Hängen Sie EBS Volumes an Clusterknoten an - AWS Data Pipeline

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Hängen Sie EBS Volumes an Clusterknoten an

Sie können EBS Volumes an jeden Knotentyp im EMR Cluster innerhalb Ihrer Pipeline anhängen. Um EBS Volumes an Knoten anzuhängencoreEbsConfiguration, verwenden SiemasterEbsConfiguration, und TaskEbsConfiguration in Ihrer EmrCluster Konfiguration.

Dieses Beispiel für den EMR Amazon-Cluster verwendet EBS Amazon-Volumes für seine Master-, Task- und Core-Knoten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Amazon EBS Volumes EMR in Amazon im Amazon EMR Management Guide.

Diese Konfigurationen sind optional. Sie können sie in beliebigen Pipelines verwenden, die ein EmrCluster-Objekt nutzen.

Klicken Sie in der Pipeline auf die EmrCluster Objektkonfiguration, wählen Sie Master EBS Configuration, Core EBS Configuration oder Task EBS Configuration und geben Sie die Konfigurationsdetails ein, die dem folgenden Beispiel ähneln.

{ "objects": [ { "output": { "ref": "S3BackupLocation" }, "input": { "ref": "DDBSourceTable" }, "maximumRetries": "2", "name": "TableBackupActivity", "step": "s3://dynamodb-emr-#{myDDBRegion}/emr-ddb-storage-handler/2.1.0/emr-ddb-2.1.0.jar,org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.tools.DynamoDbExport,#{output.directoryPath},#{input.tableName},#{input.readThroughputPercent}", "id": "TableBackupActivity", "runsOn": { "ref": "EmrClusterForBackup" }, "type": "EmrActivity", "resizeClusterBeforeRunning": "false" }, { "readThroughputPercent": "#{myDDBReadThroughputRatio}", "name": "DDBSourceTable", "id": "DDBSourceTable", "type": "DynamoDBDataNode", "tableName": "#{myDDBTableName}" }, { "directoryPath": "#{myOutputS3Loc}/#{format(@scheduledStartTime, 'YYYY-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss')}", "name": "S3BackupLocation", "id": "S3BackupLocation", "type": "S3DataNode" }, { "name": "EmrClusterForBackup", "coreInstanceCount": "1", "taskInstanceCount": "1", "taskInstanceType": "m4.xlarge", "coreInstanceType": "m4.xlarge", "releaseLabel": "emr-4.7.0", "masterInstanceType": "m4.xlarge", "id": "EmrClusterForBackup", "subnetId": "#{mySubnetId}", "emrManagedMasterSecurityGroupId": "#{myMasterSecurityGroup}", "emrManagedSlaveSecurityGroupId": "#{mySlaveSecurityGroup}", "region": "#{myDDBRegion}", "type": "EmrCluster", "coreEbsConfiguration": { "ref": "EBSConfiguration" }, "masterEbsConfiguration": { "ref": "EBSConfiguration" }, "taskEbsConfiguration": { "ref": "EBSConfiguration" }, "keyPair": "user-key-pair" }, { "name": "EBSConfiguration", "id": "EBSConfiguration", "ebsOptimized": "true", "ebsBlockDeviceConfig" : [ { "ref": "EbsBlockDeviceConfig" } ], "type": "EbsConfiguration" }, { "name": "EbsBlockDeviceConfig", "id": "EbsBlockDeviceConfig", "type": "EbsBlockDeviceConfig", "volumesPerInstance" : "2", "volumeSpecification" : { "ref": "VolumeSpecification" } }, { "name": "VolumeSpecification", "id": "VolumeSpecification", "type": "VolumeSpecification", "sizeInGB": "500", "volumeType": "io1", "iops": "1000" }, { "failureAndRerunMode": "CASCADE", "resourceRole": "DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole", "role": "DataPipelineDefaultRole", "pipelineLogUri": "#{myPipelineLogUri}", "scheduleType": "ONDEMAND", "name": "Default", "id": "Default" } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "Output S3 folder", "id": "myOutputS3Loc", "type": "AWS::S3::ObjectKey" }, { "description": "Source DynamoDB table name", "id": "myDDBTableName", "type": "String" }, { "default": "0.25", "watermark": "Enter value between 0.1-1.0", "description": "DynamoDB read throughput ratio", "id": "myDDBReadThroughputRatio", "type": "Double" }, { "default": "us-east-1", "watermark": "us-east-1", "description": "Region of the DynamoDB table", "id": "myDDBRegion", "type": "String" } ], "values": { "myDDBRegion": "us-east-1", "myDDBTableName": "ddb_table", "myDDBReadThroughputRatio": "0.25", "myOutputS3Loc": "s3://s3_path", "mySubnetId": "subnet_id", "mySlaveSecurityGroup": "slave security group", "myMasterSecurityGroup": "master security group", "myPipelineLogUri": "s3://s3_path" } }