Configuring and using the nuget or dotnet CLI - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Configuring and using the nuget or dotnet CLI

You can use CLI tools such as NuGet and dotnet to publish and consume packages from CodeCatalyst. This document provides information about configuring the CLI tools and using them to publish or consume packages.

Configuring NuGet with CodeCatalyst

To configure NuGet with CodeCatalyst, add a repository endpoint and personal access token to your NuGet configuration file to allow nuget or dotnet to connect to your CodeCatalyst package repository.

To configure NuGet with your CodeCatalyst package repository
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. On the overview page for your project, choose Packages.

  3. Choose your package repository from the list of package repositories.

  4. Choose Connect to repository.

  5. In the Connect to repository dialog box, choose NuGet or dotnet from the list of package manager clients.

  6. You will need a personal access token (PAT) to authenticate NuGet with CodeCatalyst. If you already have one, you can use that. If not, you can create one here.

    1. Choose Create token.

    2. Choose Copy to copy your PAT.


      You will not be able to see or copy your PAT again after you close the dialog box.

  7. Configure nuget or dotnet to use your repository's NuGet endpoint and CodeCatalyst PAT. Replace the following values.


    If copying from the console instructions, the following values should be updated for you and should not be changed.

    • Replace username with your CodeCatalyst user name.

    • Replace PAT with your CodeCatalyst PAT.

    • Replace space_name with your CodeCatalyst space name.

    • Replace proj_name with your CodeCatalyst project name.

    • Replace repo_name with your CodeCatalyst package repository name.

    1. For nuget, use the nuget sources add command.

      nuget sources add -name "repo_name" -Source "" -username "username" -password "PAT"
    2. For dotnet, use the dotnet nuget add source command.

      Linux and macOS users: Because encryption is not supported on non-Windows platforms, you must add the --store-password-in-clear-text flag to the following command. Note that this will store your password as plaintext in your configuration file.

      dotnet nuget add source "" -n "proj_name/repo_name" -u "username" -p "PAT" --store-password-in-clear-text

Once you have configured NuGet with CodeCatalyst, you can consume NuGet packages that are stored in your CodeCatalyst repository or one of its upstream repositories and publish NuGet packages to your CodeCatalyst repository.

Consuming NuGet packages from a CodeCatalyst repository

Once you have configured NuGet with CodeCatalyst, you can consume NuGet packages that are stored in your CodeCatalyst repository or one of its upstream repositories.

To consume a package version from a CodeCatalyst repository or one of its upstream repositories with nuget or dotnet, run the following command. Replace packageName with the name of the package you want to consume and packageSourceName with the source name for your CodeCatalyst package repository in your NuGet configuration file, which should be the repository name.

To install a package with dotnet

dotnet add packageName --source packageSourceName

To install a package with nuget

nuget install packageName --source packageSourceName

For more information, see Manage packages using the nuget CLI or Install and manage packages using the dotnet CLI in the Microsoft Documentation.

You can consume NuGet packages from through a CodeCatalyst repository by configuring the repository with an upstream connection to Packages consumed from are ingested and stored in your CodeCatalyst repository.

To consume packages from
  1. If you haven't already, configure your NuGet package manager with your CodeCatalyst package repository by following the steps in Configuring NuGet with CodeCatalyst.

  2. Ensure that your repository has added as an upstream connection. You can check which upstream sources are added or add as an upstream source by following the instructions in Adding an upstream repository and choosing the NuGet store repository.

Publishing NuGet packages to CodeCatalyst

Once you have configured NuGet with CodeCatalyst, you can use nuget or dotnet to publish package versions to CodeCatalyst repositories.

To push a package version to a CodeCatalyst repository, run the following command with the full path to your .nupkg file and the source name for your CodeCatalyst repository in your NuGet configuration file.

To publish a package with dotnet

dotnet nuget push path/to/nupkg/SamplePackage.1.0.0.nupkg --source packageSourceName

To publish a package with nuget

nuget push path/to/nupkg/SamplePackage.1.0.0.nupkg --source packageSourceName