Getting started with custom blueprints - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Getting started with custom blueprints

During the process of creating a blueprint, you can configure the blueprint and generate a preview of the project resources. Each custom blueprint is managed by a CodeCatalyst project, which contains a workflow by default for publishing to the space's blueprints catalog.

While configuring your custom blueprint's details, you can also choose to store your blueprint's source code in a third-party repository, where you can still manage the custom blueprint and utilize the lifecycle management capabilities to keep your space's projects synchronized when the custom blueprint is modified. For more information, see Add functionality to projects with extensions in CodeCatalyst and Working with lifecycle management as a blueprint author.

If you already have a source repository with standardization and best practices in place, you can choose to convert that source repository into a custom blueprint. For more information, see Converting source repositories to custom blueprints.


Before creating a custom blueprint, consider the following requirements:

  • Your CodeCatalyst space must be the Enterprise tier. For more information, see Managing billing in the Amazon CodeCatalyst Administrator Guide.

  • You need to have the Space administrator or the Power user role to create custom blueprints. For more information, see Granting access with user roles.

Step 1: Create a custom blueprint in CodeCatalyst

When you create a custom blueprint from your space's settings, a repository is created for you. The repository includes all the required resources that you must have to develop your blueprint before publishing it to the space's blueprints catalog.

To create a custom blueprint

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. In the CodeCatalyst console, navigate to the space where you want to create a custom blueprint.

  3. On the space dashboard, choose the Settings tab, and then choose Blueprints.

  4. Choose Create blueprint.

  5. Under Name your blueprint, enter the name that you want to assign to your project and its associated resource names. The name must be unique within your space.

  6. (Optional) By default, the source code created by the blueprint is stored in a CodeCatalyst repository. Alternatively, you can choose to store the blueprint's source code in a third-party repository. For more information, see Add functionality to projects with extensions in CodeCatalyst.

    Do one of the following depending on the third-party repository provider you want to use:

    • GitHub repositories: Connect a GitHub account.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose GitHub as the repository provider, and then choose the GitHub account where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.


      If you're using a connection to a GitHub account, you must create a personal connection to establish identity mapping between your CodeCatalyst identity and your GitHub identity. For more information, see Personal connections and Accessing GitHub resources with personal connections.

    • Bitbucket repositories: Connect a Bitbucket workspace.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose Bitbucket as the repository provider, and then choose the Bitbucket workspace where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.

    • GitLab repositories: Connect a GitLab user.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose GitLab as the repository provider, and then choose the GitLab user where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.

  7. Under Blueprint details, do the following:

    1. In the Blueprint display name text input field, enter a name that will appear in your space's blueprints catalog.

    2. In the Description text input field, enter a description for your custom blueprint.

    3. In the Author name text input field, enter an author name for your custom blueprint.

    4. (Optional) Choose the Advanced settings.

      1. Choose + Add to add tags that are added to the package.json file.

      2. Choose the License dropdown menu, and then choose a license for your custom blueprint.

      3. In the Blueprint package name text input field, enter a name to identify your blueprint package.

      4. By default, a release workflow is generated using a publishing blueprint within your project called Blueprint Builder. The workflow publishes the latest blueprint version to your space when you push changes since publishing permissions are enabled by the release workflow. To turn off the workflow generation, uncheck the Release workflow checkbox.

  8. (Optional) A blueprint project comes with predefined code to support the publishing of the blueprint to the space's blueprints catalog. To view definition files with updates based on the project parameter selections you made, choose View code or View workflow from Generate blueprint preview.

  9. Choose Create blueprint.

If you didn't turn off the workflow generation for your custom blueprint, the workflow automatically begins to run when your blueprint is created. When the workflow run is complete, your custom blueprint is available to be added to your space's blueprints catalog by default. You can turn off publishing permissions if you don't want the latest blueprint version to be published automatically to your space. For more information, see Setting publishing permissions for a custom blueprint and Running a workflow.

Since the publishing workflow called blueprint-release is created using a blueprint, the blueprint can be found as an applied blueprint in your project. For more information, see Adding a blueprint in a project to integrate resources and Disassociating a blueprint from a project to stop updates.

Step 2: Develop a custom blueprint with components

A blueprint wizard is generated when you create a custom blueprint, and it can be modified with components when developing the custom blueprint. You can update the src/blueprints.js and src/defaults.json files to modify the wizard.


If you want to use blueprint packages from external sources, consider the risks that may come with those packages. You're responsible for the custom blueprints that you add to your space and the code they generate.

Create a Dev Environment in your CodeCatalyst project with a supported integrated development environment (IDE) before configuring your blueprint code. A Dev Environment is necessary to work with the required tools and packages.

To create a Dev Environment

  1. In the navigation pane, do one of the following:

    1. Choose Overview, and then navigate to the My Dev Environments section.

    2. Choose Code, and then choose Dev Environments.

    3. Choose Code, choose Source repositories, and choose the repository that you created when creating your blueprint.

  2. Choose Create Dev Environment.

  3. Choose a supported IDE from the dropdown menu. See Supported integrated development environments for Dev Environments for more information.

  4. Choose Work in existing branch, and from the Existing branch dropdown menu, choose the feature branch you created.

  5. (Optional) In the Alias - optional text input field, enter an alias to identify the Dev Environment.

  6. Choose Create. While your Dev Environment is being created, the Dev Environment status column displays Starting, and the status column displays Running when the Dev Environment has been created.

For more information, see Write and modify code with Dev Environments in CodeCatalyst.

To develop your custom blueprint

  1. In a working terminal, use the following yarn command to install dependencies:


    The required tools and packages are made available through the CodeCatalyst Dev Environment, including Yarn. If you're working on a custom blueprint without a Dev Environment, install Yarn to your system first. For more information, see Yarn's installation documentation.

  2. Develop your custom blueprint so that it's configured to your preferences. You can modify your blueprint's wizard by adding components. For more information, see Developing a custom blueprint to meet project requirements, Modifying blueprint features with a front-end wizard, and Publishing a custom blueprint to a space.

Step 3: Preview a custom blueprint

After setting up and developing your custom blueprint, you can preview and publish the preview version of your blueprint to your space. A preview version gives you the ability to check that the blueprint is what you want before it's used to create new projects or applied to existing projects.

To preview a custom blueprint

  1. In a working terminal, use the following yarn command:

    yarn blueprint:preview
  2. Navigate to the See this blueprint at: link provided to preview your custom blueprint.

  3. Check that the UI, including text, appears as you expected based on your configuration. If you want to change your custom blueprint, you can edit the blueprint.ts file, resynthesize the blueprint, and then publish a preview version again. For more information, see Resynthesis.

(Optional) Step 4: Publish a custom blueprint preview version

You can publish a preview version of your custom blueprint to your space if you want to add it to your space's blueprints catalog. This allows you to view the blueprint as a user before adding the non-preview version to the catalog. The preview version allows you to publish without taking up an actual version. For example, if you work on a 0.0.1 version, you can publish and add a preview version, so new updates for a second version can be published and added as 0.0.2.

To publish a preview version of a custom blueprint

Navigate to the Enable version [version number] at: link provided to enable your custom blueprint. This link is provided when running the yarn command in Step 3: Preview a custom blueprint.

After creating, developing, previewing, and publishing your custom blueprint, you can publish and add the final blueprint version to your space's blueprints catalog. For more information, see Publishing a custom blueprint to a space and Adding a custom blueprint to a space blueprints catalog.