Integration with partner products and services - AWS CodeDeploy

Integration with partner products and services

CodeDeploy has built-in integration for the following partner products and services:


If you already have a set of Ansible playbooks, but just need somewhere to run them, the template for Ansible and CodeDeploy demonstrates how a couple of simple deployment hooks can ensure Ansible is available on the local deployment instance and runs the playbooks. If you already have a process for building and maintaining your inventory, there's also an Ansible module you can use to install and run the CodeDeploy agent.

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Atlassian – Bamboo and Bitbucket

The CodeDeploy task for Bamboo compresses the directory that contains an AppSpec file into a .zip file, uploads the file to Amazon S3, and then starts the deployment according to the configuration provided in the CodeDeploy application.

Atlassian Bitbucket support for CodeDeploy enables you to push code to Amazon EC2 instances directly from the Bitbucket UI, on demand, to any of your deployment groups. This means that after you update code in your Bitbucket repository, you do not have to sign in to your continuous integration (CI) platform or Amazon EC2 instances to run a manual deployment process.

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AWS provides two template samples for integrating Chef and CodeDeploy. The first is a Chef cookbook that installs and starts the CodeDeploy agent. This allows you to continue managing your host infrastructure with Chef while using CodeDeploy. The second sample template demonstrates how to use CodeDeploy to orchestrate the running of cookbooks and recipes with chef-solo on each node.

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CircleCI provides an automated testing and continuous integration and deployment toolset. After you create an IAM role in AWS to use with CircleCI and configure your deployment parameters in your circle.yml file, you can use CircleCI with CodeDeploy to create application revisions, upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, and then initiate and monitor your deployments.

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You can use the CodeDeploy Jenkins plugin, available on CloudBees DEV@cloud, as a post-build action. For example, at the end of a continuous delivery pipeline, you can use it to deploy an application revision to your fleet of servers.

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You can use Codeship to deploy application revisions through CodeDeploy. You can use the Codeship UI to add CodeDeploy to a deployment pipeline for a branch.

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You can use CodeDeploy to deploy application revisions from GitHub repositories. You can also trigger a deployment from a GitHub repository whenever the source code in that repository is changed.

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HashiCorp Consul

You can use the open-source HashiCorp Consul tool to help ensure the health and stability of your application environment when you deploy applications in CodeDeploy. You can use Consul to register applications to be discovered during deployment, put applications and nodes in maintenance mode to omit them from deployments, and stop deployments if target instances become unhealthy.

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The CodeDeploy Jenkins plugin provides a post-build step for your Jenkins project. Upon a successful build, it zips the workspace, uploads to Amazon S3, and starts a new deployment.

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Puppet Labs

AWS provides sample templates for Puppet and CodeDeploy. The first is a Puppet module that installs and starts the CodeDeploy agent. This allows you to continue managing your host infrastructure with Puppet while using CodeDeploy. The second sample template demonstrates how to use CodeDeploy to orchestrate the running of modules and manifests with a masterless puppet on each node.

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You can integrate SaltStack infrastructure with CodeDeploy. You can use the CodeDeploy module to install and run the CodeDeploy agent on your minions or, with a couple of simple deployment hooks, you can use CodeDeploy to orchestrate the running of your Salt States.

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You can use the CodeDeploy Runner plugin to deploy applications directly from TeamCity. The plugin adds a TeamCity build step that prepares and uploads an application revision to an Amazon S3 bucket, registers the revision in a CodeDeploy application, creates a CodeDeploy deployment and, if you choose, waits for the deployment to be completed.

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Travis CI

You can configure Travis CI to trigger a deployment in CodeDeploy after a successful build.

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