You can sign up for Amazon CodeCatalyst without an invitation to an existing space or project. When you do, you will create a space and project after creating your AWS Builder ID. As part of creating a space, you will need to add an AWS account for billing purposes.
If you encounter any problems while signing up for your Amazon CodeCatalyst profile, follow the steps provided on that page. If you need additional help, see Problems signing up.
Here is one possible flow for a user starting out with CodeCatalyst without an invitation to a project or a space.
Mary Major is a developer who is interested in CodeCatalyst and decides to try it
out. She navigates to the CodeCatalyst console and chooses the option to sign up and create an
AWS Builder ID. Mary provides an email address and password to create her AWS Builder ID. She will
be able to use her AWS Builder ID to sign in to CodeCatalyst and other applications. When asked to
choose an alias, she specifies MaryMajor
as the CodeCatalyst user name that
will display in CodeCatalyst and that other project members will use to @mention Mary.
Next, Mary is automatically directed to create a space. As part of this flow, Mary is asked to associate an AWS account with the space she's creating so that she can see the sample code in her first project build and deploy. She adds that information and creates her space, where she chooses the option to create a preview development role that can be used for projects in her new space. Mary chooses to create a project, and then she views a list of blueprints for projects. After reviewing the information for the available blueprints, she decides to try the Modern three-tier web application blueprint for her first project. She fills in the required fields and creates the project. As soon as the project is ready, she's taken to a project summary page that includes recent activity as well as links to project code and the workflow that automatically builds and deploys that code. She explores both the code and the workflow, including viewing the deployed sample web application. Liking what she sees, she decides to invite some of her co-workers to the project to start exploring CodeCatalyst.
When she has a moment, Mary configures her AWS Builder ID to sign in to CodeCatalyst with multi-factor authentication (MFA). With MFA configured, Mary can sign in to CodeCatalyst using a combination of her CodeCatalyst password and a passcode or token from an approved third-party authentication app.
Creating a new space and IAM roles
Follow these steps to sign up for your Amazon CodeCatalyst profile, create a space, and add an account, a support role, and a developer role for your space.
The final procedure creates and add the developer role. The developer role is an AWS
IAM role that enables your CodeCatalyst workflows to access AWS resources. The developer
role is a service role used to manage AWS services and will be created in the account
that is signed in. A service role is an IAM
role that a service assumes to perform actions on your behalf. An IAM
administrator can create, modify, and delete a service role from within IAM. The role
will have a name CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-
. For more information about the role and role policy,
see Understanding the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName service role.spaceName
As a security best practice, only assign administrative access to administrative users and developers who need to manage access to AWS resources in the space.
Before you begin, you must be ready to provide an AWS account ID for an account where you have administrative privileges. Have your 12-digit AWS account ID ready. For information about finding your AWS account ID, see Your AWS account ID and its alias.
To sign up as a new user
Before you start in the CodeCatalyst console, open the AWS Management Console, and then make sure you are signed in with the same AWS account that you want to use to create your space.
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
On the welcome page, choose Sign up. The Create your AWS Builder ID page displays. Your AWS Builder ID is an identity you create to sign in. It is not the same as an AWS account.
In Your email address, enter the email address you want to associate with CodeCatalyst. Then choose Next.
In Your name, provide the first and last name you want displayed in applications where you use your AWS Builder ID. Spaces are allowed. This will be your AWS Builder ID profile name, such as Mary Major. You can change the name later.
Choose Next. The Email verification page displays.
A verification code will be sent to the email you specified. Enter this code in Verification code, and then choose Verify. If you don't receive your code after 5 minutes and cannot find it in your spam or junk folders, then choose Resend code.
Once we verify your code, enter a password that meets the requirements in Password and Confirm password.
Select the checkbox confirming your agreement with the AWS Customer Agreement and the AWS Service Terms, and then choose Create AWS Builder ID.
On the Create your CodeCatalyst alias page, enter an alias you want to use for your unique user identifier in CodeCatalyst. Choose a shortened version of your name with no spaces, such as MaryMajor. Other CodeCatalyst users will use this to @mention you in comments and pull requests. Your CodeCatalyst profile will contain both your full name from your AWS Builder ID and your CodeCatalyst alias. You cannot change your CodeCatalyst alias later.
Your full name and your alias will display in different areas in CodeCatalyst. For example, your profile name displays for your listed activity in the activity feed, but project members will use your alias to @mention you.
Choose Next. The page updates to show the Create your CodeCatalyst space section.
In Name your space, enter the name of your space. You cannot change this later.
Space names must be unique across CodeCatalyst. You cannot reuse names of deleted spaces.
In AWS Region dropdown menu, choose the region where you want to store your space and project data. You cannot change this later.
Choose Next. The page updates to show the page for adding an AWS account. This account will be used as the billing account for the space.
In AWS account ID, enter the twelve-digit ID for the account you want to connect to your space.
In AWS account verification token, copy the generated token ID. The token is automatically copied for you, but you might want to store it while you approve the AWS connection request.
Choose Go to the AWS console to verify.
The Verify Amazon CodeCatalyst space page opens in the AWS Management Console. This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst spaces page. You might need to sign in to access the page.
In the AWS Management Console, make sure to choose the same AWS Region where you want to create your space.
To directly access the page, sign in to the Amazon CodeCatalyst Spaces in the AWS Management Console at
The verification token field in the AWS Management Console is automatically populated with the token generated in CodeCatalyst.
(Optional) Under Authorized paid tiers, choose Authorize paid tiers (Standard, Enterprise) to turn on the paid tiers for your billing account.
This does not upgrade the billing tier to a paid tier. However, this configures the AWS account so that you can change the billing tier for your space at any time in CodeCatalyst. You can turn on the paid tiers at any time. Without making this change, the space is only able to use the Free tier.
Choose Verify space.
An Account verified success message displays to show that the account has been added to the space.
Remain on the Verify Amazon CodeCatalyst space page. Choose the following link: To add IAM roles for this space, view space details.
The connections page with CodeCatalyst space details opens in the AWS Management Console. This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst spaces page. You might need to log in to access the page.
Return to the CodeCatalyst page, and then choose Next.
A status message displays while your space is being created. When the space is created, CodeCatalyst the following message is displayed: Your space is ready. Your last step is creating a project.. You can do one of the following:
Choose Skip for now.
Choose Create your first project for your space. For a tutorial that shows you how to create a project with a blueprint, see Tutorial: Creating a project with the Modern three-tier web application blueprint
If a permissions error or banner is shown, then refresh the page and try to view the page again.
To create and add the CodeCatalyst CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName
Before you start in the CodeCatalyst console, open the AWS Management Console, and then make sure you are logged in with the same AWS account for your space.
Open the CodeCatalyst console at
. -
Navigate to your CodeCatalyst space. Choose Settings, and then choose AWS accounts.
Choose the link for the AWS account where you want to create the role. The AWS account details page displays.
Choose Manage roles from AWS Management Console.
The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page opens in the AWS Management Console. This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst spaces page. You might need to log in to access the page.
Choose Create CodeCatalyst development administrator role in IAM. This option creates a service role that contains the permissions policy and trust policy for the development role. The role will have a name
. For more information about the role and role policy, see Understanding the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName service role.spaceName
This role is only recommended for use with developer accounts and uses the
AWS managed policy, giving it full access to create new policies and resources in this AWS account. -
Choose Create development role.
On the connections page, under IAM roles available to CodeCatalyst, view the
role in the list of IAM roles added to your account.spaceName
To return to your space, choose Go to Amazon CodeCatalyst.
To create and add the CodeCatalyst AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport
Before you start in the CodeCatalyst console, open the AWS Management Console, and then make sure you are logged in with the same AWS account for your space.
Navigate to your CodeCatalyst space. Choose Settings, and then choose AWS accounts.
Choose the link for the AWS account where you want to create the role. The AWS account details page displays.
Choose Manage roles from AWS Management Console.
The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page opens in the AWS Management Console. This is the Amazon CodeCatalyst Spaces page. You might need to sign in to access the page.
Under CodeCatalyst space details, choose Add CodeCatalyst Support role. This option creates a service role that contains the permissions policy and trust policy for the preview development role. The role will have a name AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport with a unique identifier appended. For more information about the role and role policy, see Understanding the AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport service role.
On the Add role for CodeCatalyst Support page, leave the default selected, and then choose Create role.
Under IAM roles available to CodeCatalyst, view the
role in the list of IAM roles added to your account.spaceName
To return to your space, choose Go to Amazon CodeCatalyst.
After you create your AWS Builder ID, create your first space, and add an account, you can then create a project. For more information, see Creating a project. If this is your first time using CodeCatalyst, we suggest starting with Tutorial: Creating a project with the Modern three-tier web application blueprint.