Automatically uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from an on-premises instance - AWS CodeDeploy

Automatically uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from an on-premises instance

Typically, you uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from an on-premises instance after you're no longer planning to deploy to it.


Automatically uninstalling the CodeDeploy agent and removing the configuration file from an on-premises instance does not deregister an on-premises instance. It does not disassociate any on-premises instance tags associated with the on-premises instance. It does not delete the IAM user associated with the on-premises instance.

To automatically deregister the on-premises instance, see Automatically deregister an on-premises instance.

To manually deregister the on-premises instance, see Manually deregister an on-premises instance.

To manually disassociate any associated on-premises instance tags, see Manually remove on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance.

To manually uninstall the CodeDeploy agent from the on-premises instance, see Managing CodeDeploy agent operations.

To manually delete the associated IAM user, see Deleting an IAM user from your AWS account.

From the on-premises instance, use the AWS CLI to call the uninstall command.

For example:

aws deploy uninstall

The uninstall command does the following:

  1. Stops the running CodeDeploy agent on the on-premises instance.

  2. Uninstalls the CodeDeploy agent from the on-premises instance.

  3. Removes the configuration file from the on-premises instance. (For Ubuntu Server and RHEL, this is /etc/codedeploy-agent/conf/codedeploy.onpremises.yml. For Windows Server, this is C:\ProgramData\Amazon\CodeDeploy\conf.onpremises.yml.)