Use TerminateWorkspaces with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use TerminateWorkspaces with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use TerminateWorkspaces.


To terminate a WorkSpace

The following terminate-workspaces example terminates the specified workspace.

aws workspaces terminate-workspaces \ --terminate-workspace-requests ws-dk1xzr417


{ "FailedRequests": [] }

For more information, see Delete a WorkSpace in the Amazon WorkSpaces Administration Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: Terminates multiple WorkSpaces. use of the -Force switch stops the cmdlet from prompting for confirmation.

Remove-WKSWorkspace -WorkspaceId "ws-1a2b3c4d5","ws-6a7b8c9d0" -Force

Example 2: Retrieves the collection of all your WorkSpaces and pipes the IDs to the -WorkSpaceId parameter of Remove-WKSWorkspace, terminating all of the WorkSpaces. The cmdlet will prompt before each WorkSpace is terminated. To suppress the confirmation prompt add the -Force switch.

Get-WKSWorkspaces | Remove-WKSWorkspace

Example 3: This example shows how to pass TerminateRequest objects defining the WorkSpaces to be terminated. The cmdlet will prompt for confirmation before proceeding, unless the -Force switch parameter is also specified.

$arrRequest = @() $request1 = New-Object Amazon.WorkSpaces.Model.TerminateRequest $request1.WorkspaceId = 'ws-12345678' $arrRequest += $request1 $request2 = New-Object Amazon.WorkSpaces.Model.TerminateRequest $request2.WorkspaceId = 'ws-abcdefgh' $arrRequest += $request2 Remove-WKSWorkspace -Request $arrRequest