Use CodeArtifact from a VPC - CodeArtifact

Use CodeArtifact from a VPC

If you cannot or do not want to enable private DNS on your com.amazonaws.region.codeartifact.repositories VPC endpoint that you created in Create VPC endpoints for CodeArtifact, you must use a different configuration for the repositories endpoint to use CodeArtifact from a VPC. Follow the instructions in Use the codeartifact.repositories endpoint without private DNS to configure CodeArtifact if the com.amazonaws.region.codeartifact.repositories endpoint does not have private DNS enabled.

Use the codeartifact.repositories endpoint without private DNS

If you cannot or do not want to enable private DNS on your com.amazonaws.region.codeartifact.repositories VPC endpoint that you created in Create VPC endpoints for CodeArtifact, you must follow these instructions to configure your package manager with the correct CodeArtifact URL.

  1. Run the following command to find a VPC endpoint to use to override the hostname.

    $ aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --filters Name=service-name,Values=com.amazonaws.region.codeartifact.repositories \ --query 'VpcEndpoints[*].DnsEntries[*].DnsName'

    The output looks like the following.

    [ [ "" ] ]
  2. Update the VPC endpoint path to include the package format, your CodeArtifact domain name, and CodeArtifact repository name. See the following example.

    Replace the following fields from the example endpoint.

    • format: Replace with a valid CodeArtifact package format, for example, npm or pypi.

    • domain_name: Replace with the CodeArtifact domain that contains the CodeArtifact repository that hosts your packages.

    • domain_owner: Replace with the ID of the owner of the CodeArtifact domain, for example, 111122223333.

    • repo_name: Replace with the CodeArtifact repository that hosts your packages.

    The following URL is an example npm repository endpoint.
  3. Configure your package manager to use the updated VPC endpoint from the previous step. You must configure the package manager without using the CodeArtifact login command. For configuration instructions for each package format, see the following documentation.