Troubleshooting problems with workflows - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Troubleshooting problems with workflows

Consult the following sections to troubleshoot problems related to workflows in Amazon CodeCatalyst. For more information about workflows, see Build, test, and deploy with workflows.

How do I fix "Workflow is inactive" messages?

Problem: In the CodeCatalyst console, under CI/CD, Workflows, your workflow appears with the following message:

Workflow is inactive.

This message indicates that the workflow definition file contains a trigger that doesn't apply to the branch that you're currently on. For example, your workflow definition file might contain a PUSH trigger that references your main branch, but you're on a feature branch. Since the changes you're making in your feature branch don't apply to main, and will not start workflow runs in main, CodeCatalyst decommissions the workflow on the branch and marks it as Inactive.

Possible fixes:

If you want to start a workflow on your feature branch, you can do the following:

  • In your feature branch, in the workflow definition file, remove the Branches property from the Triggers section so that it looks like this:

    Triggers: - Type: PUSH

    This configuration causes the trigger to activate on a push to any branch, including your feature branch. If the trigger is activated, CodeCatalyst will start a workflow run using the workflow definition file and source files in whatever branch you're pushing to.

  • In your feature branch, in the workflow definition file, remove the Triggers section and run the workflow manually.

  • In your feature branch, in the workflow definition file, change the PUSH section so that it references your feature branch rather than another branch (like main, for example).


Be careful not to commit these changes if you don't intend to merge them to back to your main branch.

For more information about editing the workflow definition file, see Creating a workflow.

For more information about triggers, see Starting a workflow run automatically using triggers.

How do I fix "Workflow definition has n errors" errors?

Problem: You see any of the following error messages:

Error 1:

In the CI/CD, Workflows page, under your workflow's name, you see:

Workflow definition has n errors

Error 2:

While editing a workflow, you choose the Validate button and the following message appears at the top of the CodeCatalyst console:

The workflow definition has errors. Fix the errors and choose Validate to verify your changes.

Error 3:

After navigating to your workflow's details page, you see the following error in the Workflow definition field:

n errors

Possible fixes:

  • Choose CI/CD, choose Workflows, and choose the name of the workflow that has the error. In the Workflow definition field near the top, choose the link to the error. Details about the error appear at the bottom of the page. Follow the troubleshooting tips in the error to fix the issue.

  • Make sure that the workflow definition file is a YAML file.

  • Make sure that the YAML properties in the workflow definition file are nested at the right level. To see how properties should be nested in the workflow definition file, refer to the Workflow YAML definition, or consult your action's documentation, which is linked to from Adding an action to a workflow.

  • Make sure that asterisks (*) and other special characters are escaped properly. To escape them, add single or double quotes. For example:

    Outputs: Artifacts: - Name: myartifact Files: - "**/*"

    For more information about special characters in the workflow definition file, see Syntax guidelines and conventions.

  • Make sure that the YAML properties in the workflow definition file use the right capitalization. For more information about casing rules, see Syntax guidelines and conventions. To determine the correct casing of each property, refer to the Workflow YAML definition, or consult your action's documentation, which is linked to from Adding an action to a workflow.

  • Make sure that the SchemaVersion property is present and set to the correct version in the workflow definition file. For more information, see SchemaVersion.

  • Make sure that the Triggers section in the workflow definition file includes all required properties. To determine the required properties, choose the trigger in the visual editor and look for fields that are missing information, or consult the trigger reference documentation at Triggers.

  • Make sure that the DependsOn property in the workflow definition file is properly configured and does not introduce circular dependencies. For more information, see Sequencing actions.

  • Make sure that the Actions section in the workflow definition file includes at least one action. For more information, see Actions.

  • Make sure that each action includes all required properties. To determine the required properties, choose the action in the visual editor and look for fields that are missing information, or consult your action's documentation, which is linked to from Adding an action to a workflow.

  • Make sure that all input artifacts have corresponding output artifacts. For more information, see Defining an output artifact.

  • Make sure that variables defined in one action are exported so that they can be used in other actions. For more information, see Exporting a variable so that other actions can use it.

How do I fix "Unable to locate credentials" and "ExpiredToken" errors?

Problem: While working through Tutorial: Deploy an application to Amazon EKS, you see one or both of the following error messages in your development machine's terminal window:

Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".

ExpiredToken: The security token included in the request is expired

Possible fixes:

These errors indicate that the credentials that you're using to access AWS services have expired. In this case, do not run the aws configure command. Instead, use the following instructions to refresh your AWS access key and session token.

To refresh your AWS access key and session token
  1. Make sure you have the AWS access portal URL, username, and password for the user that you're using the complete the Amazon EKS tutorial (codecatalyst-eks-user). You should have configured these items when you completed Step 1: Set up your development machine of the tutorial.


    If you do not have this information, go to the codecatalyst-eks-user details page in IAM Identity Center, choose Reset password, Generate a one-time password [...], and Reset password again to display the information on the screen.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Paste the AWS access portal URL into your browser's address bar.


    • Refresh the AWS access portal page if it's already loaded.

  3. Sign in with the codecatalyst-eks-user's username and password, if you're not already signed in.

  4. Choose AWS account, and then choose the name of the AWS account to which you assigned the codecatalyst-eks-user user and permission set.

  5. Next to the permission set name (codecatalyst-eks-permission-set), choose Command line or programmatic access.

  6. Copy the commands in the middle of the page. They look similar to the following:


    ...where session-token is a long random string.

  7. Paste the commands into your terminal prompt on your development machine and press Enter.

    The new keys and session token are loaded.

    You have now refreshed your credentials. The AWS CLI, eksctl, and kubectl commands should now work.

How do I fix "Unable to connect to the server" errors?

Problem: While working through the tutorial described in Tutorial: Deploy an application to Amazon EKS, you see an error message similar to the following in your development machine's terminal window:

Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp: lookup on no such host

Possible fixes:

This error usually indicates that the credentials that the kubectl utility is using to connect to your Amazon EKS cluster have expired. To solve the issue, refresh the credentials by entering the following command at the terminal prompt:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name codecatalyst-eks-cluster --region us-west-2


  • codecatalyst-eks-cluster is replaced with the name of your Amazon EKS cluster.

  • us-west-2 is replaced with the AWS Region where your cluster is deployed.

Why are CodeDeploy fields missing from the visual editor?

Problem: You are using a Deploy to Amazon ECS action, and you are not seeing the CodeDeploy fields such as CodeDeploy AppSpec in the workflow's visual editor. This problem may occur because the Amazon ECS service that you specified in the Service field is not configured to perform blue/green deployments.

Possible fixes:

  • Choose a different Amazon ECS service on the Deploy to Amazon ECS action's Configuration tab. For more information, see Deploying to Amazon ECS with a workflow.

  • Configure the selected Amazon ECS service to perform blue/green deployments. For more information about configuring blue/green deployments, see Blue/Green deployment with CodeDeploy in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

How do I fix IAM capabilities errors?

Problem: You are using a Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action, and you see ##[error] requires capabilities: [capability-name] in your Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action's logs.

Possible fixes: Complete the following procedure to add the capability to the workflow definition file. For more information about IAM capabilities, see Acknowledging IAM resources in AWS CloudFormation templates in the IAM User Guide.

To add an IAM capability using the visual editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose Visual.

  7. In the workflow diagram, choose your Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action.

  8. Choose the Configuration tab.

  9. At the bottom, choose Advanced - optional.

  10. In the Capabilities drop-down list, select the check box next to the capability mentioned in the error message. If the capability is not available in the list, use the YAML editor to add it.

  11. (Optional) Choose Validate to validate the workflow's YAML code before committing.

  12. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.

  13. If a new workflow run doesn't start automatically, run the workflow manually to see if the changes fix the error. For more information about running a workflow manually, see Starting a workflow run manually.

To add an IAM capability using the YAML editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose YAML.

  7. In the Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack action, add a capabilities property, like this:

    DeployCloudFormationStack: Configuration: capabilities: capability-name

    Replace capability-name with the name of the IAM capability shown in the error message. Use commas and no spaces to list multiple capabilities. For more information, see the description of the capabilities property in the 'Deploy AWS CloudFormation stack' action YAML.

  8. (Optional) Choose Validate to validate the workflow's YAML code before committing.

  9. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.

  10. If a new workflow run doesn't start automatically, run the workflow manually to see if the changes fix the error. For more information about running a workflow manually, see Starting a workflow run manually.

How do I fix "npm install" errors?

Problem: Your AWS CDK deploy action or AWS CDK bootstrap action fails with an npm install error. This error may occur because you are storing your AWS CDK app dependencies in a private node package manager (npm) registry that cannot be accessed by the action.

Possible fixes: Use the following instructions to update your AWS CDK app's cdk.json file with additional registry and authentication information.

Before you begin
  1. Create secrets for your authentication information. You'll reference these secrets in the cdk.json file instead of providing the cleartext equivalents. To create the secrets:

    1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

    2. Choose your project.

    3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Secrets.

    4. Create two secrets with the following properties:

      First secret Second secret

      Name: npmUsername

      Value: npm-username, where npm-username is the username used to authenticate to your private npm registry.

      (Optional) Description: The username used to authenticate to the private npm registry.

      Name: npmAuthToken

      Value: npm-auth-token, where npm-auth-token is the access token used to authenticate to your private npm registry. For more information about npm access tokens, see About access tokens in the npm documentation.

      (Optional) Description: The access token used to authenticate to the private npm registry.

      For more information about secrets, see Masking data using secrets.

  2. Add the secrets as environment variables to your AWS CDK action. The action will replace the variables with real values when it runs. To add the secrets:

    1. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

    2. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

    3. Choose Edit.

    4. Choose Visual.

    5. In the workflow diagram, choose your AWS CDK action.

    6. Choose the Inputs tab.

    7. Add two variables with the following properties:

      First variable Second variable

      Name: NPMUSER

      Value: ${Secrets.npmUsername}

      Name: NPMTOKEN

      Value: ${Secrets.npmAuthToken}

      You now have two variables containing references to secrets.

    Your workflow definition file YAML code should look similar to the following:


    The following code sample is from an AWS CDK bootstrap action; a AWS CDK deploy action will look similar.

    Name: CDK_Bootstrap_Action SchemaVersion: 1.0 Actions: CDKBootstrapAction: Identifier: aws/cdk-bootstrap@v2 Inputs: Variables: - Name: NPMUSER Value: ${Secrets.npmUsername} - Name: NPMTOKEN Value: ${Secrets.npmAuthToken} Sources: - WorkflowSource Environment: Name: Dev2 Connections: - Name: account-connection Role: codecatalystAdmin Configuration: Parameters: Region: "us-east-2"

    You are now ready to use the NPMUSER and NPMTOKEN variables in your cdk.json file. Go to the next procedure.

To update your cdk.json file
  1. Change to the root directory of your AWS CDK project, and open the cdk.json file.

  2. Find the "app": property, and change it to include the code shown in red italics:


    The following sample code is from a TypeScript project. If you're using a JavaScript project, the code will look similar though not identical.

    { "app": "npm set registry=https://your-registry/folder/CDK-package/ --userconfig .npmrc && npm set //your-registry/folder/CDK-package/:always-auth=true --userconfig .npmrc && npm set //your-registry/folder/CDK-package/:_authToken=\"${NPMUSER}\":\"${NPMTOKEN}\" && npm install && npx ts-node --prefer-ts-exts bin/hello-cdk.ts|js", "watch": { "include": [ "**" ], "exclude": [ "", "cdk*.json", "**/*.d.ts", "**/*.js", "tsconfig.json", "package*.json", ...
  3. In the code highlighted in red italics, replace:

    • your-registry/folder/CDK-package/ with the path to your AWS CDK project dependencies in your private registry.

    • hello-cdk.ts|.js with the name of your entrypoint file. This may be a .ts (TypeScript) or .js (JavaScript) file depending on the language you're using.


      The action will replace the NPMUSER and NPMTOKEN variables with the npm username and access token that you specified in Secrets.

  4. Save your cdk.json file.

  5. Re-run the action manually to see if the changes fix the error. For more information about running actions manually, see Starting a workflow run manually.

Why do multiple workflows have the same name?

Workflows are stored per branch per repository. Two different workflows can have the same name if they exist in different branches. In the Workflows page, you can differentiate workflows of the same name by looking at the branch name. For more information, see Organizing your source code work with branches in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

Workflow branch

Can I store my workflow definition files in another folder?

No, you must store all workflow definition files in the .codecatalyst/workflows folder, or in subfolders of that folder. If you are using a mono repo with multiple logical projects, place all your workflow definition files in the .codecatalyst/workflows folder or one of its subfolders, and then use the Files changed field (visual editor) or FilesChanged property (YAML editor) inside a trigger to trigger the workflow automatically at a specified project path. For more information, see Adding triggers to workflows and Example: A trigger with a push, branches, and files.

How do I add actions in sequence to my workflow?

By default, when you add an action to your workflow, it will have no dependencies and will run in parallel with other actions.

If you want to arrange actions in sequence, you can set a dependency on another action by setting the DependsOn field. You can also configure an action to consume artifacts or variables which are outputs of other actions. For more information, see Sequencing actions.

Why does my workflow successfully validate but fail at runtime?

If you validated your workflow using the Validate button, but your workflow failed anyway, it might because a limitation in the validator.

Any errors in reference to a CodeCatalyst resource like secrets, environments, or fleets in the workflow configuration will not register during a commit. If any references that aren't valid are used, the error will only be identified when a workflow is run. Similarly, if there are any errors in your action configuration like missing a required field or typos in action attributes, they will be identified only when the workflow is run. For more information, see Creating a workflow.

Auto-discovery doesn't discover any reports for my action

Problem: I configured auto-discovery for an action that runs tests, but no reports are discovered by CodeCatalyst.

Possible fixes: This might be caused by a number of issues. Try one or more of the following solutions:

  • Make sure that the tool used to run tests produces outputs in one of the formats that CodeCatalyst understands. For example, if you would like pytest to allow CodeCatalyst to discover test and code coverage reports, include the following arguments:

    --junitxml=test_results.xml --cov-report xml:test_coverage.xml

    For more information, see Quality report types.

  • Make sure that the file extension for the outputs are consistent with the chosen format. For example, when configuring pytest to produce results in JUnitXML format, check that the file extension is .xml. For more information, see Quality report types.

  • Make sure that IncludePaths is configured to include the entire file system (**/*) unless you are excluding certain folders on purpose. Similarly, make sure that ExcludePaths don't exclude directories where you expect your reports to be located.

  • If you manually configured a report to use a specific output file, it will be excluded from auto-discovery. For more information, see Quality reports YAML example.

  • Auto-discovery may not find reports because the action failed before any outputs were generated. For example, the build may have failed before any unit tests have been run.

My action fails on auto-discovered reports after I configure success criteria

Problem: When I enable auto-discovery and configure success criteria, some of the reports don't meet the success criteria and the action fails as a result.

Possible fixes: To resolve this, try one or more of the following solutions:

  • Modify IncludePaths or ExcludePaths to exclude reports that you are not interested in.

  • Update success criteria to allow all reports to pass. For example, if two reports were discovered with one having line coverage of 50% and another one of 70%, adjust the minimum line coverage to 50%. For more information, see Success criteria

  • Turn the failing report into a manually configured report. This allows you to configure different success criteria for that specific report. For more information, see Configuring success criteria for reports.

Auto-discovery generates reports that I don't want

Problem: When I enable auto-discovery, it generates reports that I don't want. For example, CodeCatalyst generates code coverage reports for files included in my application’s dependencies stored in node_modules.

Possible fixes: You can adjust the ExcludePaths configuration to exclude unwanted files. For example, to exclude node_modules, add node_modules/**/*. For more information, see Include/exclude paths.

Auto-discovery generates many small reports for a single test framework

Problem: When I use certain test and code coverage reporting frameworks, I noticed that auto-discovery generates a large number of reports. For example, when using the Maven Surefire Plugin, auto-discovery produces a different report for each test class.

Possible fixes: Your framework may be able to aggregate outputs into a single file. For example, if you are using Maven Surefire Plugin, you can use npx junit-merge to aggregate the files manually. The full expression may look like this:

mvn test; cd test-package-path/surefire-reports && npx junit-merge -d ./ && rm *Test.xml

Workflows listed under CI/CD don't match those in the source repository

Problem: The workflows displayed on the CI/CD, Workflows page do not match those in the ~/.codecatalyst/workflows/ folder in your source repository. You may see the following mismatches:

  • A workflow appears on the Workflows page, but a corresponding workflow definition file does not exist in your source repository.

  • A workflow definition file exists in your source repository, but a corresponding workflow does not appear on the Workflows page.

  • A workflow exists in both the source repository and Workflows page, but the two are different.

This problem may occur if the Workflows page hasn't had time to refresh, or if a workflow quota was exceeded.

Possible fixes:

  • Wait. You usually have to wait two or three seconds after a commit to source before you see the change on the Workflows page.

  • If you've exceeded a workflow quota, do one of the following:


    To determine whether a workflow quota was exceeded, review Quotas for workflows in CodeCatalyst, and cross-check the documented quotas against the workflows in your source repository or on the Workflows page. There is no error message to indicate that a quota was exceeded, so you'll have to investigate on your own.

    • If you've exceeded the Maximum number of workflows per space quota, delete some workflows and then perform a test commit against the workflow definition file. An example of a test commit might be to add a space to the file.

    • If you've exceeded the Maximum workflow definition file size quota, change the workflow definition file to reduce its length.

    • If you've exceeded the Maximum number of workflow files processed in a single source event quota, perform several test commits. Modify fewer than the maximum number of workflows in each commit.

I can't create or update workflows

Problem: I want create or update a workflow, but I see an error when I try to commit the change.

Possible fixes: Depending on your role in the project or space, you might not have permissions to push code to source repositories in the project. The YAML files for workflows are stored in repositories. For more information, see Workflow definition files. The Space administrator role, Project administrator role, and Contributor role all have permission to commit and push code to repositories in a project.

If you have the Contributor role but cannot create or commit changes to workflow YAML in a specific branch, there might be a branch rule configured for that branch that prevents users with that role from pushing code to that particular branch. Try creating a workflow in a different branch, or commiting your changes to a different branch. For more information, see Manage allowed actions for a branch with branch rules.