Merging a pull request - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Merging a pull request

After your code has been reviewed and all required reviewers have approved it, you can merge a pull request in the CodeCatalyst console using a supported merge strategy, such as fast-forward. Not all merge strategies supported in the CodeCatalyst console are available as choices for all pull requests. CodeCatalyst evaluates the merge and only allows you to choose between merge strategies that are available in the console and capable of merging the source branch into the destination branch. You can also merge a pull request with your choice of Git merge strategies by running the git merge command on your local computer or a Dev Environment to merge the source branch into the destination branch. You can then push those changes in the destination branch to the source repository in CodeCatalyst.


Merging the branch and pushing the changes in Git does not automatically close the pull request.

If you have the Project administrator role, you can also choose to merge a pull request that has not yet met all the requirements for approvals and approval rules.

Merging a pull request (console)

You can merge a pull request in the CodeCatalyst console if there are no merge conflicts between the source and destination branches and if all required reviewers have approved the pull request. If there are conflicts, or if the merge can't be completed, the merge button is inactive, and a Not mergeable label is displayed. In that case, you must obtain approval from any required approvers, resolve conflicts locally if necessary, and push those changes before you can merge. Merging a pull request will automatically send an email to the creator of the pull request as well as any required or optional reviewers. It will not automatically close or change the status of any issues linked to the pull request.


You can configure what pull request events you that will receive emails about as part of your profile. For more information, see Sending Slack and email notifications from CodeCatalyst.

To merge a pull request
  1. Navigate to the project where you want to merge a pull request.

  2. On the project page, under Open pull requests, choose the pull request you want to merge. If you do not see the pull request, choose View all pull requests and then choose it from the list. Alternatively, in the navigation pane, choose Code, choose Pull requests, and then choose the pull request you want to merge. Choose Merge.

  3. Choose from the available merge strategies for the pull request. Optionally, select or deselect the option to delete the source branch after merging the pull request, and then choose Merge.


    If the Merge button is inactive, or you see the Not mergeable label, either required reviewers have not yet approved the pull request, or the pull request can't be merged in the CodeCatalyst console. A reviewer who has not approved a pull request is indicated by a clock icon in the Pull request details area in Overview. If all required reviewers have approved the pull request but the Merge button is still inactive, you might have a merge conflict. Choose the underlined Not mergeable label to see more details about why the pull request can't be merged. You can resolve merge conflicts for the destination branch in a Dev Environment or the CodeCatalyst console and then merge the pull request, or you can resolve conflicts and merge locally, and then push the commit that contains the merge to the source branch in CodeCatalyst. For more information, see Merging a pull request (Git) and your Git documentation.

Override merge requirements

If you have the Project administrator role, you can choose to merge a pull request that has not yet met all the requirements for required approvals and approval rules. This is referred to as overriding the requirements for a pull request. You might choose to do this if a required reviewer is unavailable, or if an urgent need arises to merge a specific pull request into a branch that has approval rules that cannot be met quickly.

To merge a pull request
  1. In the pull request where you want to override requirements and merge, choose the drop-down arrow next to the Merge button. Choose Override approval requirements.

  2. In Override reason, provide details of why you are merging this pull request without it meeting the approval rules and required reviewer requirements. While this is optional, this is highly recommended.

  3. Optionally choose a merge strategy, or accept the default. You can also choose to update the automatically-generated commit message with more details.

  4. Select or deselect the option to delete the source branch on merge. We recommend that you retain the source branch when overriding the requirements for merging a pull request until you've had a chance to review the decision with other team members.

  5. Choose Merge.

Merging a pull request (Git)

Git supports many options for merging and managing branches. The following commands are some of the options that you can use. For more information, see the available documentation on the Git website. Once you have merged and pushed your changes, manually close the pull request. For more information, see Closing a pull request.

Common Git commands for merging branches

Merges changes from the source branch in the local repo to the destination branch in the local repo.

git checkout destination-branch-name

git merge source-branch-name

Merges the source branch into the destination branch, specifying a fast-forward merge. This merges the branches and moves the destination branch pointer to the tip of the source branch.

git checkout destination-branch-name

git merge --ff-only source-branch-name

Merges the source branch into the destination branch, specifying a squash merge. This combines all commits from the source branch into a single merge commit in the destination branch.

git checkout destination-branch-name

git merge --squash source-branch-name

Merges the source branch into the destination branch, specifying a three-way merge. This creates a merge commit and adds the individual commits from the source branch to the destination branch.

git checkout destination-branch-name

git merge --no-ff source-branch-name

Deletes the source branch in the local repo. This is useful to do as a clean-up for your local repo after merging to the destination branch and pushing the changes to the source repository.

git branch -d source-branch-name

Deletes the source branch in the remote repository (the source repository in CodeCatalyst) using the local repo's specified nickname for the remote repository. (Note the use of the colon (:).) Alternatively, specify --delete as part of the command.

git push remote-name :source-branch-name

git push remote-name --delete source-branch-name