Step 5: Use the CodeDeploy console to deploy your Amazon ECS service - AWS CodeDeploy

Step 5: Use the CodeDeploy console to deploy your Amazon ECS service

In this section, you update your deployment group by specifying the port for your test listener. This is the listener you created in Step 1: Create a test listener . During deployment, CodeDeploy runs your validation test during the AfterAllowTestTraffic deployment lifecycle hook using test traffic served to your replacement task set using the test listener. Your validation test returns the result Succeeded, so the deployment proceeds with the next deployment lifecycle event. In a real world scenario, your test function returns Succeeded or Failed.

To add a test listener to your deployment group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Applications.

  3. Choose the application you created in Tutorial: Deploy an application into Amazon ECS. If you used the suggested name, it is ecs-demo-codedeploy-app.

  4. In Deployment groups, choose the deployment group you created in Tutorial: Deploy an application into Amazon ECS. If you used the suggested name, it is ecs-demo-dg.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. From Test listener port, choose the port and protocol for the test listener you created earlier in this tutorial. This should be HTTP: 8080.

  7. Choose Save changes.

To deploy your Amazon ECS application
  1. From your deployment group console page, choose Create deployment.

  2. For Deployment group, choose ecs-demo-dg.

  3. For Revision type, choose My application is stored in Amazon S3. In Revision location, enter the name of your S3 bucket and AppSpec file (for example, s3://my-s3-bucket/appspec.json).

  4. For Revision file type, choose .json or .yaml as appropriate.

  5. (Optional) In Deployment description, enter a description for your deployment.

  6. Choose Create deployment.

You can monitor your deployment in Deployment status. After 100% of production traffic is routed to the replacement task set, you can choose Terminate original task set to immediately terminate the original task set. If you do not choose Terminate original task set, the original task set terminates after the duration you specified when you created your deployment group.

The deployment status section of the CodeDeploy console.