Use DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets.


Example 1: To list all targets for a Maintenance Window

The following describe-maintenance-window-targets example lists all of the targets for a maintenance window.

aws ssm describe-maintenance-window-targets \ --window-id "mw-06cf17cbefEXAMPLE"


{ "Targets": [ { "ResourceType": "INSTANCE", "OwnerInformation": "Single instance", "WindowId": "mw-06cf17cbefEXAMPLE", "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-0000293ffdEXAMPLE" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ], "WindowTargetId": "350d44e6-28cc-44e2-951f-4b2c9EXAMPLE" }, { "ResourceType": "INSTANCE", "OwnerInformation": "Two instances in a list", "WindowId": "mw-06cf17cbefEXAMPLE", "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-0000293ffdEXAMPLE", "i-0cb2b964d3EXAMPLE" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ], "WindowTargetId": "e078a987-2866-47be-bedd-d9cf4EXAMPLE" } ] }

Example 2: To list all targets for a maintenance window matching a specific owner information value

This describe-maintenance-window-targets example lists all of the targets for a maintenance window with a specific value.

aws ssm describe-maintenance-window-targets \ --window-id "mw-0ecb1226ddEXAMPLE" \ --filters "Key=OwnerInformation,Values=CostCenter1"


{ "Targets": [ { "WindowId": "mw-0ecb1226ddEXAMPLE", "WindowTargetId": "da89dcc3-7f9c-481d-ba2b-edcb7d0057f9", "ResourceType": "INSTANCE", "Targets": [ { "Key": "tag:Environment", "Values": [ "Prod" ] } ], "OwnerInformation": "CostCenter1", "Name": "ProdTarget1" } ] }

For more information, see View Information About Maintenance Windows (AWS CLI) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example lists all of the targets for a maintenance window.

Get-SSMMaintenanceWindowTarget -WindowId "mw-06cf17cbefcb4bf4f"


OwnerInformation : Single instance ResourceType : INSTANCE Targets : {InstanceIds} WindowId : mw-06cf17cbefcb4bf4f WindowTargetId : 350d44e6-28cc-44e2-951f-4b2c985838f6 OwnerInformation : Two instances in a list ResourceType : INSTANCE Targets : {InstanceIds} WindowId : mw-06cf17cbefcb4bf4f WindowTargetId : e078a987-2866-47be-bedd-d9cf49177d3a