In this tutorial, you learn how to build, test, and deploy a serverless application as a CloudFormation stack using a workflow.
The application in this tutorial is a simple web application that outputs a 'Hello World' message. It consists of an AWS Lambda function and an Amazon API Gateway, and you build it using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), which is an extension of AWS CloudFormation.
Before you begin:
You need a CodeCatalyst space with a connected AWS account. For more information, see Creating a space.
In your space, you need an empty project called:
Use the Start from scratch option to create this project.
For more information, see Creating an empty project in Amazon CodeCatalyst.
In your project, you need a CodeCatalyst environment called:
Configure this environment as follows:
Choose any type, such as Non-production.
Connect your AWS account to it.
For the Default IAM role, choose any role. You'll specify a different role later.
For more information, see Deploying into AWS accounts and VPCs.
Step 1: Create a source repository
In this step, you create a source repository in CodeCatalyst. This repository is used to store the tutorial's source files, such as the Lambda function file.
For more information about source repositories, see Creating a source repository.
To create a source repository
In CodeCatalyst, in the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
Choose Add repository, and then choose Create repository.
In Repository name, enter:
Choose Create.
You have now created a repository called
Step 2: Create AWS roles
In this step, you create the following AWS IAM roles:
Deploy role – Grants the CodeCatalyst Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action permission to access your AWS account and CloudFormation service where you’ll deploy your serverless application. The Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action is part of your workflow.
Build role – Grants the CodeCatalyst build action permission to access your AWS account and write to Amazon S3 where your serverless application package will be stored. The build action is part of your workflow.
Stack role – Grants CloudFormation permission to read and modify the resources specified in the AWS SAM template that you will provide later. Also grants permission to CloudWatch.
For more information about IAM roles, see IAM roles in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.
To save time, you can create a single role, called the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-
role, instead of
the three roles listed previously. For more information, see Creating the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName role for your account
and space.
Understand that the spaceName
role has very broad permissions that may pose a security
risk. We recommend that you only use this role in tutorials and scenarios where security is
less of a concern. This tutorial assumes you are creating the three roles listed
A Lambda execution role is also required, but you don't need to create it now
because the sam-template.yml
file creates it for you when you run the
workflow in step 5.
To create a deploy role
Create a policy for the role, as follows:
Sign in to AWS.
Open the IAM console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Policies.
Choose Create policy.
Choose the JSON tab.
Delete the existing code.
Paste the following code:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Action": [ "cloudformation:CreateStack", "cloudformation:DeleteStack", "cloudformation:Describe*", "cloudformation:UpdateStack", "cloudformation:CreateChangeSet", "cloudformation:DeleteChangeSet", "cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet", "cloudformation:SetStackPolicy", "cloudformation:ValidateTemplate", "cloudformation:List*", "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" }] }
The first time the role is used to run workflow actions, use the wildcard in the resource policy statement and then scope down the policy with the resource name after it is available.
"Resource": "*"
Choose Next: Tags.
Choose Next: Review.
In Name, enter:
Choose Create policy.
You have now created a permissions policy.
Create the deploy role, as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
Choose Custom trust policy.
Delete the existing custom trust policy.
Add the following custom trust policy:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
Choose Next.
In Permissions policies, search for
and select its check box. -
Choose Next.
For Role name, enter:
For Role description, enter:
CodeCatalyst deploy role
Choose Create role.
You have now created a deploy role with a trust policy and permissions policy.
Obtain the deploy role ARN, as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
In the search box, enter the name of the role you just created (
). -
Choose the role from the list.
The role's Summary page appears.
At the top, copy the ARN value.
You have now created the deploy role with the appropriate permissions, and obtained its ARN.
To create a build role
Create a policy for the role, as follows:
Sign in to AWS.
Open the IAM console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Policies.
Choose Create policy.
Choose the JSON tab.
Delete the existing code.
Paste the following code:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" }] }
The first time the role is used to run workflow actions, use the wildcard in the resource policy statement and then scope down the policy with the resource name after it is available.
"Resource": "*"
Choose Next: Tags.
Choose Next: Review.
In Name, enter:
Choose Create policy.
You have now created a permissions policy.
Create the build role, as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
Choose Custom trust policy.
Delete the existing custom trust policy.
Add the following custom trust policy:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
Choose Next.
In Permissions policies, search for
and select its check box. -
Choose Next.
For Role name, enter:
For Role description, enter:
CodeCatalyst build role
Choose Create role.
You have now created a build role with a trust policy and permissions policy.
Obtain the build role ARN, as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
In the search box, enter the name of the role you just created (
). -
Choose the role from the list.
The role's Summary page appears.
At the top, copy the ARN value.
You have now created the build role with the appropriate permissions, and obtained its ARN.
To create a stack role
Sign in to AWS using the account where you want to deploy your stack.
Open the IAM console at
. -
Create the stack role as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
Choose Create role.
Choose AWS service.
In the Use case section, choose CloudFormation from the drop-down list.
Select the CloudFormation radio button.
At the bottom, choose Next.
Using the search box, find the following permissions policies, and then select their respective check boxes.
If you search for a policy and it doesn't appear, make sure to choose Clear filters and try again.
The first policy allows access to CloudWatch to enable stack rollbacks when an alarm occurs.
The remaining policies allow AWS SAM to access the services and resources in the stack that will be deployed in this tutorial. For more information, see Permissions in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.
Choose Next.
For Role name, enter:
Choose Create role.
Obtain the stack role's ARN, as follows:
In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
In the search box, enter the name of the role you just created (
). -
Choose the role from the list.
In the Summary section, copy the ARN value. You need it later.
You have now created the stack role with the appropriate permissions, and you have obtained its ARN.
Step 3: Add AWS roles to CodeCatalyst
In this step, you add the build role (codecatalyst-build-role
) and deploy role
) to the CodeCatalyst account connection in your
You don't need to add the stack role (codecatalyst-stack-role
) to the
connection. This is because the stack role is used by CloudFormation (not
CodeCatalyst), after a connection is already established between CodeCatalyst and
AWS using the deploy role. Since the stack role is not used by CodeCatalyst to gain access to
AWS, it does not need to be associated with an account connection.
To add build and deploy roles to your account connection
In CodeCatalyst, navigate to your space.
Choose AWS accounts. A list of account connections appears.
Choose the account connection that represents the AWS account where you created your build and deploy roles.
Choose Manage roles from AWS management console.
The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page appears. You might need to sign in to access the page.
Select Add an existing role you have created in IAM.
A drop-down list appears. The list displays all IAM roles with a trust policy that includes the
service principals. -
In the drop-down list, choose
, and choose Add role. -
Choose Add IAM role, choose Add an existing role you have created in IAM, and in the drop-down list, choose
. Choose Add role.You have now added the build and deploy roles to your space.
Copy the value of the Amazon CodeCatalyst display name. You'll need this value later, when creating your workflow.
Step 4: Create an Amazon S3 bucket
In this step, you create an Amazon S3 bucket where you store your serverless application's deployment package .zip file.
To create an Amazon S3 bucket
Open the Amazon S3 console at
. -
In the main pane, choose Create bucket.
For Bucket name, enter:
For AWS Region, choose a Region. This tutorial assumes you chose US West (Oregon) us-west-2. For information about Regions supported by Amazon S3, see Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.
At the bottom of the page, choose Create bucket.
You have now created a bucket called codecatalyst-cfn-s3-bucket
in the US West (Oregon) us-west-2 Region.
Step 5: Add source files
In this step, you add several application source files to your CodeCatalyst source repository.
The hello-world
folder contains the application files that you'll deploy.
The tests
folder contains unit tests. The folder
structure is as follows:
|— hello-world
| |— tests
| |— unit
| |— test-handler.js
| |— app.js
|— .npmignore
|— package.json
|— sam-template.yml
.npmignore file
The .npmignore
file indicates which files and folders npm should
exclude from the application package. In this tutorial, npm excludes the
folder because it is not part of the application.
To add the .npmignore file
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
Choose your project,
In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
From the list of source repositories, choose your repository,
. -
In Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now created a file called
in the root of your repository.
package.json file
The package.json
file contains important metadata
about your Node project such as the project name, version number, description, dependencies, and other
details that describe how to interact with and run your application.
The package.json
in this tutorial includes a list of dependencies
and a test
script. The test script does the following:
Using mocha
, the test script runs the unit tests specified in hello-world/tests/unit/
and writes the results to ajunit.xml
file using the xunit reporter. -
Using Istanbul (nyc)
, the test script generates a code coverage report ( clover.xml
) using the cloverreporter. For more information, see Using alternative reporters in the Istanbul documentation.
To add the package.json file
In your repository, in Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
{ "name": "hello_world", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "hello world sample for NodeJS", "main": "app.js", "repository": "", "author": "SAM CLI", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "axios": "^0.21.1", "nyc": "^15.1.0" }, "scripts": { "test": "nyc --reporter=clover mocha hello-world/tests/unit/ --reporter xunit --reporter-option output=junit.xml" }, "devDependencies": { "aws-sdk": "^2.815.0", "chai": "^4.2.0", "mocha": "^8.2.1" } }
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now added a file called
to the root of the repository.
sam-template.yml file
The sam-template.yml
file contains the instructions for deploying
the Lambda function and API Gateway and configuring them together. It follows the AWS Serverless Application Model
template specification, which extends the AWS CloudFormation template specification.
You use an AWS SAM template in this tutorial instead of a regular AWS CloudFormation template because
AWS SAM offers a helpful AWS::Serverless::Function resource type. This type performs much
behind-the-scenes configuration that you normally have to write out to use the basic
CloudFormation syntax. For example, the AWS::Serverless::Function
creates a Lambda
function, Lambda execution role, and event source mappings that start the function. You have
to code all of this if you want to write it using basic CloudFormation.
Although this tutorial uses a pre-written template, you can generate one as part of your workflow using a build action. For more information, see Deploying an AWS CloudFormation stack.
To add the sam-template.yml file
In your repository, in Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: > serverless-api Sample SAM Template for serverless-api # More info about Globals: Globals: Function: Timeout: 3 Resources: HelloWorldFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # For details on this resource type, see Properties: CodeUri: hello-world/ Handler: app.lambdaHandler Runtime: nodejs12.x Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api # For details on this event source type, see Properties: Path: /hello Method: get Outputs: # ServerlessRestApi is an implicit API created out of the events key under Serverless::Function # Find out about other implicit resources you can reference within AWS SAM at # HelloWorldApi: Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for the Hello World function" Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}" HelloWorldFunction: Description: "Hello World Lambda function ARN" Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldFunction.Arn HelloWorldFunctionIamRole: Description: "Implicit Lambda execution role created for the Hello World function" Value: !GetAtt HelloWorldFunctionRole.Arn
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now added a file called
under the root folder of your repository. file
file contains the instructions for downloading and
installing the AWS SAM CLI utility. The workflow uses this utility to package the
To add the file
In your repository, in Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Setting up sam" yum install unzip -y curl -LO unzip -qq -d sam-installation-directory ./sam-installation-directory/install; export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=
In the preceding code, replace
with your AWS Region. -
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now added a file called
to the root of the repository.
app.js file
The app.js
contains the Lambda function code. In this tutorial, the
code returns the text hello world
To add the app.js file
In your repository, in Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
// const axios = require('axios') // const url = ''; let response; /** * * Event doc: * @param {Object} event - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Input Format * * Context doc: * @param {Object} context * * Return doc: * @returns {Object} object - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Output Format * */ exports.lambdaHandler = async (event, context) => { try { // const ret = await axios(url); response = { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello world', // location: }) } } catch (err) { console.log(err); return err; } return response };
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now created a folder called
and a file calledapp.js
test-handler.js file
The test-handler.js
file contains unit tests for the Lambda
To add the test-handler.js file
In your repository, in Files, choose Create file.
For File name, enter:
In the text box, enter the following code:
'use strict'; const app = require('../../app.js'); const chai = require('chai'); const expect = chai.expect; var event, context; describe('Tests index', function () { it('verifies successful response', async () => { const result = await app.lambdaHandler(event, context) expect(result)'object'); expect(result.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(result.body)'string'); let response = JSON.parse(result.body); expect(response)'object'); expect(response.message)"hello world"); // expect(response.location)"string"); }); });
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
You have now added a file called
under thehello-world/tests/unit
You have now added all your source files.
Take a moment to double-check your work and make sure you placed all the files in the correct folders. The folder structure is as follows:
|— hello-world
| |— tests
| |— unit
| |— test-handler.js
| |— app.js
|— .npmignore
|— package.json
|— sam-template.yml
Step 6: Create and run a workflow
In this step, you create a workflow that packages your Lambda source code and deploys it. The workflow consists of the following building blocks that run sequentially:
A trigger – This trigger starts the workflow run automatically when you push a change to your source repository. For more information about triggers, see Starting a workflow run automatically using triggers.
A test action (
) – On trigger, this action installs Node package manager (npm), and then runs the npm run test
command. This command tells npm to run thetest
script defined in thepackage.json
file. Thetest
script, in turn, runs the unit tests and generates two reports: a test report (junit.xml
) and a code coverage report (clover.xml
). For more information, see package.json file.Next, the test action transforms the XML reports into CodeCatalyst reports and displays them in the CodeCatalyst console, under the Reports tab of the test action.
For more information about the test action, see Testing with workflows.
A build action (
) – On completion of the test action, the build action downloads and installs the AWS SAM CLI, packages thehello-world
source, and copies the package to your Amazon S3 bucket, where the Lambda service expects it to be. The action also outputs a new AWS SAM template file calledsam-template-packaged.yml
and places it in an output artifact calledbuildArtifact
.For more information about the build action, see Building with workflows.
A deploy action (
) – On completion of the build action, the deploy action looks for the output artifact generated by the build action (buildArtifact
), finds the AWS SAM template inside of it, and then runs the template. The AWS SAM template creates a stack that deploys the serverless application.
To create a workflow
In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
Choose Create workflow.
For Source repository, choose
. -
For Branch, choose
. -
Choose Create.
Delete the YAML sample code.
Add the following YAML code:
In the YAML code that follows, you can omit the
sections if you want. If you omit these sections, you must ensure that the role specified in the Default IAM role field in your environment includes the permissions and trust policies of both roles described in Step 2: Create AWS roles. For more information about setting up an environment with a default IAM role, see Creating an environment.Name: codecatalyst-cfn-workflow SchemaVersion: 1.0 Triggers: - Type: PUSH Branches: - main Actions: Test: Identifier: aws/managed-test@v1 Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Outputs: Reports: CoverageReport: Format: CLOVERXML IncludePaths: - "coverage/*" TestReport: Format: JUNITXML IncludePaths: - junit.xml Configuration: Steps: - Run: npm install - Run: npm run test BuildBackend: Identifier: aws/build@v1 DependsOn: - Test Environment: Name:
Connections: - Name:codecatalyst-account-connection
Inputs: Sources: - WorkflowSource Configuration: Steps: - Run: . ./ - Run: sam package --template-file sam-template.yml --s3-bucketcodecatalyst-cfn-s3-bucket
--output-template-file sam-template-packaged.yml --regionus-west-2
Outputs: Artifacts: - Name: buildArtifact Files: - "**/*" DeployCloudFormationStack: Identifier: aws/cfn-deploy@v1 DependsOn: - BuildBackend Environment: Name:codecatalyst-cfn-environment
Connections: - Name:codecatalyst-account-connection
Inputs: Artifacts: - buildArtifact Sources: [] Configuration: name: codecatalyst-cfn-stack region:us-west-2
template: ./sam-template-packaged.yml capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM,CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPANDIn the preceding code, replace:
Both instances of
with the name of your environment. -
Both instances of
with the display name of your account connection. The display name might be a number. For more information, see Step 3: Add AWS roles to CodeCatalyst. -
with the name of the build role that you created in Step 2: Create AWS roles. -
with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket you created in Step 4: Create an Amazon S3 bucket. -
Both instances of
with the Region where your Amazon S3 bucket resides (first instance) and where your stack will be deployed (second instance). These Regions can be different. This tutorial assumes that both Regions are set tous-west-2
. For details about Regions supported by Amazon S3 and AWS CloudFormation, see Service endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference. -
with the name of the deploy role that you created in Step 2: Create AWS roles. -
with the name of the environment that you created in Prerequisites. -
with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stack role that you created in Step 2: Create AWS roles.Note
If you decided not to create build, deploy, and stack roles, replace
, andarn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/StackRole
with the name or ARN of theCodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-
role. For more information about this role, see Step 2: Create AWS roles.spaceName
For information about the properties in the code shown previously, see the 'Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack' action YAML.
(Optional) Choose Validate to make sure the YAML code is valid before committing.
Choose Commit.
On the Commit workflow dialog box, enter the following:
For Workflow file name, keep the default,
. -
For Commit message, enter:
add initial workflow file
For Repository, choose codecatalyst-cfn-source-repository.
For Branch name, choose main.
Choose Commit.
You have now created a workflow. A workflow run starts automatically because of the trigger defined at the top of the workflow. Specifically, when you committed (and pushed) the
file to your source repository, the trigger started the workflow run. -
To view the workflow run in progress
In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
Choose the workflow you just created:
. -
Choose the Runs tab.
In the Run ID column, choose the run ID.
Choose Test to see the tests progress.
Choose BuildBackend to see the build progress.
Choose DeployCloudFormationStack to see the deployment progress.
For more information about viewing run details, see Viewing workflow run status and details.
When the DeployCloudFormationStack action finishes, do the following:
If the workflow run succeeded, go to the next procedure.
If the workflow run failed on the Test or BuildBackend action, choose Logs to troubleshoot the issue.
If the workflow run failed on the DeployCloudFormationStack action, choose the deploy action, and then choose the Summary tab. Scroll to the CloudFormation events section to view the detailed error message. If a rollback occurred, delete the
stack through the AWS CloudFormation console in AWS before re-running the workflow.
To verify the deployment
After a successful deployment, choose Variables (7) from the horizontal menu bar near the top. (Do not choose Variables in the pane on the right.)
Next to HelloWorldApi, paste the
URL into a browser.A hello world JSON message from the Lambda function is displayed, indicating that the workflow deployed and configured the Lambda function and API Gateway successfully.
You can have CodeCatalyst display this URL in the workflow diagram with a few small configurations. For more information, see Displaying the app URL in the workflow diagram.
To verify unit test results and code coverage
In the workflow diagram, choose Test, and then choose Reports.
Choose TestReport to view the unit test results, or choose CoverageReport to view the code coverage details of the files being tested, in this case,
To verify deployed resources
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the API Gateway console at
. -
Observe the codecatalyst-cfn-stack API that the AWS SAM template created. The API name comes from the
value in the workflow definition file (codecatalyst-cfn-workflow.yaml
). Open the AWS Lambda console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Functions.
Choose your Lambda function,
You can see how the API Gateway is a trigger for the function. This integration was automatically configured by the AWS SAM
resource type.
Step 7: Make a change
In this step, you make a change to your Lambda source code and commit it. This commit starts a new workflow run. This run deploys the new Lambda function in a blue-green scheme that uses the default traffic shifting configuration specified in the Lambda console.
To make a change to your Lambda source
In CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
Choose your source repository
. -
Change the application file:
Choose the
folder. -
Choose the
file. -
Choose Edit.
On line 23, change
hello world
toTutorial complete!
. -
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
The commit causes a workflow run to start. This run will fail because you haven't updated the unit tests to reflect the name change.
Update the unit tests:
. -
Choose Edit.
On line 19, change
hello world
toTutorial complete!
. -
Choose Commit, and then choose Commit again.
The commit causes another workflow run to start. This run will succeed.
In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
, and then choose Runs. -
Choose the run ID of the latest run. It should still be in progress.
Choose Test, BuildBackend, and DeployCloudFormationStack to see the workflow run progress.
When the workflow finishes, choose Variables (7) near the top.
Next to HelloWorldApi, paste the
URL into a browser.A
Tutorial complete!
message appears in the browser, indicating that your new application was deployed successfully.
Clean up
Clean up the files and services used in this tutorial to avoid being charged for them.
To clean up in the CodeCatalyst console
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
. -
. -
. -
To clean up in the AWS Management Console
Clean up in CloudFormation, as follows:
Open the AWS CloudFormation console at
. -
Delete the
.Deleting the stack removes all tutorial resources from the API Gateway and Lambda services.
Clean up in Amazon S3, as follows:
Open the Amazon S3 console at
. -
Choose the
. -
Delete the bucket contents.
Delete the bucket.
Clean up in IAM, as follows:
Open the IAM console at
. -
Delete the
. -
Delete the
. -
Delete the
. -
Delete the
. -
Delete the
. -
Delete the
In this tutorial, you learned how to deploy a serverless application as a CloudFormation stack using a CodeCatalyst workflow and a Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action.