Creating a data grant on AWS Data Exchange containing Amazon S3 data access
With AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3, data owners can share direct access to Amazon S3 buckets or specific prefixes and Amazon S3 objects. Data owners also use AWS Data Exchange to automatically manage entitlements through data grants.
As a data owner, you can share direct access to an entire Amazon S3 bucket or specific prefixes and Amazon S3 objects without creating or managing copies. These shared Amazon S3 objects can be server-side encrypted with customer managed keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or with AWS managed keys (SSE-S3). For more information about monitoring your KMS keys and understanding encryption contexts, see Key management for Amazon S3 data access. When a receiver gains access to your data products, AWS Data Exchange automatically provisions an Amazon S3 access point and updates its resource policies on your behalf to grant recipients read-only access. Recipients can use the Amazon S3 access point aliases in places where they use Amazon S3 bucket names to access data in Amazon S3.
When the subscription ends, the receiver’s permissions are revoked.
Before you can create a data grant containing Amazon S3 data access, you must meet the following prerequisites:
Confirm that the Amazon S3 buckets hosting the data are configured with the Amazon S3 bucket owner enforced setting turned on ACLs Disabled. For more information, see Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs for your bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Your shared objects must be in the Amazon S3 Standard Storage class, or be managed using Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering, for recievers to access them successfully. If they’re in other storage classes, or if you have enabled Intelligent Tiering with Deep Archive, your receivers will get errors because they won’t have permission to
. -
Confirm that the Amazon S3 buckets hosting the data has encryption disabled or encrypted with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) or customer managed keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
If you're using customer managed keys, you must have the following:
IAM permissions to
on the KMS keys. You can access these permissions through the key policy, IAM credentials, or through an AWS KMS grant on the KMS key. For more information about key management and understanding how AWS Data Exchange uses AWS KMS grants, see Creating AWS KMS grants.To provide access, add permissions to your users, groups, or roles:
Users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center:
Create a permission set. Follow the instructions in Create a permission set in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
Users managed in IAM through an identity provider:
Create a role for identity federation. Follow the instructions in Create a role for a third-party identity provider (federation) in the IAM User Guide.
IAM users:
Create a role that your user can assume. Follow the instructions in Create a role for an IAM user in the IAM User Guide.
(Not recommended) Attach a policy directly to a user or add a user to a user group. Follow the instructions in Adding permissions to a user (console) in the IAM User Guide.
Users need programmatic access if they want to interact with AWS outside of the AWS Management Console. The way to grant programmatic access depends on the type of user that's accessing AWS.
To grant users programmatic access, choose one of the following options.
Which user needs programmatic access? To By Workforce identity
(Users managed in IAM Identity Center)
Use temporary credentials to sign programmatic requests to the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or AWS APIs. Following the instructions for the interface that you want to use.
For the AWS CLI, see Configuring the AWS CLI to use AWS IAM Identity Center in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For AWS SDKs, tools, and AWS APIs, see IAM Identity Center authentication in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.
IAM Use temporary credentials to sign programmatic requests to the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or AWS APIs. Following the instructions in Using temporary credentials with AWS resources in the IAM User Guide. IAM (Not recommended)
Use long-term credentials to sign programmatic requests to the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or AWS APIs.Following the instructions for the interface that you want to use.
For the AWS CLI, see Authenticating using IAM user credentials in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For AWS SDKs and tools, see Authenticate using long-term credentials in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.
For AWS APIs, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the IAM User Guide.
Following is an example JSON policy that shows how you could add to the key policy of the KMS key.
{ "Sid": "AllowCreateGrantPermission", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "<IAM identity who will call Dataexchange API>" }, "Action": "kms:CreateGrant", "Resource": "*" }
The following policy shows an example policy addition for the IAM identity that is used.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "AllowCreateGrantPermission", "Action": [ "kms:CreateGrant ], "Resource": [ <Enter KMS Key ARNs in your account> ] } ] }
Cross account KMS keys are also permitted if the
permission on the KMS keys are obtained through the earlier step. If another account owns the key, you must have permissions on the key policy and your IAM credentials as detailed in the above examples. -
Make sure to use KMS keys to encrypt existing and new objects in the Amazon S3 bucket using the Amazon S3 bucket key feature. For more details, see Configuring S3 Bucket Keys in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
For new objects added to your Amazon S3 bucket, you can set up Amazon S3 bucket key encryption by default. If existing objects have been encrypted without using the Amazon S3bucket key feature, these objects must be migrated to use the Amazon S3 bucket key for encryption.
To enable the Amazon S3 bucket key for existing objects, use the
operation. For more information, see Configuring an Amazon S3 bucket key at the object level using batch operations. -
AWS managed KMS keys or AWS owned keys aren't supported. You can migrate from an unsupported encryption scheme to the ones currently supported. For more information, see Changing your Amazon S3 encryption
at the AWS Storage Blog.
Set the Amazon S3 buckets hosting the data to trust AWS Data Exchange owned access points. You must update these Amazon S3 bucket policies to give AWS Data Exchange permissions to create Amazon S3 access points and grant or remove subscribers' access on your behalf. If the policy statement is missing, you must edit the bucket policy to add the Amazon S3 locations to your data set.
An example policy is shown below. Replace
<Bucket ARN>
with the appropriate value.{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "<Bucket ARN>", "<Bucket ARN>/*" ], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": [ "337040091392", "504002150500", "366362662752", "330489627928", "291973504423", "461002523379", "036905324694", "540564263739", "675969394711", "108584782536", "844053218156" ] } } } ] }
You can delegate data sharing through AWS Data Exchange to an entire Amazon S3 bucket. However, you can
scope delegation to the specific prefixes and objects of the bucket that you want to share in
the data set. Following is an example of a scoped policy. Replace <Bucket ARN>
and "mybucket/folder1/*"
with your own information.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DelegateToAdxGetObjectsInFolder1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/folder1/*" ], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": [ "337040091392", "504002150500", "366362662752", "330489627928", "291973504423", "461002523379", "036905324694", "540564263739", "675969394711", "108584782536", "844053218156" ] } } }, { "Sid": "DelegateToAdxListObjectsInFolder1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": "s3:ListBucket", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "s3:prefix": [ "folder1/*" ] }, "StringEquals": { "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": [ "337040091392", "504002150500", "366362662752", "330489627928", "291973504423", "461002523379", "036905324694", "540564263739", "675969394711", "108584782536", "844053218156" ] } } } ] }
Similarly, to scope access to only a single file, a data owner can use the following policy.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DelegateToAdxGetMyFile", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/folder1/myfile" ], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:DataAccessPointAccount": [ "337040091392", "504002150500", "366362662752", "330489627928", "291973504423", "461002523379", "036905324694", "540564263739", "675969394711", "108584782536", "844053218156" ] } } } ] }
The following topics describe the process of creating an Amazon S3 data set and a data grant with Amazon S3 data sets using the AWS Data Exchange console. The process has the following steps:
Step 1: Create an Amazon S3 data set
To create an Amazon S3 data set
On the left side navigation pane, under My data, choose Owned data sets.
In Owned data sets, choose Create data set to open the Data set creation steps wizard.
In Select data set type, choose Amazon S3 data access.
In Define data set, enter a Name and Description for your data set. For more information, see Data set best practices.
(Optional) Under Add tags – optional, add tags.
Choose Create data set and continue.
Step 2: Configure Amazon S3 data access
Choose the Amazon S3 buckets or Amazon S3 bucket locations that you want to make available to recipients. You can select an entire Amazon S3 bucket, or specify up to five prefixes or objects within an Amazon S3 bucket. To add more Amazon S3 buckets, you must create another Amazon S3 data share.
To configure shared Amazon S3 data access
On the Configure Amazon S3 data access page, select Choose Amazon S3 locations.
In Choose Amazon S3 locations, enter your Amazon S3 bucket name in the search bar or select your Amazon S3 bucket, prefixes, or Amazon S3 files and choose Add selected. Then, choose Add locations.
We recommend choosing a top-level folder where a majority of objects and prefixes are stored so data owners don't need to reconfigure which prefixes or objects to share.
In Configuration details, choose your Requester Pays configuration. There are two options:
Enable Requester Pays (recommended) – Requesters will pay for all requests and transfers in the Amazon S3 bucket. We recommend this option because it helps protect against unintended costs from receiver requests and transfers.
Disable Requester Pays – You pay for receiver requests and transfers in the Amazon S3 bucket.
For more information about Requester Pays, see Objects in Requester Pays Buckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Select the Bucket Policy that best suits your needs. Choose General to use one bucket policy for your entire Amazon S3 bucket. This is a one-time configuration and additional configuration isn't needed to share prefixes or objects in the future. Choose Specific to use a bucket policy that is specific to the selected Amazon S3 locations. Your shared Amazon S3 bucket needs a bucket policy in place to create an Amazon S3 data access data set successfully and can’t have ACLs enabled.
To disable ACLs, navigate to your bucket permissions and set Object Ownership to Bucket owner enforced.
To add a bucket policy, copy the bucket statement to your clipboard. In the Amazon S3 console, from the Amazon S3 permissions tab, choose Edit in the bucket policy section, paste the bucket policy into the statement, and Save changes.
If the Amazon S3 bucket contains objects encrypted using AWS KMS customer managed keys, you must share all such KMS keys with AWS Data Exchange. For information about required prerequisites when using KMS keys to encrypt objects in your Amazon S3 bucket, see Publishing a product in AWS Data Exchange containing Amazon S3 data access. To share these KMS keys with AWS Data Exchange, do the following:
From the Configure Amazon S3 data access page, in Customer managed KMS keys, select Choose from your AWS KMS keys or Enter AWS KMS key ARN and select all AWS KMS keys currently being used to encrypt the Amazon S3 shared locations. AWS Data Exchange uses these KMS keys to create grants for recipients to access your shared locations. For more information, see Grants in AWS KMS.
AWS KMS has a limit of 50,000 grants per KMS key including pre-existing grants.
Review your Amazon S3 locations, selected KMS keys, and configuration details, and choose Save and continue.
Step 3: Review and finalize the data set
Review and finalize your newly created data set. If you wish to create and add another Amazon S3 data access to share access to additional Amazon S3 buckets, prefixes, objects, choose Add another Amazon S3 data access.
We recommend this when needing to share access to data hosted in a different Amazon S3 bucket than the one previously picked in the initial Amazon S3 data access.
If you would like to make changes prior to publishing, you can save the data set as a draft by choosing Save draft. Then, choose Finalize data set to add it to your data grant.
Step 4: Create a new data grant
After you've created at least one data set and finalized a revision with assets, you're ready to use that data set as a part of a data grant.
To create a new data grant
In the left navigation pane of the AWS Data Exchange console
, under Exchanged data grants, choose Sent data grants. -
From Sent data grants, choose Create data grant to open the Define data grant wizard.
In the Select owned data set section, select the check box next to the data set you want to add.
The data set you choose must have a finalized revision. Data sets without finalized revisions can't be added to data grants.
Unlike with data sets included in data products which are shared on AWS Marketplace, data sets added to data grants have no revision access rules, meaning a recipient of a data grant, once the data grant is approved, will have access to all finalized revisions of a given data set (including historical revisions finalized prior to the data grant creation).
In the Grant overview section, enter information the recipient will see about your data grant, including the Data grant name and Data grant description.
Choose Next.
For more information, see Product best practices in AWS Data Exchange.
In the Recipient access information section, under AWS account ID, enter the AWS account ID of the recipient account who should receive the data grant. .
Under Access end date, select a specific end date for when the data grant should expire or, if the grant should exist in perpetuity, select No end date.
Choose Next.
In the Review and send section, review your data grant information.
If you're sure that you want to create the data grant and send it to the chosen recipient, choose Create and send data grant.
You've now completed the manual portion of creating a data grant. The data grant will show on the Sent data grants tab on the Sent data grants page showing its status as Pending acceptance until the recipient account accepts it.