Payload und Schema für Fallereignisse in Amazon Connect Connect-Fällen - Amazon Connect

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Payload und Schema für Fallereignisse in Amazon Connect Connect-Fällen

Wenn Sie die Aufnahme von Falldaten in die Ereignis-Payload anfordern, entsprechen die Daten der Version des Falls nach der jeweiligen Bearbeitung.

Die Standardgrenzwerte von Amazon Connect Cases garantieren, dass die Nutzlast weniger als 256 KB (die maximale Größe eines EventBus Ereignisses) beträgt. Da Sie das Fallobjektmodell anpassen können (Sie können beispielsweise benutzerdefinierte Felder für Kundenvorgangsobjekte definieren, um geschäftsspezifische Informationen zu erfassen), spiegelt das Fallereignisschema die am Kundenvorgangsobjekt vorgenommenen Anpassungen wider, wie in den folgenden Beispielen gezeigt (sehen Sie sich beispielsweise an, wie kundenspezifische Daten als Eigenschaften verwendet UUIDs werden). JSON

Beispiel für ein Fallereignis Payload für die Fallressource

// Given the limits on the "includedData" configuration // this payload is guaranteed to less than 256KB at launch. { "version": "0", "id": "event ID", "detail-type": "Amazon Connect Cases Change", "source": "aws.cases", "account": "your AWS account ID", "time": "2022-03-16T23:43:26Z", "region": "The AWS Region of your Amazon Connect instance", "resources": [ "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:domain/case domain ID", "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:domain/case domain ID/case/case ID" ], "detail": { "version": "0", "eventType": "CASE.UPDATED", //(or "CASE.CREATED" or "CASE.DELETED") "approximateChangeTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // Can be used for ordering "changedFieldIds": ["status", "last_updated_datetime"], "performedBy": { "user": { "userArn": "arn:aws:connect:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:instance/connect instance ID/user/connect user ID" }, "iamPrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::your Amazon Connect AWS Region:role/role name" }, "case": { "caseId": "case ID", "templateId": "template ID", "createdDateTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // This section contains only non-null field values for the // fields that customers have configured in the "includedData". // Field values included in this section reflects the case // after this particular change is applied. "fields": { "status": { "value": { "stringValue": "open" } }, "case_reason": { "value": { "stringValue": "Shipment lost" } }, "custom-field-uuid-1": { "value": { "stringValue": "Customer didn't receive the product" } } } } } }

Beispiel für ein Fallereignis Payload für die Ressource „related-item“

// Given the limits on the "includedData" configuration // this payload is guaranteed to less than 256KB { "version": "0", "id": "event ID", "detail-type": "Amazon Connect Cases Change", "source": "aws.cases", "account": "your AWS account ID", "time": "2022-03-16T23:43:26Z", "region": "The AWS Region of your Amazon Connect instance", "resources": [ "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:domain/case domain ID", "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:domain/case domain ID/case/case ID/related-item/related-item ID" ], "detail": { "version": "0", "eventType": "RELATED_ITEM.CREATED", //(or "RELATED_ITEM.UPDATED" or "CASE.RELATED_ITEM.DELETED") "approximateChangeTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // Can be used for ordering "changedAttributes": ["comment.commentText"], "performedBy": { "user": { "userArn": "arn:aws:connect:your Amazon Connect AWS Region:your AWS account ID:instance/connect instance ID/user/connect user ID" }, "iamPrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::your Amazon Connect AWS Region:role/role name" }, "relatedItem": { "relatedItemType": "Comment", // (OR Contact) "relatedItemId": "related-item ID", "caseId": "case id that this related item is a sub-resource of", "createdDateTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // This section includes any attributes that customers have configured // in the "includedData" configuration. "comment": { "body": "Gave a $5 refund to customer to make them happy", }, // if the related item was of type contact. // "contact": { // "contactArn": ".......", // } } } }