Publishing files to Amazon S3 with a workflow - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Publishing files to Amazon S3 with a workflow

This section describes how to publish files to Amazon S3 using a CodeCatalyst workflow. To accomplish this, you must add the Amazon S3 publish action to your workflow. The Amazon S3 publish action copies files from a source directory to an Amazon S3 bucket. The source directory can reside in:

When to use the 'Amazon S3 publish' action

Use this action if:

  • You have a workflow that generates files that you want to store in Amazon S3.

    For example, you might have a workflow that builds a static website that you want to host in Amazon S3. In this case, your workflow would include a build action to build the site's HTML and supporting files, and an Amazon S3 publish action to copy the files to Amazon S3.

  • You have a source repository that contains files that you want to store in Amazon S3.

    For example, you might have a source repository with application source files that you want to archive on a nightly basis to Amazon S3.

Runtime image used by the 'Amazon S3 publish' action

The Amazon S3 publish action runs on a November 2022 image. For more information, see Active images.