Track and organize work with issues in CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Track and organize work with issues in CodeCatalyst

In CodeCatalyst, you can monitor features, bugs, and any other work involved in your project. Each piece of work is kept in a distinct record called an issue. You can break up an issue into smaller objectives by adding a checklist of tasks to it. Each issue can have a description, assignee, status, and other properties, which you can search for, group, and filter on. You can view your issues using the default views, or you can create your own views with custom filtering, sorting, or grouping. For more information about concepts related to issues, see Issues concepts. To learn how to create your first issue, see Creating an issue in CodeCatalyst.

Here is one possible workflow for a team using issues:

Jorge Souza is a developer working in a project. He and his fellow project members Li Juan, Mateo Jackson, and Wang Xiulan collaborate to determine what work needs to be done. Every day, he and his fellow developers hold a sync-up meeting, led by Wang Xiulan. They pull up the board by navigating to one of their teams views of the board. By creating views, users and teams can save filters, groupings, and sorting of issues to easily view issues that meet their specified criteria. Their view contains issues grouped by Assignee and sorted by Priority to show the most important issues and status of the issues for each developer. As Jorge is assigned tasks to complete, he plans his work by creating an issue for each task. When creating issues, Jorge can choose the appropriate Status, Priority, and work Estimation effort. For larger issues, Jorge adds tasks to the issue, to break the work into smaller objectives. Jorge creates his issues with a draft status, such as backlog, as he doesn't plan to start on them immediately. Issues in a draft status appear on the Drafts view where they are to be planned and prioritized. Once Jorge is ready to start the work, he moves the corresponding issue to the board by updating its status to a status in another category (Not Started, Started, or Completed). As each task is being worked on, the team can filter by the title, status, assignee, label, priority, and estimation to find a specific issue or similar issues that match the specified parameter. Using the board, Jorge and his team can see the number of tasks completed for each issue, and track the day-to-day progress by dragging each issue from one status to the next until the task is complete. As the project progresses, finished issues accumulate in the Completed status. Wang Xiulan decides to remove them from view by archiving them using the quick archive button, so that the developers can focus on the issues that are related to current and upcoming work.

When planning their work, the developers working on the project choose Sort by and Group by to find the issues they want to move from the backlog to the board. They might choose to add issues to the board based on the highest priority customer requests, so they group the board by a Customer request label and sort by Priority. They might also sort by estimate to ensure that they're taking on a volume of work they can achieve. The project manager, Saanvi Sarkar, regularly reviews and grooms the backlog to help ensure that the priority accurately reflects the importance of each issue to the success of the project.