Variables reference - AWS CodePipeline

Variables reference

This section is a reference only. For information about creating variables, see Working with variables.

Variables allow you to configure your pipeline actions with values that are determined at the time of the pipeline execution or the action execution.

Some action providers produce a defined set of variables. You choose from default variable keys for that action provider, such as commit ID.


When passing secret parameters, do not enter the value directly. The value is rendered as plaintext and is therefore readable. For security reasons, do not use plaintext with secrets. We strongly recommend that you use AWS Secrets Manager to store secrets.

To see step-by-step examples of using variables:

Variable Limits

For limit information, see Quotas in AWS CodePipeline.


When you enter variable syntax in the action configuration fields, do not exceed the 1000-character limit for the configuration fields. A validation error is returned when this limit is exceeded.


This section lists key terms and concepts related to variables and namespaces.


Variables are key-value pairs that can be used to dynamically configure actions in your pipeline. There are currently three ways these variables are made available:

  • There is a set of variables that are implicitly available at the start of each pipeline execution. This set currently includes PipelineExecutionId, the ID of the current pipeline execution.

  • Variables at the pipeline level are defined when the pipeline is created and resolved at pipeline run time.

    You specify pipeline-level variables when the pipeline is created, and you can provide values at the time of the pipeline execution.

  • There are action types that produce sets of variables when they are executed. You can see the variables produced by an action by inspecting the outputVariables field that is part of the ListActionExecutions API. For a list of available key names by action provider, see Variables available for pipeline actions. To see which variables each action type produces, see the CodePipeline Action structure reference.

To reference these variables in your action configuration, you must use the variable reference syntax with the correct namespace.

For an example variable workflow, see Configuring variables .


To ensure that variables can be uniquely referenced, they must be assigned to a namespace. After you have a set of variables assigned to a namespace, they can be referenced in an action configuration by using the namespace and variable key with the following syntax:


There are three types of namespaces under which variables can be assigned:

  • The codepipeline reserved namespace

    This is the namespace assigned to the set of implicit variables available at the start of each pipeline execution. This namespace is codepipeline. Example variable reference:

  • The variables namespace at the pipeline level

    This is the namespace assigned to variables at the pipeline level. The namespace for all variables at the pipeline level is variables. Example variable reference:

  • Action assigned namespace

    This is a namespace that you assign to an action. All variables produced by the action fall under this namespace. To make the variables produced by an action available for use in a downstream action configuration, you must configure the producing action with a namespace. Namespaces must be unique across the pipeline definition and cannot conflict with any artifact names. Here is an example variable reference for an action configured with a namespace of SourceVariables.


Use cases for variables

The following are a few of the most common use cases for variables at the pipeline level, helping you determine how you might use variables for your specific needs.

  • Variables at the pipeline level are for CodePipeline customers who want to use the same pipeline each time with minor variations in the inputs to the action configuration. Any developer who starts a pipeline adds the variable value in the UI when the pipeline starts. With this configuration, you pass parameters for that execution only.

  • With pipeline-level variables, you can pass dynamic inputs to actions in the pipeline. You can migrate your parameterized pipelines to CodePipeline without having to maintain different versions of the same pipeline, or create complex pipelines.

  • You can use pipeline-level variables to pass input parameters that allow you to re-use a pipeline with each execution, such as when you want to specify which version you want to deploy to a production environment, so you don’t have to duplicate pipelines.

  • You can use a single pipeline to deploy resources to multiple build and deployment environments. For example, for a pipeline with a CodeCommit repository, deploying from a specified branch and target deployment environment can be done with CodeBuild and CodeDeploy parameters passed at the pipeline level.

Configuring variables

You can configure variables at the pipeline level or the action level in the pipeline structure.

Configuring variables at the pipeline level

You can add one or more variables at the pipeline level. You can reference this value in the configuration of CodePipeline actions. You can add the variable names, default values, and descriptions when you create the pipeline. Variables are resolved at the time of execution.


If a default value is not defined for a variable at pipeline level, the variable is considered as required. You have to specify overrides for all required variables when you are starting a pipeline, otherwise the pipeline execution will fail with a validation error.

You provide variables at the pipeline level using the variables attribute in the pipeline structure. In the following example, the variable Variable1 has a value of Value1.

"variables": [ { "name": "Variable1", "defaultValue": "Value1", "description": "description" } ]

For an example in the pipeline JSON structure, see Create a pipeline, stages, and actions.

For a tutorial with a pipeline-level variable that is passed at the time of the pipeline execution, see Tutorial: Use pipeline-level variables.

Note that using pipeline-level variables in any kind of Source action is not supported.


If the variables namespace is already used in some of actions within the pipeline, you must update the action definition and choose another namespace for the conflicting action.

Configuring variables at the action level

You configure an action to produce variables by declaring a namespace for the action. The action must already be one of the action providers that generates variables. Otherwise, the variables available are pipeline-level variables.

You declare the namespace either by:

  • On the Edit action page of the console, entering a namespace in Variable namespace.

  • Entering a namespace in the namespace parameter field in the JSON pipeline structure.

In this example, you add the namespace parameter to the CodeCommit source action with the name SourceVariables. This configures the action to produce the variables available for that action provider, such as CommitId.

{ "name": "Source", "actions": [ { "outputArtifacts": [ { "name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "name": "Source", "namespace": "SourceVariables", "configuration": { "RepositoryName": "MyRepo", "BranchName": "mainline", "PollForSourceChanges": "false" }, "inputArtifacts": [], "region": "us-west-2", "actionTypeId": { "provider": "CodeCommit", "category": "Source", "version": "1", "owner": "AWS" }, "runOrder": 1 } ] },

Next, you configure the downstream action to use the variables produced by the previous action. You do this by:

  • On the Edit action page of the console, entering the variable syntax (for the downstream action) in the action configuration fields.

  • Entering the variable syntax (for the downstream action) in the action configuration fields in the JSON pipeline structure

In this example, the build action's configuration field shows environment variables that are updated upon the action execution. The example specifies the namespace and variable for execution ID with #{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId} and the namespace and variable for commit ID with #{SourceVariables.CommitId}.

{ "name": "Build", "actions": [ { "outputArtifacts": [ { "name": "BuildArtifact" } ], "name": "Build", "configuration": { "EnvironmentVariables": "[{\"name\":\"Release_ID\",\"value\":\"#{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId}\",\"type\":\"PLAINTEXT\"},{\"name\":\"Commit_ID\",\"value\":\"#{SourceVariables.CommitId}\",\"type\":\"PLAINTEXT\"}]", "ProjectName": "env-var-test" }, "inputArtifacts": [ { "name": "SourceArtifact" } ], "region": "us-west-2", "actionTypeId": { "provider": "CodeBuild", "category": "Build", "version": "1", "owner": "AWS" }, "runOrder": 1 } ] },

Variable resolution

Each time an action is executed as part of a pipeline execution, the variables it produces are available for use in any action that is guaranteed to occur after the producing action. To use these variables in a consuming action, you can add them to the consuming action's configuration using the syntax shown in the previous example. Before it performs a consuming action, CodePipeline resolves all of the variable references present in the configuration prior to initiating the action execution.

Example: Variables for multiple actions

Rules for variables

The following rules help you with the configuration of variables:

  • You specify the namespace and variable for an action through a new action property or by editing an action.

  • When you use the pipeline creation wizard, the console generates a namespace for each action created with the wizard.

  • If the namespace isn't specified, the variables produced by that action cannot be referenced in any action configuration.

  • To reference variables produced by an action, the referencing action must occur after the action that produces the variables. This means it is either in a later stage than the action producing the variables, or in the same stage but at a higher run order.

Variables available for pipeline actions

The action provider determines which variables can be generated by the action.

For step-by-step procedures for managing variables, see Working with variables.

Actions with defined variable keys

Unlike a namespace which you can choose, the following actions use variable keys that cannot be edited. For example, for the Amazon S3 action provider, only the ETag and VersionId variable keys are available.

Each execution also has a set of CodePipeline-generated pipeline variables that contain data about the execution, such as the pipeline release ID. These variables can be consumed by any action in the pipeline.

CodePipeline execution ID variable

CodePipeline execution ID variable
Provider Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
codepipeline PipelineExecutionId 8abc75f0-fbf8-4f4c-bfEXAMPLE #{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId}

Amazon ECR action output variables

Amazon ECR variables
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
ImageDigest sha256:EXAMPLE1122334455 #{SourceVariables.ImageDigest}
ImageTag latest #{SourceVariables.ImageTag}
ImageURI #{SourceVariables.ImageURI}
RegistryId EXAMPLE12233 #{SourceVariables.RegistryId}
RepositoryName my-image-repo #{SourceVariables.RepositoryName}

AWS CloudFormation StackSets action output variables

AWS CloudFormation StackSets variables
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
OperationId 11111111-2bbb-111-2bbb-11111example #{DeployVariables.OperationId}
StackSetId my-stackset:1111aaaa-1111-2222-2bbb-11111example #{DeployVariables.StackSetId}

CodeCommit action output variables

CodeCommit variables
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
AuthorDate 2019-10-29T03:32:21Z #{SourceVariables.AuthorDate}
BranchName development #{SourceVariables.BranchName}


CommitMessage Fixed a bug (100 KB maximum size) #{SourceVariables.CommitMessage}
CommitterDate 2019-10-29T03:32:21Z #{SourceVariables.CommitterDate}
RepositoryName myCodeCommitRepo #{SourceVariables.RepositoryName}

CodeStarSourceConnection action output variables

CodeStarSourceConnection variables (Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub, GitHub Enterprise Repository, and
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
AuthorDate 2019-10-29T03:32:21Z #{SourceVariables.AuthorDate}
BranchName development #{SourceVariables.BranchName}


CommitMessage Fixed a bug (100 KB maximum size) #{SourceVariables.CommitMessage}
ConnectionArn arn:aws:codestar-connections:region:account-id:connection/connection-id #{SourceVariables.ConnectionArn}
FullRepositoryName username/GitHubRepo #{SourceVariables.FullRepositoryName}

GitHub action output variables (GitHub action version 1)

GitHub variables (GitHub action version 1)
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
AuthorDate 2019-10-29T03:32:21Z #{SourceVariables.AuthorDate}
BranchName main #{SourceVariables.BranchName}



Fixed a bug (100 KB maximum size)

CommitterDate 2019-10-29T03:32:21Z #{SourceVariables.CommitterDate}
CommitUrl #{SourceVariables.CommitUrl}
RepositoryName myGitHubRepo #{SourceVariables.RepositoryName}

S3 action output variables

S3 variables
Variable key Example value Example variable syntax
ETag example28be1c3 #{SourceVariables.ETag}
VersionId exampleta_IUQCv #{SourceVariables.VersionId}

Actions with user-configured variable keys

For CodeBuild, AWS CloudFormation, and Lambda actions, the variable keys are configured by the user.

CloudFormation action output variables

AWS CloudFormation variables
Variable key Example variable syntax

For AWS CloudFormation actions, variables are produced from any values designated in the Outputs section of a stack template. Note that the only CloudFormation action modes that generate outputs are those that result in creating or updating a stack, such as stack creation, stack updates, and change set execution. The corresponding action modes that generate variables are:





For more information about these action modes, see AWS CloudFormation deploy action reference. For a tutorial that shows you how to create a pipeline with an AWS CloudFormation deployment action in a pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation output variables, see Tutorial: Create a pipeline that uses variables from AWS CloudFormation deployment actions.

CodeBuild action output variables

CodeBuild variables
Variable key Example variable syntax

For CodeBuild actions, variables are produced from values generated by exported environment variables. Set up a CodeBuild environment variable by editing your CodeBuild action in CodePipeline or by adding the environment variable to the build spec.

Add instructions to your CodeBuild build spec to add the environment variable under the exported variables section. See env/exported-variables in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide.


Lambda action output variables

Lambda variables
Variable key Example variable syntax
The Lambda action will produce as variables all key-value pairs that are included in the outputVariables section of the PutJobSuccessResult API request.

For a tutorial with a Lambda action that uses variables from an upstream action (CodeCommit) and generates output variables, see Tutorial: Using variables with Lambda invoke actions.
