Welcome - Amazon SageMaker


Amazon SageMaker Service

Provides APIs for creating and managing SageMaker resources.

Other Resources:

Amazon SageMaker Runtime

The Amazon SageMaker runtime API.

Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager

SageMaker Edge Manager dataplane service for communicating with active agents.

Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime

Contains all data plane API operations and data types for the Amazon SageMaker Feature Store. Use this API to put, delete, and retrieve (get) features from a feature store.

Use the following operations to configure your OnlineStore and OfflineStore features, and to create and manage feature groups:

Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities

Provides APIs for creating and managing SageMaker geospatial resources.

Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service

Contains all data plane API operations and data types for Amazon SageMaker Metrics. Use these APIs to put and retrieve (get) features related to your training run.