Publishing packages to a CodeCatalyst package repository - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Publishing packages to a CodeCatalyst package repository

You can publish versions of any supported package type to a CodeCatalyst package repository by using package manager tools. The steps to publish a package version are as follows:

To publish a package version to a CodeCatalyst package repository
  1. If you haven't, create a package repository.

  2. Connect your package manager to your package repository. For instructions on how to connect the npm package manager to a CodeCatalyst package repository, see Configuring and using npm.

  3. Use your connected package manager to publish your package versions.

Publishing and upstream repositories

In CodeCatalyst, you cannot publish package versions that are present in reachable upstream repositories or public repositories. For example, suppose that you want to publish an npm package, lodash@1.0, to a package repository, myrepo, and myrepo is connected to through a gateway repository configured as an upstream repository. If lodash@1.0 is present in the upstream repository or in, CodeCatalyst rejects any attempt to publish to it in myrepo by issuing a 409 conflict error. This helps prevent you from accidentally publishing a package with the same name and version as a package in an upstream repository, which can result in unexpected behavior.

You can still publish different versions of a package name that exist in an upstream repository. For example, if lodash@1.0 is present in an upstream repository, but lodash@1.1 is not, you can publish lodash@1.1 to the downstream repository.

Private packages and public repositories

CodeCatalyst does not publish packages stored in CodeCatalyst repositories to public repositories, such as or Maven Central. CodeCatalyst imports packages from public repositories into a CodeCatalyst repository, but it doesn't move packages in the opposite direction. Packages that you publish to CodeCatalyst repositories remain private and are only available to the CodeCatalyst project in which the repository belongs.

Overwriting package assets

You can't republish a package asset that already exists with different content. For example, suppose that you already published a Maven package with a JAR asset mypackage-1.0.jar. You can only publish that asset again if the checksum of the old and new assets are identical. To republish the same asset with new content, delete the package version first. Trying to republish the same asset name with different content will result in an HTTP 409 conflict error.

For package formats that support multiple assets (Python and Maven), you can add new assets with different names to an existing package version at any time, assuming you have the required permissions. Because npm and NuGet only support a single asset per package version, to modify a published package version you must first delete it.

If you try to republish an asset that already exists (for example, mypackage-1.0.jar), and the content of the published asset and the new asset are identical, the operation will succeed because the operation is idempotent.