Terminology - AWS Control Tower


Here’s a quick review of some terms you'll see in the AWS Control Tower documentation.

First, it's good to know that AWS Control Tower shares a lot of terminology with the AWS Organizations service, including the terms organization and organizational unit (OU), which appear throughout this document.

  • For more information about organizations and OUs, see AWS Organizations terminology and concepts. If you're new to AWS Control Tower, that terminology is a good place to begin.

  •  AWS Organizations is an AWS service that helps you centrally govern your environment as you grow and scale your workloads on AWS. AWS Control Tower relies on AWS Organizations to create accounts, to enforce preventive controls at the OU level, and to provide centralized billing.

  • An AWS Account Factory account is an AWS account provisioned using Account Factory in AWS Control Tower. Sometimes, Account Factory is referred to informally as a “vending machine” for accounts.

  • Your AWS Control Tower home Region is the AWS Region in which your AWS Control Tower landing zone was deployed. You can view your home Region in your landing zone settings.

  • AWS Service Catalog allows you to manage commonly deployed IT services, centrally. In the context of this document, Account Factory uses AWS Service Catalog to provision new AWS accounts, including accounts from customized blueprints.

  • AWS CloudFormation StackSets  are a type of resource that extends the functionality of stacks so that you can create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and Regions with a single operation and a single CloudFormation template.

  • A  stack instance is a reference to a stack in a target account within a Region.

  • stack is a collection of AWS resources that you can manage as a single unit.

  • An aggregator is an AWS Config resource type that collects AWS Config configuration and compliance data from multiple accounts and Regions within the organization, allowing you to view and query this compliance data within a single account.

  • conformance pack is a collection of AWS Config rules and remediation actions that can be deployed as a single entity in an account and a Region, or across an organization in AWS Organizations. You can use a conformance pack to help customize your AWS Control Tower environment. For technical blogs that provide more details, see Related information.

  • A baseline in AWS Control Tower is a group of resources and specific configurations that you can apply to a target. The most common baseline target may be an organizational unit (OU). For example, the baseline called AWSControlTowerBaseline is available to help register your OUs with AWS Control Tower. During landing zone setup and update, the baseline target may be a shared account, or a specific setting for the landing zone as a whole.

  • Blueprint: A blueprint is an artifact that encapsulates some metadata, which describes infrastructure components that are deployed within an account. For example, an AWS CloudFormation template can serve as a blueprint for an AWS Control Tower account.

  • Drift: A change in a resource installed by and configured by AWS Control Tower. Resources without drift enable AWS Control Tower to function properly.

  • Non-compliant resource: A resource that is in violation of an AWS Config rule that defines a particular detective control.

  • Shared account: One of the three accounts that AWS Control Tower creates automatically when you set up your landing zone: the management account, the log archive account, and the audit account. You can choose customized names for the log archive account and the audit account, during setup.

  • Member account: A member account belongs to the AWS Control Tower organization. The member account can be enrolled or unenrolled in AWS Control Tower. When a registered OU contains a mix of enrolled and unenrolled accounts:

    • Preventive controls enabled on the OU apply to all accounts within it, including unenrolled ones. This is true because preventive controls are enforced with SCPs at the OU level, not the account level. For more information, see Inheritance for service control policies in the AWS Organizations documentation.

    • Detective controls enabled on the OU do not apply to unenrolled accounts.

    An account can be a member of only one organization at a time, and its charges are billed to the management account for that organization. A member account can be moved to the root container of an organization.

  • AWS account: An AWS account acts as a resource container and resource isolation boundary. An AWS account can be associated with billing and payment. An AWS account is different than a user account (sometimes called an IAM user account) in AWS Control Tower. Accounts created through the Account Factory provisioning process are AWS accounts. AWS accounts also can be added to AWS Control Tower by means of the account enrollment or OU registration process.

  • Control: A control (also known as a guardrail) is a high-level rule that provides ongoing governance for your overall AWS Control Tower environment. Each control enforces a single rule. Preventive controls are implemented with SCPs. Detective controls are implemented with AWS Config rules. Proactive controls are implemented with AWS CloudFormation hooks. For more information, see How controls work.

  • Landing zone: A landing zone is a cloud environment that offers a recommended starting point, including default accounts, account structure, network and security layouts, and so forth. From a landing zone, you can deploy workloads that utilize your solutions and applications.

  • Nested OU: A nested OU in AWS Control Tower is an OU contained within another OU. A nested OU can have exactly one parent OU, and each account can be a member of exactly one OU. Nested OUs create a hierarchy. When you attach a policy to one of the OUs in the hierarchy, it flows down and affects all the OUs and accounts beneath it. A nested OU hierarchy in AWS Control Tower can be a maximum of five levels deep.

  • Parent OU: The OU immediately above the current OU in the hierarchy. Each OU can have exactly one parent OU.

  • Child OU: Any OU below the current OU in the hierarchy. An OU can have many child OUs.

  • OU hierarchy: In AWS Control Tower, the hierarchy of nested OUs can have up to five levels. The order of nesting is referred to as Levels. The top of the hierarchy is designated as Level 1.

  • Top-level OU: A top-level OU is any OU that's directly under the Root, not the Root itself. The Root is not considered an OU.

  • Governed: A governed Region is managed and controlled in your environment by AWS Control Tower, according to the governance policies set by your organization. These AWS Regions are monitored to adhere to best practices and organizational policies. Your resources in these Regions are protected when you enable AWS Control Tower controls.

  • Not governed: Regions that show Not governed status are not controlled or monitored by AWS Control Tower. These AWS Regions usually do not adhere to the same governance policies that AWS Control Tower enforces. You can create resources in these Regions, but those resources are not protected by AWS Control Tower controls.

  • Denied: A denied Region is blocked specifically by AWS Control Tower. Within your AWS Control Tower environment, you cannot provision resources in these AWS Regions.