Access control - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Access control

To create, update, delete, or list AWS Data Exchange resources, you need permissions to perform the operation and to access the corresponding resources. To perform the operation programmatically, you also need valid access keys.

Overview of managing access permissions to your AWS Data Exchange resources

Every AWS resource is owned by an AWS account, and permissions to create or access a resource are governed by permissions policies. An account administrator can attach permissions policies to users, groups, and roles. Some services (such as AWS Lambda) also support attaching permissions policies to resources.


An account administrator (or administrator) is a user with administrator privileges. For more information, see IAM Best Practices.

To provide access, add permissions to your users, groups, or roles:

AWS Data Exchange resources and operations

In AWS Data Exchange, there are two different kinds of primary resources with different control planes:

  • The primary resources for AWS Data Exchange are data sets and jobs. AWS Data Exchange also supports revisions and assets.

  • To facilitate transactions between providers and subscribers, AWS Data Exchange also uses AWS Marketplace concepts and resources, including products, offers, and subscriptions. You can use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API or the AWS Data Exchange console to manage your products, offers, subscription requests, and subscriptions.

Understanding resource ownership

The AWS account owns the resources that are created in the account, regardless of who created the resources. Specifically, the resource owner is the AWS account of the principal entity (that is, the AWS account root user, a user, or a role) that authenticates the resource creation request. The following examples illustrate how this works.

Resource ownership

Any IAM entity in an AWS account with the correct permissions can create AWS Data Exchange data sets. When an IAM entity creates a data set, their AWS account owns the data set. Published data products can contain data sets that are owned only by the AWS account that created them.

To subscribe to an AWS Data Exchange product, the IAM entity needs permissions to use AWS Data Exchange, in addition to the aws-marketplace:subscribe, aws-marketplace:aws-marketplace:CreateAgreementRequest, and aws-marketplace:AcceptAgreementRequest IAM permissions for AWS Marketplace (assuming they pass any related subscription verifications). As a subscriber, your account has read access to entitled data sets; however, it does not own the entitled data sets. Any entitled data sets that are exported to Amazon S3 are owned by the subscriber's AWS account.

Managing access to resources

This section discusses using IAM in the context of AWS Data Exchange. It doesn't provide detailed information about the IAM service. For complete IAM documentation, see What Is IAM? in the IAM User Guide. For information about IAM policy syntax and descriptions, see AWS IAM Policy Reference in the IAM User Guide.

A permissions policy describes who has access to what. The following section explains the options for creating permissions policies.

Policies attached to an IAM identity are referred to as identity-based policies (IAM policies). Policies attached to a resource are referred to as resource-based policies. AWS Data Exchange supports only identity-based policies (IAM policies).

Identity-based policies and permissions

AWS Data Exchange provides four managed policies:

  • AWSDataExchangeFullAccess

  • AWSDataExchangeSubscriberFullAccess

  • AWSDataExchangeProviderFullAccess

  • AWSDataExchangeReadOnly

For more information about these policies and their permissions, see AWS managed policies for AWS Data Exchange.

Amazon S3 permissions

When importing assets from Amazon S3 to AWS Data Exchange, you need permissions to write to the AWS Data Exchange service S3 buckets. Similarly, when exporting assets from AWS Data Exchange to Amazon S3, you need permissions to read from the AWS Data Exchange service S3 buckets. These permissions are included in the policies mentioned previously, but you can also create your own policy to allow just what you want your users to be able to do. You can scope these permissions to buckets that contain aws-data-exchange in their name and use the CalledVia permission to restrict the usage of the permission to requests made by AWS Data Exchange on behalf of the principal.

For example, you could create a policy to allow importing and exporting to AWS Data Exchange that includes these permissions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*aws-data-exchange*", "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "aws:CalledVia":[ "" ] } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*aws-data-exchange*", "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "aws:CalledVia":[ "" ] } } }, ] }

These permissions allow providers to import and export with AWS Data Exchange. The policy includes the following permissions and restrictions:

  • s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl – These permissions are restricted only to S3 buckets that contain aws-data-exchange in their name. These permissions allows providers to write to AWS Data Exchange service buckets when importing from Amazon S3.

  • s3:GetObject – This permission is restricted to S3 buckets that contain aws-data-exchange in their name. This permission allows customers to read from AWS Data Exchange service buckets when exporting from AWS Data Exchange to Amazon S3.

  • These permissions are restricted to requests made by using AWS Data Exchange with the IAM CalledVia condition. This allows the S3 PutObject permissions to only be used in the context of the AWS Data Exchange console or API.

  • AWS Lake Formation and AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) To use AWS Lake Formation data sets you'll need to accept the AWS RAM share invitation for each net new provider that you have a subscription with. In order to accept the AWS RAM share invitation you will need to assume a role that has permission to accept a AWS RAM share invitation. To learn more about how AWS managed policies for AWS RAM, see Managed policies for AWS RAM.

  • To create AWS Lake Formation data sets, you'll need to create the data set with an assumed role that allows IAM to pass a role to AWS Data Exchange. This will allow AWS Data Exchange to grant and revoke permissions to Lake Formation resources on your behalf. See an example policy below:

    { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iam:PassRole", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "iam:PassedToService": "" } } }

Your users may also need additional permissions to read to or write from your own S3 buckets and objects that are not covered in this example.

For more information about users, groups, roles, and permissions, see Identities (Users, Groups, and Roles) in the IAM User Guide.

Resource-based policies

AWS Data Exchange does not support resource-based policies.

Other services, such as Amazon S3, do support resource-based permissions policies. For example, you can attach a policy to an S3 bucket to manage access permissions to that bucket.

Specifying policy elements: actions, effects, and principals

To use AWS Data Exchange, your user permissions must be defined in an IAM policy.

The following are the most basic policy elements:

  • Resource – In a policy, you use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource to which the policy applies. All AWS Data Exchange API operations support resource level permissions (RLP), but AWS Marketplace actions don't support RLP. For more information, see AWS Data Exchange resources and operations.

  • Action – You use action keywords to identify resource operations that you want to allow or deny.

  • Effect – You specify the effect (allow or deny) when the user requests the specific action. If you don't explicitly grant access to (allow) a resource, access is implicitly denied. You can also explicitly deny access to a resource, which you might do to make sure that a user cannot access it, even if a different policy grants access.

  • Principal – In identity-based policies (IAM policies), the user that the policy is attached to is the implicit principal. For resource-based policies, you specify the user, account, service, or other entity that you want to receive permissions (applies to resource-based policies only). AWS Data Exchange doesn't support resource-based policies.

For more information about IAM policy syntax and descriptions, see AWS IAM Policy Reference in the IAM User Guide.

Specifying conditions in a policy

When you grant permissions, you can use the IAM policy language to specify the conditions when a policy should take effect. With AWS Data Exchange, the CreateJob, StartJob, GetJob, and CancelJob API operations support conditional permissions. You can provide permissions at the JobType level.

AWS Data Exchange condition key reference
Condition key Description Type
"dataexchange:JobType":"IMPORT_ASSETS_FROM_S3" Scopes permissions to jobs that import assets from Amazon S3. String
"dataexchange:JobType":IMPORT_ASSETS_FROM_LAKE_FORMATION_TAG_POLICY" (Preview) Scopes permissions to jobs that import assets from AWS Lake Formation (Preview) String
"dataexchange:JobType":"IMPORT_ASSET_FROM_SIGNED_URL" Scopes permissions to jobs that import assets from a signed URL. String
"dataexchange:JobType":"IMPORT_ASSET_FROM_REDSHIFT_DATA_SHARES" Scopes permissions to jobs that import assets from Amazon Redshift. String
"dataexchange:JobType":"IMPORT_ASSET_FROM_API_GATEWAY_API" Scopes permissions to jobs that import assets from Amazon API Gateway. String
"dataexchange:JobType":"EXPORT_ASSETS_TO_S3" Scopes permissions to jobs that export assets to Amazon S3. String
"dataexchange:JobType":"EXPORT_ASSETS_TO_SIGNED_URL" Scopes permissions to jobs that export assets to a signed URL. String
"dataexchange:JobType":EXPORT_REVISIONS_TO_S3" Scopes permissions to jobs that export revisions to Amazon S3. String

For more information about specifying conditions in a policy language, see Condition in the IAM User Guide.

To express conditions, you use predefined condition keys. AWS Data Exchange has the JobType condition for API operations. However, there are AWS wide condition keys that you can use, as appropriate. For a complete list of AWS wide keys, see the IAM User Guide.