3)

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Wait for a SageMaker AI pipeline execution to succeed, fail, or stop.

/** * Poll the executing pipeline until the status is 'SUCCEEDED', 'STOPPED', or 'FAILED'. * @param {{ arn: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient, wait: (ms: number) => Promise<void>}} props */ export async function waitForPipelineComplete({ arn, sagemakerClient, wait }) { const command = new DescribePipelineExecutionCommand({ PipelineExecutionArn: arn, }); let complete = false; const intervalInSeconds = 15; const COMPLETION_STATUSES = [ PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED, PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED, PipelineExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED, ]; do { const { PipelineExecutionStatus: status, FailureReason } = await sagemakerClient.send(command); complete = COMPLETION_STATUSES.includes(status); if (!complete) { console.log( `Pipeline is ${status}. Waiting ${intervalInSeconds} seconds before checking again.`, ); await wait(intervalInSeconds); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED) { throw new Error(`Pipeline failed because: ${FailureReason}`); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED) { throw new Error("Pipeline was forcefully stopped."); } else { console.log(`Pipeline execution ${status}.`); } } while (!complete); }
SDK for Kotlin

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suspend fun waitForPipelineExecution(executionArn: String?) { var status: String var index = 0 do { val pipelineExecutionRequest = DescribePipelineExecutionRequest { pipelineExecutionArn = executionArn } SageMakerClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { sageMakerClient -> val response = sageMakerClient.describePipelineExecution(pipelineExecutionRequest) status = response.pipelineExecutionStatus.toString() println("$index. The status of the pipeline is $status") TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(4) index++ } } while ("Executing" == status) println("Pipeline finished with status $status") }