Viewing resources in the console - AWS CodePipeline

Viewing resources in the console

The CodePipeline console requires the ListRepositories permission to display a list of repositories for your AWS account in the AWS Region where you are signed in. The console also includes a Go to resource function to quickly perform a case insensitive search for resources. This search is performed in your AWS account in the AWS Region where you are signed in. The following resources are displayed across the following services:

  • AWS CodeBuild: Build projects

  • AWS CodeCommit: Repositories

  • AWS CodeDeploy: Applications

  • AWS CodePipeline: Pipelines

To perform this search across resources in all services, you must have the following permissions:

  • CodeBuild: ListProjects

  • CodeCommit: ListRepositories

  • CodeDeploy: ListApplications

  • CodePipeline: ListPipelines

Results are not returned for a service's resources if you do not have permissions for that service. Even if you have permissions for viewing resources, some resources are not returned if there is an explicit Deny to view those resources.