A gate is a workflow component that you can use to prevent a workflow run from proceeding unless certain conditions are met. An example of a gate is the Approval gate where users must submit an approval in the CodeCatalyst console before the workflow run is allowed to continue.
You can add gates between sequences of actions in a workflow, or before the first action (which runs immediately after the Source downloads). You can also add gates after the last action, if you have a need to do so.
For more information about workflow runs, see Running a workflow.
Gate types
Currently, Amazon CodeCatalyst supports one type of gate: the Approval gate. For more information, see Requiring approvals on workflow runs.
Can I set up a gate to run in parallel to
another action?
No. Gates can only run before or after an action. For more information, see Sequencing gates and actions.
Can I use a gate to prevent a workflow run
from starting?
Yes, with qualifications.
You can prevent a workflow run from performing tasks, which is slightly different from preventing it from starting.
To prevent a workflow from performing tasks, add a gate before the very first action in a workflow. In this scenario, a workflow run will start—meaning it will download your source repository files—but it will be prevented from performing tasks until the gate is unlocked.
Workflows that start and then get blocked by a gate still count against your Maximum number of concurrent workflow runs per space quota and other quotas. To ensure that you do not exceed workflow quotas, consider using a workflow trigger to conditionally start a workflow instead of using a gate. Also consider using a pull request approval rule instead of a gate. For more information about quotas, triggers, and pull request approval rules, see Quotas for workflows in CodeCatalyst, Starting a workflow run automatically using triggers, and Managing requirements for merging a pull request with approval rules.
Limitations of gates
Gates have the following limitations:
Gates cannot be used in conjunction with the compute sharing feature. For more information about this feature, see Sharing compute across actions.
Gates cannot be used within action groups. For more information about action groups, see Grouping actions into action groups.