Step 2: Deploy the application to the Auto Scaling group - AWS CodeDeploy

Step 2: Deploy the application to the Auto Scaling group

In this step, you'll deploy the revision to the single Amazon EC2 instance in the Auto Scaling group.

To create the deployment (CLI)

  1. Call the create-application command to create an application named SimpleDemoApp:

    aws deploy create-application --application-name SimpleDemoApp
  2. You should have already created a service role by following the instructions in Step 2: Create a service role for CodeDeploy. The service role will give CodeDeploy permission to access your Amazon EC2 instances to expand (read) their tags. You will need the service role ARN. To get the service role ARN, follow the instructions in Get the service role ARN (CLI) .

  3. Now that you have a service role ARN, call the create-deployment-group command to create a deployment group named SimpleDemoDG, associated with the application named SimpleDemoApp, using the Auto Scaling group named CodeDeployDemo-AS-Group and deployment configuration named CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime, with the specified service role ARN.


    The create-deployment-group command provides support for creating triggers that result in the sending of Amazon SNS notifications to topic subscribers about specified events in deployments and instances. The command also supports options for automatically rolling back deployments and setting up alarms to stop deployments when monitoring thresholds in Amazon CloudWatch alarms are met. Commands for these actions are not included in this tutorial.

    On local Linux, macOS, or Unix machines:

    aws deploy create-deployment-group \ --application-name SimpleDemoApp \ --auto-scaling-groups CodeDeployDemo-AS-Group \ --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \ --service-role-arn service-role-arn

    On local Windows machines:

    aws deploy create-deployment-group --application-name SimpleDemoApp --auto-scaling-groups CodeDeployDemo-AS-Group --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime --service-role-arn service-role-arn
  4. Call the create-deployment command to create a deployment associated with the application named SimpleDemoApp, the deployment configuration named CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime, the deployment group named SimpleDemoDG, using the revision at the specified location.

    For Amazon Linux and RHEL Amazon EC2 instances, calling from local Linux, macOS, or Unix machines

    aws deploy create-deployment \ --application-name SimpleDemoApp \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \ --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG \ --s3-location bucket=bucket-name,bundleType=zip,key=samples/latest/

    bucket-name is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the CodeDeploy Resource Kit files for your region. For example, for the US East (Ohio) Region, replace bucket-name with aws-codedeploy-us-east-2. For a list of bucket names, see Resource kit bucket names by Region.

    For Amazon Linux and RHEL Amazon EC2 instances, calling from local Windows machines

    aws deploy create-deployment --application-name SimpleDemoApp --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG --s3-location bucket=bucket-name,bundleType=zip,key=samples/latest/

    bucket-name is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the CodeDeploy Resource Kit files for your region. For example, for the US East (Ohio) Region, replace bucket-name with aws-codedeploy-us-east-2. For a list of bucket names, see Resource kit bucket names by Region.

    For Windows Server Amazon EC2 instances, calling from local Linux, macOS, or Unix machines

    aws deploy create-deployment \ --application-name SimpleDemoApp \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \ --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG \ --s3-location bucket=bucket-name,bundleType=zip,key=samples/latest/

    bucket-name is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the CodeDeploy Resource Kit files for your region. For example, for the US East (Ohio) Region, replace bucket-name with aws-codedeploy-us-east-2. For a list of bucket names, see Resource kit bucket names by Region.

    For Windows Server Amazon EC2 instances, calling from local Windows machines

    aws deploy create-deployment --application-name SimpleDemoApp --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG --s3-location bucket=bucket-name,bundleType=zip,key=samples/latest/

    bucket-name is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the CodeDeploy Resource Kit files for your region. For example, for the US East (Ohio) Region, replace bucket-name with aws-codedeploy-us-east-2. For a list of bucket names, see Resource kit bucket names by Region.


    Currently, CodeDeploy does not provide a sample revision to deploy to Ubuntu Server Amazon EC2 instances. To create a revision on your own, see Working with application revisions for CodeDeploy.

  5. Call the get-deployment command to make sure the deployment was successful.

    Before you call this command, you will need the ID of the deployment, which should have been returned by the call to the create-deployment command. If you need to get the deployment ID again, call the list-deployments command against the application named SimpleDemoApp and the deployment group named SimpleDemoDG:

    aws deploy list-deployments --application-name SimpleDemoApp --deployment-group-name SimpleDemoDG --query "deployments" --output text

    Now, call the get-deployment command using the deployment ID:

    aws deploy get-deployment --deployment-id deployment-id --query "deploymentInfo.status" --output text

    Do not continue until the returned value is Succeeded.

To create the deployment (console)

  1. You should have already created a service role by following the instructions in Step 2: Create a service role for CodeDeploy. The service role will give CodeDeploy permission to access your instances to expand (read) their tags. Before you use the CodeDeploy console to deploy your application revision, you will need the service role ARN. To get the service role ARN, follow the instructions in Get the service role ARN (console) .

  2. Now that you have the service role ARN, you can use the CodeDeploy console to deploy your application revision.

    Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  3. In the navigation pane, expand Deploy, then choose Applications.

  4. Choose Create application.

  5. Choose Custom application.

  6. In Application name, enter SimpleDemoApp.

  7. In Compute platform, choose EC2/On-premises.

  8. Choose Create application.

  9. On the Deployment groups tab, choose Create deployment group.

  10. In Deployment group name, enter SimpleDemoDG.

  11. In Service Role, choose the name of your service role.

  12. In Deployment type, choose In-place.

  13. In Environment configuration select Auto Scaling groups, and then choose CodeDeployDemo-AS-Group.

  14. In Deployment configuration, choose CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime.

  15. Clear Enable load balancing.

  16. Choose Create deployment group.

  17. In the deployment group page, choose Create deployment.

  18. In Revision type, choose My application is stored in Amazon S3.

  19. In Revision location, enter the location of the sample application for your operating system and region.

    For Amazon Linux and RHEL Amazon EC2 instances

    Region Location of sample application
    US East (Ohio) Region
    US East (N. Virginia) Region
    US West (N. California) Region
    US West (Oregon) Region
    Canada (Central) Region
    Europe (Ireland) Region
    Europe (London) Region
    Europe (Paris) Region
    Europe (Frankfurt) Region
    Israel (Tel Aviv) Region
    Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region
    Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
    Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region
    Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
    Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
    Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region
    Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region
    South America (São Paulo) Region

    For Windows Server Amazon EC2 instances

    Region Location of sample application
    US East (Ohio) Region
    US East (N. Virginia) Region
    US West (N. California) Region
    US West (Oregon) Region
    Canada (Central) Region
    Europe (Ireland) Region
    Europe (London) Region
    Europe (Paris) Region
    Europe (Frankfurt) Region
    Israel (Tel Aviv) Region
    Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region
    Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region
    Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
    Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
    Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region
    Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region
    South America (São Paulo) Region

    For Ubuntu Server Amazon EC2 instances

    Type the location of your custom application revision stored in Amazon S3.

  20. Leave Deployment description blank.

  21. Expand Advanced.

  22. Choose Create deployment.


    If Failed appears instead of Succeeded, you may want to try some of the techniques in Monitor and troubleshoot your deployment (using the application name of SimpleDemoApp and the deployment group name of SimpleDemoDG).