Deploying an AWS CloudFormation stack - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Deploying an AWS CloudFormation stack

This section describes how to deploy a AWS CloudFormation stack using a CodeCatalyst workflow. To accomplish this, you must add the Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action to your workflow. The action deploys a CloudFormation stack of resources into AWS based on a template that you provide. The template can be a:

If the stack already exists, the action runs the CloudFormation CreateChangeSet operation, and then the ExecuteChangeSet operation. The action then waits for the changes to be deployed and marks itself as either succeeded for failed, depending on the results.

Use the Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action if you already have an AWS CloudFormation or AWS SAM template that contains resources you'd like to deploy, or you plan on generating one automatically as part of a workflow build action using tools like AWS SAM and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

There are no restrictions on the template you can use—whatever you can author in CloudFormation or AWS SAM you can use with the Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action.


For a tutorial that shows you how to deploy a serverless application using the Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action, see Tutorial: Deploy a serverless application.

Runtime image used by the 'Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack' action

The Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action runs on a November 2022 image. For more information, see Active images.