Stopping a workflow run - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Stopping a workflow run

Use the following procedure to stop a workflow run that's in progress. You might want to stop a run if it was started by accident.

When you stop a workflow run, CodeCatalyst waits for in-progress actions to complete before it marks the run as Stopped in the CodeCatalyst console. Any actions that didn't have a chance to start will not be started, and will be marked as Abandoned.


If a run is queued (that is, it has no in-progress actions), then the run is stopped immediately.

For more information about workflow runs, see Running a workflow.

To stop a workflow run
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Under Workflows, choose Runs and choose the in-progress run from the list.

  5. Choose Stop.