Uninstall the CodeDeploy agent - AWS CodeDeploy

Uninstall the CodeDeploy agent

You can remove the CodeDeploy agent from instances when it is no longer needed or when you want to perform a fresh installation.

Uninstall the CodeDeploy agent from Amazon Linux or RHEL

To uninstall the CodeDeploy agent, sign in to the instance and run the following command:

sudo yum erase codedeploy-agent

Uninstall the CodeDeploy agent from Ubuntu Server

To uninstall the CodeDeploy agent, sign in to the instance and run the following command:

sudo dpkg --purge codedeploy-agent

Uninstall the CodeDeploy agent from Windows Server

To uninstall the CodeDeploy agent, sign in to the instance and run the following three commands, one at a time:

product where name="CodeDeploy Host Agent" call uninstall /nointeractive

You can also sign in to the instance, and in Control Panel, open Programs and Features, choose CodeDeploy Host Agent, and then choose Uninstall.