Verwendung AddCommunicationToCase mit einem AWS SDK oder CLI - AWS -Support

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Verwendung AddCommunicationToCase mit einem AWS SDK oder CLI

Die folgenden Code-Beispiele zeigen, wie AddCommunicationToCase verwendet wird.

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/// <summary> /// Add communication to a case, including optional attachment set ID and CC email addresses. /// </summary> /// <param name="caseId">Id for the support case.</param> /// <param name="body">Body text of the communication.</param> /// <param name="attachmentSetId">Optional Id for an attachment set.</param> /// <param name="ccEmailAddresses">Optional list of CC email addresses.</param> /// <returns>True if successful.</returns> public async Task<bool> AddCommunicationToCase(string caseId, string body, string? attachmentSetId = null, List<string>? ccEmailAddresses = null) { var response = await _amazonSupport.AddCommunicationToCaseAsync( new AddCommunicationToCaseRequest() { CaseId = caseId, CommunicationBody = body, AttachmentSetId = attachmentSetId, CcEmailAddresses = ccEmailAddresses }); return response.Result; }

Um einem Fall Kommunikation hinzuzufügen

Im folgenden add-communication-to-case Beispiel werden Mitteilungen zu einem Supportfall in Ihrem AWS Konto hinzugefügt.

aws support add-communication-to-case \ --case-id "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" \ --communication-body "I'm attaching a set of images to this case." \ --cc-email-addresses "" \ --attachment-set-id "as-2f5a6faa2a4a1e600-mu-nk5xQlBr70-G1cUos5LZkd38KOAHZa9BMDVzNEXAMPLE"


{ "result": true }

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Fallmanagement im AWS Support-Benutzerhandbuch.

SDK für Java 2.x

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public static void addAttachSupportCase(SupportClient supportClient, String caseId, String attachmentSetId) { try { AddCommunicationToCaseRequest caseRequest = AddCommunicationToCaseRequest.builder() .caseId(caseId) .attachmentSetId(attachmentSetId) .communicationBody("Please refer to attachment for details.") .build(); AddCommunicationToCaseResponse response = supportClient.addCommunicationToCase(caseRequest); if (response.result()) System.out.println("You have successfully added a communication to an AWS Support case"); else System.out.println("There was an error adding the communication to an AWS Support case"); } catch (SupportException e) { System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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import { AddCommunicationToCaseCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-support"; import { client } from "../libs/client.js"; export const main = async () => { let attachmentSetId; try { // Add a communication to a case. const response = await client.send( new AddCommunicationToCaseCommand({ communicationBody: "Adding an attachment.", // Set value to an existing support case id. caseId: "CASE_ID", // Optional. Set value to an existing attachment set id to add attachments to the case. attachmentSetId, }), ); console.log(response); return response; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } };
SDK für Kotlin

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suspend fun addAttachSupportCase( caseIdVal: String?, attachmentSetIdVal: String?, ) { val caseRequest = AddCommunicationToCaseRequest { caseId = caseIdVal attachmentSetId = attachmentSetIdVal communicationBody = "Please refer to attachment for details." } SupportClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { supportClient -> val response = supportClient.addCommunicationToCase(caseRequest) if (response.result) { println("You have successfully added a communication to an AWS Support case") } else { println("There was an error adding the communication to an AWS Support case") } } }
Tools für PowerShell

Beispiel 1: Fügt dem angegebenen Fall den Text einer E-Mail-Kommunikation hinzu.

Add-ASACommunicationToCase -CaseId "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" -CommunicationBody "Some text about the case"

Beispiel 2: Fügt dem angegebenen Fall den Text einer E-Mail-Nachricht sowie eine oder mehrere E-Mail-Adressen hinzu, die in der CC-Zeile der E-Mail enthalten sind.

Add-ASACommunicationToCase -CaseId "case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47" -CcEmailAddress @("", "") -CommunicationBody "Some text about the case"
SDK für Python (Boto3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

class SupportWrapper: """Encapsulates Support actions.""" def __init__(self, support_client): """ :param support_client: A Boto3 Support client. """ self.support_client = support_client @classmethod def from_client(cls): """ Instantiates this class from a Boto3 client. """ support_client = boto3.client("support") return cls(support_client) def add_communication_to_case(self, attachment_set_id, case_id): """ Add a communication and an attachment set to a case. :param attachment_set_id: The ID of an existing attachment set. :param case_id: The ID of the case. """ try: self.support_client.add_communication_to_case( caseId=case_id, communicationBody="This is an example communication added to a support case.", attachmentSetId=attachment_set_id, ) except ClientError as err: if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "SubscriptionRequiredException": "You must have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support " "plan to use the AWS Support API. \n\tPlease upgrade your subscription to run these " "examples." ) else: logger.error( "Couldn't add communication. Here's why: %s: %s", err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

Eine vollständige Liste der AWS SDK-Entwicklerhandbücher und Codebeispiele finden Sie unter. Verwendung AWS -Support mit einem AWS SDK Dieses Thema enthält auch Informationen zu den ersten Schritten und Details zu früheren SDK-Versionen.