Determine the version of the CodeDeploy agent - AWS CodeDeploy

Determine the version of the CodeDeploy agent

You can determine the version of the CodeDeploy agent running on your instance in two ways.

First, starting with version of the CodeDeploy agent, you can view the version number in a .version file on the instance. The following table shows the location and sample version string for each of the supported operating systems.

Operating system File location Sample agent_version string
Amazon Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) /opt/codedeploy-agent/.version OFFICIAL_1.0.1.854_rpm
Ubuntu Server /opt/codedeploy-agent/.version OFFICIAL_1.0.1.854_deb
Windows Server C:\ProgramData\Amazon\CodeDeploy\.version OFFICIAL_1.0.1.854_msi

Second, you can run a command on an instance to determine the version of the CodeDeploy agent.

Determine the version on Amazon Linux or RHEL

Sign in to the instance and run the following command:

sudo yum info codedeploy-agent

Determine the version on Ubuntu Server

Sign in to the instance and run the following command:

sudo dpkg -s codedeploy-agent

Determine the version on Windows Server

Sign in to the instance and run the following command:

sc qdescription codedeployagent