Sharing compute across actions - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Sharing compute across actions

By default, actions in a workflow run on separate instances in a fleet. This behavior provides actions with isolation and predictability on the state of inputs. The default behavior requires explicit configuration to share context such as files and variables between actions.

Compute sharing is a capability that allows you to run all the actions in a workflow on the same instance. Using compute sharing can provide faster workflow runtimes because less time is spent provisioning instances. You can also share files (artifacts) between actions without additional workflow configuration.

When a workflow is run using compute sharing, an instance in the default or specified fleet is reserved for the duration of all actions in that workflow. When the workflow run completes, the instance reservation is released.

Running multiple actions on shared compute

You can use the Compute attribute in the definition YAML at the workflow level to specify both the fleet and compute sharing properties of actions. You can also configure compute properties using the visual editor in CodeCatalyst. To specify a fleet, set the name of an existing fleet, set the compute type to EC2, and turn on compute sharing.


Compute sharing is only supported if the compute type is set to EC2, and it's not supported for the Windows Server 2022 operating system. For more information about compute fleets, compute types, and properties, see Configuring compute and runtime images.


If you're on the Free tier and you specify the Linux.x86-64.XLarge or Linux.x86-64.2XLarge fleet manually in the workflow definition YAML, the action will still run on the default fleet (Linux.x86-64.Large). For more information about compute availability and pricing, see the table for the tiers options.

When compute sharing is turned on, the folder containing the workflow source is automatically copied across actions. You don't need to configure output artifacts and reference them as input artifacts throughout a workflow definition (YAML file). As a workflow author, you need to wire up environment variables using inputs and outputs, just as you would without using compute sharing. If you want to share folders between actions outside the workflow source, consider file caching. For more information, see Sharing artifacts and files between actions and Caching files between workflow runs.

The source repository where your workflow definition file resides is identified by the label WorkflowSource. While using compute sharing, the workflow source is downloaded in the first action that references it and automatically made available for subsequent actions in the workflow run to use. Any changes made to the folder containing the workflow source by an action, such as adding, modifying, or removing files, are also visible in the subsequent actions in the workflow. You can reference files that reside in the workflow source folder in any of your workflow actions, just as you can without using compute sharing. For more information, see Referencing source repository files.


Compute sharing workflows need to specify a strict sequence of actions, so parallel actions can't be set. While output artifacts can be configured at any action in the sequence, input artifacts aren't supported.

Considerations for compute sharing

You can run workflows with compute sharing in order to accelerate workflow runs and share context between actions in a workflow that use the same instance. Consider the following to determine whether using compute sharing is appropriate for your scenario:

Compute sharing Without compute sharing

Compute type

Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda

Instance provisioning

Actions run on same instance

Actions run on separate instances

Operating system

Amazon Linux 2

Amazon Linux 2, Windows Server 2022 (build action only)

Referencing files

$CATALYST_SOURCE_DIR_WorkflowSource, /sources/WorkflowSource/

$CATALYST_SOURCE_DIR_WorkflowSource, /sources/WorkflowSource/

Workflow structure

Actions can only run sequentially

Actions can run parallel

Accessing data across workflow actions

Access cached workflow source (WorkflowSource)

Access outputs of shared artifacts (requires additional configuration)

Turning on compute sharing

Use the following instruction to turn on compute sharing for a workflow.

To turn on compute sharing using the visual editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose Visual.

  7. Choose Workflow properties.

  8. From the Compute type dropdown menu, choose EC2.

  9. (Optional) From the Compute fleet - optional dropdown menu, choose a fleet you want to use to run workflow actions. You can choose an on-demand fleet or create and choose a provisioned fleet. For more information, see Creating a provisioned fleet and Assigning a fleet or compute to an action

  10. Switch the toggle to turn on compute sharing and have actions in the workflow run on the same fleet.

  11. (Optional) Choose the run mode for the workflow. For more information, see Configuring the queuing behavior of runs.

  12. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.

To turn on compute sharing using the YAML editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose YAML.

  7. Turn on compute sharing setting the SharedInstance field to TRUE and Type to EC2. Set Fleet to a compute fleet you want to use to run workflow actions. You can choose an on-demand fleet or create and choose a provisioned fleet. For more information, see Creating a provisioned fleet and Assigning a fleet or compute to an action

    In a workflow YAML, add code similar to the following:

    Name: MyWorkflow SchemaVersion: "1.0" Compute: # Define compute configuration. Type: EC2 Fleet: MyFleet # Optionally, choose an on-demand or provisioned fleet. SharedInstance: true # Turn on compute sharing. Default is False. Actions: BuildFirst: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: Steps: - Run: ... ...
  8. (Optional) Choose Validate to validate the workflow's YAML code before committing.

  9. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.


Example: Amazon S3 Publish

The following workflow examples show how to perform the Amazon Amazon S3 Publish action in two ways: first using input artifacts and then using compute sharing. With compute sharing, the input artifacts aren't needed since you can access the cached WorkflowSource. Additionally, the output artifact in the Build action is no longer needed. The S3 Publish action is configured to use the explicit DependsOn property to maintain sequential actions; the Build action must run successfully in order for the S3 Publish action to run.

  • Without compute sharing, you need to use input artifacts and share the outputs with subsequent actions:

    Name: S3PublishUsingInputArtifact SchemaVersion: "1.0" Actions: Build: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Outputs: Artifacts: - Name: ArtifactToPublish Files: [] Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: Steps: - Run: ./ # Build script that generates PublishToS3: Identifier: aws/s3-publish@v1 Inputs: Artifacts: - ArtifactToPublish Environment: Connections: - Role: codecatalyst-deployment-role Name: dev-deployment-role Name: dev-connection Configuration: SourcePath: DestinationBucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket
  • When using compute sharing by setting SharedInstance to TRUE, you can run multiple actions on the same instance and share artifacts by specifying a single workflow source. Input artifacts aren't required and can't be specified:

    Name: S3PublishUsingComputeSharing SchemaVersion: "1.0" Compute: Type: EC2 Fleet: dev-fleet SharedInstance: TRUE Actions: Build: Identifier: aws/build@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: Steps: - Run: ./ # Build script that generates PublishToS3: Identifier: aws/s3-publish@v1 DependsOn: - Build Environment: Connections: - Role: codecatalyst-deployment-role Name: dev-deployment-role Name: dev-connection Configuration: SourcePath: DestinationBucketName: amzn-s3-demo-bucket