You can leave a comment on an issue. In the comments you can tag other space members, other projects in the space, related issues, and code.
To add a comment to an issue
Navigate to your project.
In the navigation bar choose Issues.
Choose the issue where you want to add the comment. For help on finding your issue, see Finding and viewing issues.
Enter the comment in the Comments field. You can use Markdown to add formatting.
Choose Send.
To edit a comment
You can edit comments you make on issues. You can only edit comment that you authored.
Navigate to your project.
In the navigation bar choose Issues.
Choose the issue where you want to edit a comment. For help on finding your issue, see Finding and viewing issues.
To edit a comment, find the comment you want to edit.
You can sort comments by oldest or newest first. Comments are loaded 10 at a time.
Choose the ellipsis icon, then choose Edit.
Edit the comment. You can use Markdown to add formatting.
Choose Save. The comment is now updated.
To delete a comment
You can delete comments you make on issues. You can only delete comments that you authored. When a comment is deleted, your user name will show, but with the words This comment has been deleted in place of the original comment text.
Navigate to your project.
In the navigation bar choose Issues.
Choose the issue where you want to delete a comment. For help on finding your issue, see Finding and viewing issues.
Choose the ellipsis icon, choose Delete, and then choose Confirm.