To follow along in this tutorial:
Complete all of the steps in Getting started with CodeDeploy, including setting up and configuring the AWS CLI and creating an IAM instance profile (
) and a service role (CodeDeployDemo
). A service role is a special type of IAM role that gives a service permission to act on your behalf. -
If you create your Auto Scaling group with a launch template, you must add the following permissions:
For more information, see Step 2: Create a service role, Creating a launch template for an Auto Scaling group, and Launch template support in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Create and use a revision that is compatible with an Ubuntu Server instance and CodeDeploy. For your revision, you can do one of the following:
Create and use the sample revision in Step 2: Create a sample application revision in the Tutorial: Deploy an application to an on-premises instance with CodeDeploy (Windows Server, Ubuntu Server, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux) tutorial.
Create a revision on your own, see Working with application revisions for CodeDeploy.
Create a Security Group named
with the following Inbound rule:-
Type: HTTP
Source: Anywhere
This is required to view your application and verify deployment success. For information on how to create a Security Group, see Creating a security group in the Amazon EC2 user guide.