Viewing workflow run status and details - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Viewing workflow run status and details

IN Amazon CodeCatalyst, you can view the status and details of a single workflow run, or multiple runs at the same time.

For a list of possible run states see Workflow run states.


You can also view the workflow status, which is different from the workflow run status. For more information, see Viewing a workflow's status.

For more information about workflow runs, see Running a workflow.

Viewing the status and details of a single run

You might want to view the status and details of a single workflow run to check whether it was successful, to see at what time it was completed, or to view who or what started it.

To view the status and details of a single run
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Under the workflow's name, choose Runs.

  6. In Run history, in the Run ID column, choose a run. For example, Run-95a4d.

  7. Under the run's name, do one of the following:

    • Visual to see a workflow diagram showing your workflow run's actions and their status (see Workflow run states). This view also shows the source repository and branch used during the run.

      In the workflow diagram, choose an action to see details such as logs, reports, and outputs generated by the action during the run. The information shown depends on which action type is selected. For more information about viewing build or deploy logs, see Viewing the results of a build action or Viewing the deployment logs.

    • YAML to see the workflow definition file that was used for the run.

    • Artifacts to see the artifacts produced by the workflow run. For more information about artifacts, see Sharing artifacts and files between actions.

    • Reports to see the test reports and other types of reports produced by the workflow run. For more information about reports, see Quality report types.

    • Variables to see the output variables produced by the workflow run. For more information about variables, see Using variables in workflows.


    If the run's parent workflow was deleted, a message indicating this fact appears at the top of the run details page.

Viewing the status and details of all runs in your project

You might want to view the status and details of all workflow runs within your project understand how much workflow activity is going on in your project, and learn about the overall health of your workflows.

To view the status and details of all runs in your project
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Under Workflows, choose Runs.

    All the runs, for all workflows, in all branches, across all repositories in your project, are displayed.

    The page includes the following columns:

    • Run ID – The unique identifier of the run. Choose the run ID link to view detailed information about the run.

    • Status – The processing status of the workflow run. For more information about run states, see Workflow run states.

    • Trigger – The person, commit, pull request (PR), or schedule that started the workflow run. For more information, see Starting a workflow run automatically using triggers.

    • Workflow – The name of the workflow for which a run was started, and the source repository and branch where the workflow definition file resides. You might need to expand the column width to see this information.


      If this column is set to Not available, it's usually because the associated workflow was deleted or moved.

    • Start time – The time when the workflow run started.

    • Duration – How long the workflow run took to process. Very long or very short durations might indicate problems.

    • End time – The time when the workflow run ended.

Viewing the status and details of all runs of a specific workflow

You might want to view the status and details of all runs associated with a specific workflow to see if any runs are creating bottlenecks within the workflow, or to see which runs are currently in progress or have completed.

To view the status and details of all runs of a specific workflow
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Under the workflow's name, choose Runs.

    The runs associated with the chosen workflow appear.

    The page is divided into two sections:

    • Active runs – Displays runs that are in progress. These runs will be in one of the following states: In progress.

    • Run history – Displays runs that have completed (that is, not in progress).

      For more information about run states, see Workflow run states.

Viewing runs of a workflow in the workflow diagram

You can view the status of all runs of a workflow as they progress together through the workflow. The runs are displayed within the workflow diagram (as opposed to in a list view). This gives you a visual representation of which runs are being processed by which actions, and which runs are waiting in a queue.

To view the status of multiple runs as they progress together through a workflow

This procedure only applies if your workflow is using the queued or superseded run mode. For more information, see Configuring the queuing behavior of runs.

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.


    Make sure you're looking at a workflow page and not a run page.

  5. Choose the Latest state tab on the upper left.

    A workflow diagram appears.

  6. Review the workflow diagram. The diagram shows all the runs that are currently in progress within the workflow, and the latest runs that have finished. More specifically:

    • Runs that appear at the top, before Sources, are queued and waiting to start.

    • Runs that appear between actions are queued and waiting to be processed by the next action.

    • Runs that appear within an action are 1. currently being processed by the action, 2. have finished being processed by the action, or 3. were not processed by the action (usually because a previous action failed).