Determining which predefined variables your workflow emits - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Determining which predefined variables your workflow emits

Use the following procedure to determine which predefined variables a workflow emits when it runs. You can then reference these variables within the same workflow.

For more information about predefined variables, see Using predefined variables.

To determine the predefined variables that your workflow emits
  • Do one of the following:

    • Run the workflow once. After the run finishes, the variables emitted by the workflow are displayed on the Variables tab of the run details page. For more information, see Viewing workflow run status and details.

    • Consult the List of predefined variables. This reference lists the variable name (key) and value for each predefined variable.


The maximum total size of a workflow's variables is listed in Quotas for workflows in CodeCatalyst. If the total size exceeds the maximum, the action that occurs after the maximum is reached may fail.