Build an AI text summarizer app with Amazon Bedrock - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Build an AI text summarizer app with Amazon Bedrock

In this tutorial, you will build an application in App Studio that uses Amazon Bedrock to provide concise summaries of text input from end users. The application contains a simple user interface where users can input any text they want summarized. This could be meeting notes, article content, research findings, or any other textual information. Once text is entered, users can press a button to send the text to Amazon Bedrock, which will process it using the Claude 3 Sonnet model and return a summarized version.


Before you get started, review and complete the following prequisites:

Step 1: Create and configure an IAM role and App Studio connector

To provide App Studio access to Amazon Bedrock models, you must:

  1. Enable the Amazon Bedrock models you want to use in your app. For this tutorial, you will use Claude 3 Sonnet.

  2. Create an IAM role with appropriate permissions to Amazon Bedrock.

  3. Create an App Studio connector with the IAM role that will be used in your app.

Go to Connect to Amazon Bedrock for detailed instructions and return to this tutorial after you have followed the steps and created the connector.

Step 2: Create an application

Use the following procedure to create an empty app in App Studio that you will build into the text summarizer app.

  1. Log in to App Studio.

  2. Navigate to the builder hub and choose + Create app.

  3. Choose Start from scratch.

  4. In the App name field, provide a name for your app, such as Text Summarizer.

  5. If asked to select data sources or a connector, choose Skip for the purposes of this tutorial.

  6. Choose Next to proceed.

  7. (Optional): Watch the video tutorial for a quick overview of building apps in App Studio.

  8. Choose Edit app which will bring you into the application studio.

Step 3: Create and configure an automation

The logic and behavior of an App Studio app is defined in automations. Automations consists of individual steps known as actions, parameters that are used to pass data to the action from other resources, and an output that can be used by other automations or components. In this step, you will create an automation that handles the interaction with Amazon Bedrock with the following:

  • Inputs: A parameter to pass the text input from the user to the automation.

  • Actions: Three actions that prepare the request, call the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel command, and process the results.

  • Outputs: An automation output that consists of the processed summary from Amazon Bedrock.

To create and configure an automation that sends a prompt to Amazon Bedrock and processes and returns a summary
  1. Choose the Automations tab at the top of the canvas.

  2. Choose + Add automation.

  3. In the right-hand panel, choose Properties.

  4. Update the automation name by choosing the pencil icon. Enter InvokeBedrock and press enter.

  5. Add a JavaScript action by performing the following steps:

    1. In the right-hand panel, choose Actions.

    2. Choose JavaScript to add an action.

  6. Configure the action by performing the following steps:

    1. Choose the action from the canvas to open the right-hand Properties menu.

    2. Rename the action to preparePayload by choosing the pencil icon, entering the name, and pressing enter.

    3. In Source code, enter the following JavaScript snippet:

      const messages = [ { role: "user", content: `<user_input>${params.input}</user_input>` } ]; const body = { system: "You are a highly efficient text summarizer. Provide a concise summary of the following text, capturing the key points and main ideas: <user_input></user_input>", max_tokens: 4096, messages: messages, temperature: 0, anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31" }; return JSON.stringify(body);
  7. Add an Invoke Model action by performing the following steps:

    1. In the right-hand panel, choose Actions.

    2. Choose Invoke Model to add an action.

  8. Configure the action by performing the following steps:

    1. Choose the action from the canvas to open the right-hand Properties menu.

    2. Rename the action to invokeBedrock by choosing the pencil icon, entering the name, and pressing enter.

    3. In Connector, select the connector that was created in Step 1: Create and configure an IAM role and App Studio connector.

    4. In Configuration, add the following snippet:

      { "modelId": "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0", "contentType": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "body": results.preparePayload }
  9. Add another JavaScript action by performing the following steps:

    1. In the right-hand panel, choose Actions.

    2. Choose JavaScript to add an action.

  10. Configure the action by performing the following steps:

    1. Choose the action from the canvas to open the right-hand Properties menu.

    2. Rename the action to processResults by choosing the pencil icon, entering the name, and pressing enter.

    3. In Source code, enter the following JavaScript snippet:

      function decodeResponseBody(body) { if (typeof body === 'string') { return body; } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { return new TextDecoder().decode(body); } else { return JSON.stringify(body); } } function safeJsonParse(jsonString) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (error) { console.error('Error parsing JSON:', error); return {}; } } function extractTextContent(responseBody) { return responseBody?.content?.[0]?.text ?? "not found!"; } function processClaude3Response(response) { let decodedResponseBody = ""; if (response && response.body) { try { decodedResponseBody = decodeResponseBody(response.body); console.log('Decoded response body:', decodedResponseBody); } catch (error) { console.error('Error decoding response body:', error); decodedResponseBody = "{}"; } } else { console.warn('Bedrock payload or body is missing'); } // For debugging purposes - can be removed console.log('decodedResponseBody', decodedResponseBody); const responseBody = safeJsonParse(decodedResponseBody); return extractTextContent(responseBody); } const response = processClaude3Response(results.invokeBedrock); console.log('Extracted response:', response); return response;
  11. Add a parameter to the automation that will be used to pass the text prompt input from the user into the automation to be used in the request to Amazon Bedrock by performing the following steps:

    1. In the left-hand navigation, choose the InvokeBedrock automation.

    2. In the right-hand Properties menu, in Input, choose + Add.

    3. In Name, enter input.

    4. In Description, enter any description, such as Text to be sent to Amazon Bedrock.

    5. In Type, select String.

    6. Choose Add to create the parameter.

  12. The output of this automation will be the summarized text, however, by default automations do not create outputs. Configure the automation to create an automation output by performing the following steps:

    1. In the right-hand Properties menu, in Output, choose + Add.

    2. In Output, enter {{results.processResults}}. This expression returns the contents of the processResults action.

Step 4: Create pages and components

In App Studio, each page represents a screen of your application's user interface (UI) that your users will interact with. Within these pages, you can add various components such as tables, forms, buttons, and more to create the desired layout and functionality.

Rename the default page

The text summarizer app in this tutorial will only contain one page. Newly created applications come with a default page, so you will rename that one instead of adding one.

To rename the default page
  1. In the top bar navigation menu, choose Pages.

  2. In the left-side panel, choose Page1 and choose the Properties panel in the right-side panel.

  3. Choose the pencil icon, enter TextSummarizationTool, and press enter.

  4. In Navigation label enter TextSummarizationTool.

Add components to the page

For this tutorial, the text summarizer app has one page that contains the following components:

  • A Text input component that end users use to input a prompt to be summarized.

  • A Button component that is used to send the prompt to Amazon Bedrock.

  • A Text area component that displays the summary from Amazon Bedrock.

Add a Text input component to the page that users will use to input a text prompt to be summarized.

To add a text input component
  1. In the right-hand Components panel, locate the Text input component and drag it onto the canvas.

  2. Choose the text input in the canvas to select it.

  3. In the right-side Properties panel, update the following settings:

    1. Choose the pencil icon to rename the text input to inputPrompt.

    2. In Label, enter Prompt.

    3. In Placeholder, enter Enter text to be summarized.

Now, add a Button component that users will choose to send the prompt to Amazon Bedrock.

To add a button component
  1. In the right-hand Components panel, locate the Button component and drag it onto the canvas.

  2. Choose the button in the canvas to select it.

  3. In the right-side Properties panel, update the following settings:

    1. Choose the pencil icon to rename the button to sendButton.

    2. In Button Label, enter Send.

Now, add a Text area component that will display the summary returned by Amazon Bedrock.

To add a text area component
  1. In the right-hand Components panel, locate the Text area component and drag it onto the canvas.

  2. Choose the text area in the canvas to select it.

  3. In the right-side Properties panel, update the following settings:

    1. Choose the pencil icon to rename the button to textSummary.

    2. In Label, enter Summary.

Configure the page components

Now that the app contains a page with components, the next step is to configure the components to carry out the appropriate behavior. To configure a component, such as a button, to take actions when it is interacted with, you must add a trigger to it. For the app in this tutorial, you will add two triggers to the sendButton button to do the following:

  • The first trigger sends the text in the textPrompt component to Amazon Bedrock to be analyzed.

  • The second trigger displays the returned summary from Amazon Bedrock in the textSummary component.

To add a trigger that sends the prompt to Amazon Bedrock
  1. Choose the button in the canvas to select it.

  2. In the right-side Properties panel, in the Triggers section, choose + Add.

  3. Choose Invoke Automation.

  4. Choose the InvokeAutomation1 trigger that was created to configure it.

  5. In Action Name, enter invokeBedrockAutomation.

  6. In Invoke Automation, select the InvokeBedrock automation that was created earlier.

  7. In the parameters box, in the input parameter that was created earlier, enter {{ui.inputPrompt.value}}, which passes the content in the inputPrompt text input component.

  8. Choose the left arrow at the top of the panel to return to the component properties menu.

Now, you've configured a trigger that invokes the automation to send a request to Amazon Bedrock when the button is clicked, the next step is to configure a second trigger that displays the results in the textSummary component.

To add a trigger that displays the Amazon Bedrock results in the text area component
  1. In the right-side Properties panel of the button, in the Triggers section, choose + Add.

  2. Choose Run component action.

  3. Choose the Runcomponentaction1 trigger that was created to configure it.

  4. In Action Name, enter setTextSummary.

  5. In Component, select the textSummary component.

  6. In Action, select Set value.

  7. In Set value to, enter {{results.invokeBedrockAutomation}}.

Step 5: Publish the application to the Testing environment

Typically, while you are building an app, it's good practice to preview it to see how it looks and do initial testing on its functionality. However, because applications don't interact with external services in the preview environment, you'll instead publish the app to the Testing environment to be able to test sending requests and receiving responses from Amazon Bedrock.

To publish your app to the Testing environment
  1. In the top-right corner of the app builder, choose Publish.

  2. Add a version description for the Testing environment.

  3. Review and select the checkbox regarding the SLA.

  4. Choose Start. Publishing may take up to 15 minutes.

  5. (Optional) Once ready, you can give others access by choosing Share modal and following the prompts.


    An admin must have created end-user groups to share apps.

After testing, choose Publish again to promote the application to the Production environment. Note that apps in the Production environment aren't available to end users until they are shared. For more information about the different application environments, see Application environments.

(Optional) Clean up

You have now successfully completed the tutorial and built a text summarization app in App Studio with Amazon Bedrock. You can continue to use your app, or you can clean up the resources that were created in this tutorial. The following list contains a list of resources to be cleaned up: