Install the CodeDeploy agent for Amazon Linux or RHEL - AWS CodeDeploy

Install the CodeDeploy agent for Amazon Linux or RHEL

Sign in to the instance, and run the following commands, one at a time. Running the command sudo yum update first is considered best practice when using yum to install packages, but you can skip it if you do not wish to update all of your packages.

sudo yum update
sudo yum install ruby
sudo yum install wget

(Optional) To clean the AMI of any previous agent caching information, run the following script:

#!/bin/bash CODEDEPLOY_BIN="/opt/codedeploy-agent/bin/codedeploy-agent" $CODEDEPLOY_BIN stop yum erase codedeploy-agent -y

Change to your home directory:

cd /home/ec2-user

In the previous command, /home/ec2-user represents the default user name for an Amazon Linux or RHEL Amazon EC2 instance. If your instance was created using a custom AMI, the AMI owner might have specified a different default user name.

Download the CodeDeploy agent installer:


bucket-name is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the CodeDeploy Resource Kit files for your region, and region-identifier is the identifier for your region.

For example:

For a list of bucket names and region identifiers, see Resource kit bucket names by Region.

Set execute permissions on the install file:

chmod +x ./install

To install the latest version of the CodeDeploy agent:

  • sudo ./install auto

To install a specific version of the CodeDeploy agent:

  • List the available versions in your region:

    aws s3 ls s3://aws-codedeploy-region-identifier/releases/ --region region-identifier | grep '\.rpm$'
  • Install one of the versions:

    sudo ./install auto -v releases/codedeploy-agent-version.noarch.rpm

    AWS supports the latest minor version of the CodeDeploy agent. Currently the latest minor version is 1.7.x.

To check that the service is running, run the following command:

systemctl status codedeploy-agent

If the CodeDeploy agent is installed and running, you should see a message like The AWS CodeDeploy agent is running.

If you see a message like error: No AWS CodeDeploy agent running, start the service and run the following two commands, one at a time:

systemctl start codedeploy-agent
systemctl status codedeploy-agent