Create a deployment group for an EC2/On-Premises blue/green deployment (console) - AWS CodeDeploy

Create a deployment group for an EC2/On-Premises blue/green deployment (console)

To use the CodeDeploy console to create a deployment group for a blue/green deployment:


Do not follow these steps if:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Deploy, then choose Applications.

  3. On the Applications page, choose the name of the application for which you want to create a deployment group.

  4. On your application page, from the Deployment groups tab, choose Create deployment group.

  5. In Deployment group name, enter a name that describes the deployment group.


    If you want to use the same settings used in another deployment group (including the deployment group name, tags, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group names, and the deployment configuration), choose those settings on this page. Although this new deployment group and the existing deployment group have the same name, CodeDeploy treats them as separate deployment groups, because they are associated with separate applications.

  6. In Service role, choose a service role that grants CodeDeploy access to your target instance.

  7. In Deployment type choose Blue/green.

  8. In Environment configuration, do the following:

    • Select the method to use to provide instances for your replacement environment. You have the following options:

      • Automatically copy Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group: CodeDeploy creates an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group by copying one you specify.

      • Manually provision instances: You won't specify the instances for your replacement environment until you create a deployment. You must create the instances before you start the deployment. Instead, here you specify the instances you want to replace.

    • If you selected Automatically copy Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, optionally select Add a termination hook to Auto Scaling groups to have CodeDeploy install a termination hook into your Auto Scaling group when you create or update the deployment group. When this hook is installed, CodeDeploy will perform termination deployments. For more information, see Enabling termination deployments during Auto Scaling scale-in events.

  9. In Agent configuration with Systems Manager, specify how you would like to install and update the CodeDeploy agent on the instances in your deployment group. For more information on the CodeDeploy agent, see Working with the CodeDeploy agent. For more information about Systems Manager, see What is Systems Manager?

    1. Never: Skip configuring the CodeDeploy installation with Systems Manager. Instances must have the agent installed to be used in deployments, so only choose this option if you will install the CodeDeploy agent another way.

    2. Only once: Systems Manager will install the CodeDeploy agent once on every instance in your deployment group.

    3. Now and schedule updates: Systems Manager will create an association with State Manager that installs the CodeDeploy agent on the schedule you configure. For more information about State Manager and associations, see About State Manager.

  10. Depending on your choice in step 8, do one of the following:

    • If you chose Automatically copy Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group: In Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, choose or enter the name of the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group you want to use as a template for the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group that is created for the instances in your replacement environment. The number of currently healthy instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group you select is created in your replacement environment.

    • If you chose Manually provision instances: Select Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling intances, or both to specify instances to add to this deployment group. Enter Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tag values or Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group names to identify the instances in your original environment (that is, the instances you want to replace or that are running the current application revision).

  11. In Load balancer, select Enable load balancing, and then from the lists, select the Classic Load Balancers, Application Load Balancer target groups, and Network Load Balancer target groups that you want to register your replacement Amazon EC2 instances with. Each replacement instance will be registered with all the selected Classic Load Balancers and target groups. You can select up to 10 Classic Load Balancers and 10 target groups, for a total of 20 items.

    Traffic will be rerouted from the original to the replacement instances according to your chosen Traffic rerouting and Deployment configuration settings.

    For more information about load balancers for CodeDeploy deployments, see Integrating CodeDeploy with Elastic Load Balancing.


    If you are configuring both Auto Scaling groups and Elastic Load Balancing load balancers in this deployment group, and you want to attach the load balancers to Auto Scaling groups, we recommend completing this attachment before creating the CodeDeploy deployment from this deployment group. Attempting to complete the attachment after creating the deployment may cause all the instances to become deregistered from the load balancers unexpectedly.

  12. In Deployment settings, review the default options for rerouting traffic to the replacement environment, which deployment configuration to use for the deployment, and how instances in the original environment are handled after the deployment.

    If you want to change the settings, continue to the next step. Otherwise, skip to step 14.

  13. To change the deployment settings for the blue/green deployment, choose any of the following settings.

    Setting Options
    Traffic rerouting
    • Reroute traffic immediately: As soon as instances in the replacement environment are provisioned and the latest application revision is installed on them, they are registered with the specified load balancers and target groups automatically, causing traffic to be rerouted to them. Instances in the original environment are then deregistered.

    • I will choose whether to reroute traffic: Instances in the replacement environment are not registered with the specified load balancers and target groups unless you manually reroute traffic. If the wait time you specify passes without traffic being rerouted, the deployment status is changed to Stopped.

    Deployment configuration

    Choose the rate at which instances in the replacement environment are registered with the load balancers and target groups, such as one at a time or all at once.


    After traffic is successfully routed to the replacement environment, instances in the original environment are deregistered all at once no matter which deployment configuration was selected.

    For more information, see Working with deployment configurations in CodeDeploy.

    Original instances
    • Terminate the original instances in the deployment group: After traffic is rerouted to the replacement environment, the instances that were deregistered from the load balancers and target groups are terminated following the wait period you specify.

    • Keep the original instances in the deployment group running: After traffic is rerouted to the replacement environment, the instances that were deregistered from the load balancers and target groups are kept running.

  14. (Optional) In Advanced, configure options you want to include in the deployment, such as Amazon SNS notification triggers, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, Auto Scaling options, or automatic rollbacks.

    For information about specifying advanced options in deployment groups, see Configure advanced options for a deployment group.

  15. Choose Create deployment group.