Quotas for identity, permission, and access in CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Quotas for identity, permission, and access in CodeCatalyst

The following table describes quotas and limits for identity, permission, and access in Amazon CodeCatalyst. For more information about quotas in Amazon CodeCatalyst, see Quotas for CodeCatalyst.

Resource Information
Aliases in CodeCatalyst

Any combination of allowed characters between 3 and 100 characters in length and must start with a letter. Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Aliases cannot:

  • contain fewer than 3 characters

  • contain spaces or any of the following characters: ? ^ * [ \ ~ :

Maximum number of invitations sent by a user per day 500
Maximum number of invitations sent to an email address per day 25
Maximum number of Personal Access Tokens (PAT) per user


Maximum number of personal connections for each user identity (CodeCatalyst alias) across all spaces, per provider type

Passwords in CodeCatalyst

Any combination of allowed characters between 8 and 64 characters in length. Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Your password can include the following nonalphanumeric characters: ( ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | \ { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? / )

PAT names in CodeCatalyst

Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 100 characters

Time until a project member invitation expires Expires after 24 hours
Time until a space member invitation expires Expires after 24 hours
Time until an email address verification expires Expires 10 minutes after sending