Use GetMaintenanceWindow with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use GetMaintenanceWindow with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetMaintenanceWindow.


To get information about a maintenance window

The following get-maintenance-window example retrieves details about the specified maintenance window.

aws ssm get-maintenance-window \ --window-id "mw-03eb9db428EXAMPLE"


{ "AllowUnassociatedTargets": true, "CreatedDate": 1515006912.957, "Cutoff": 1, "Duration": 6, "Enabled": true, "ModifiedDate": 2020-01-01T10:04:04.099Z, "Name": "My-Maintenance-Window", "Schedule": "rate(3 days)", "WindowId": "mw-03eb9db428EXAMPLE", "NextExecutionTime": "2020-02-25T00:08:15.099Z" }

For more information, see View information about maintenance windows (AWS CLI) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets details about a maintenance window.

Get-SSMMaintenanceWindow -WindowId "mw-03eb9db42890fb82d"


AllowUnassociatedTargets : False CreatedDate : 2/20/2017 6:14:05 PM Cutoff : 1 Duration : 2 Enabled : True ModifiedDate : 2/20/2017 6:14:05 PM Name : TestMaintWin Schedule : cron(0 */30 * * * ? *) WindowId : mw-03eb9db42890fb82d